Discovery Aquatics (Old Ocean Lifers?)

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FWIW, I don't frequent either store and don't have a dog in the fight either. But as someone that dabbles in photograpy, stealing someone else's photo strikes a nerve. Stealing it from a competitor and passing it off as your own is even more egregious. And yes, watermarking your photos is a good idea, but it's not a requirement. Locking your car is a good idea as well, but if a thief steals an unlocked car, they don't get a pass.
And while I guess my post is considered "gossip" by at least some of you, I consider it to be information just as relevant (or more so) as a report of good service at the store.
Discovery Aquatics (Old Ocean Lifers?)

FWIW, I don't frequent either store and don't have a dog in the fight either. But as someone that dabbles in photograpy, stealing someone else's photo strikes a nerve. Stealing it from a competitor and passing it off as your own is even more egregious. And yes, watermarking your photos is a good idea, but it's not a requirement. Locking your car is a good idea as well, but if a thief steals an unlocked car, they don't get a pass.
And while I guess my post is considered "gossip" by at least some of you, I consider it to be information just as relevant (or more so) as a report of good service at the store.

Don't get me wrong Postal. I'm not suggesting it's ok. I just feel like that post on TBRC's FB page should not be allowed. Especially the comment about being in his store and all the corals were dead. If this was true, that likely backs up Bobs story about being poisoned.

If Elite wants to blast him on his page that's one thing, but for TBRC allowing the post it appears they have picked a side. I'm not telling TBRC how to run the club, but I would think the goal would be to try and get every LFS to become a sponsor. Allowing that post guarantees they will never become one.

I'm sure Bob regrets using the photo. It's just a matter that I believe should be between Elite and Discovery, not involving TBRC.
I'm no longer on the TBRC Board so I can't really speak one way or another about the post being allowed. Although I do agree that the critique of livestock is not really relevant to the initial picture issue.
I can only hope that anyone poisoning a LFS is caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law, especially when a lot of people seem to think they know who is responsible.
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I heard Bob bought the store and good for him. He used to run Countryside Aquariums for an absentee owner. He also had a brief stint at Faois.

The guy has always treated me right, I haven't been to his store and I just found out about through this post.

When the store was Ocean Lifers they were hit by sabotage too, I am a small business owner and recovery from events like this certainly stack the deck against you.

I personally wish Bob the best, he sold me my first protein skimmer.

I do currently sit on the board of TBRC and I can assure all that this certainly isn't a matter of taking sides.

Vincent owner of Elite and current sponsor posted on the TBRC page the picture in question. Several members have commented and stated their opinions. The direction of the club is very positive and with so many opinions and outlets for those to be voiced including social media.

Cuzza - I will email the president of the club now to make him aware of the situation. When you are a sponsor of TBRC one of the "perks" is that they are allowed to post on the page. However we are all volunteers and all have families and careers so monitoring this stuff is very difficult but I will disagree on your taking sides comment. This is the first I have seen of it and I will contact the president regarding the post, it is nearly impossible to predict situations like this but we will adress it at our next board meeting so we all can learn from it and try to determine what is acceptable and not moving forward.

We are always looking for feedback so any of you members are able to approach us with comments, concerns, or whatever.
KCSnook, I probably should have emphasized "it appears as though TBRC is taking sides". Appears being the operative word. I know the club itself isn't taking sides. It just looks like that because it's on their page.

Again, I've probably got too involved on this subject anyways. As I said it's really none of my business.
This is good stuff.....


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By the way, I'm so glad I unlike the TBRC page, Because the way some people are acting on there is so said...It could be a honest mistake, He could have googled those frags name and those pics came up...But to start calling name and such is sick and for the Board to keep that post up is sad. AND I WILL NEVER GO TO ELITE CORALS NOW.
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Seeing as how the two stores are in pretty close proximity kind of makes it a bit more serious IMO. Why not use a google random image? Youre trying to take the food out of somebody elses mouth at that point.

That's what they did on there headline pic on there web page too. I recognized the pic they used there too. I wish them luck. It's just a marketing mistake for a website pic for generalization is fine but if they added it to there FB and made it seem like there corals that's not cool.

That's what they did on there headline pic on there web page too. I recognized the pic they used there too. I wish them luck. It's just a marketing mistake for a website pic for generalization is fine but if they added it to there FB and made it seem like there corals that's not cool.


He might want to google "copyright law"
I find it funny that you guys would boycott my store due to the fact another store owner choose to steal and fool you the end consumer! The owner should have not lied about having a marketing director use my photos. When he is the one stealing my photo and posting them to the page. And what is it that you guys have heard about my store Elite Corals. I'm interested to know how I can improve. So why don't one of you speak up about what you've heard.
Hello everyone,

Yes, I was made aware of the situation with the photos today and I am in the process of collecting information/feedback from the Board of Directors and I am taking everyone's feedback to heart. KC is correct, we intend to bring the club towards a positive direction and of course, we can expect bumps along the way. Every "situation", such as this, presents opportunities for club improvement.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticism, please feel free to PM me!
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I find it funny that you guys would boycott my store due to the fact another store owner choose to steal and fool you the end consumer! The owner should have not lied about having a marketing director use my photos. When he is the one stealing my photo and posting them to the page. And what is it that you guys have heard about my store Elite Corals. I'm interested to know how I can improve. So why don't one of you speak up about what you've heard.

All I will say is that u will always have people that don't go to particular business for there own reasons. That's on them.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with you calling out a local store for using your pictures as there own. That's wrong.....

I have heard some stuff but it's all rumors nothing proven or anything. I won't post on open boards. If you want I think you have my cell number. That all being said it's all rumors and that's all. Every business has rumors about them I could pass along but I try not to encourage that kind of stuff.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with you calling out a local store for using your pictures as there own. That's wrong.....

I agree with you on the photo part if it was done in malice, but when you go bashing their entire business over it publicy I think that's going a little too far.
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