Discovery Aquatics (Old Ocean Lifers?)

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I agree with you on the photo part if it was done in malice, but when you go bashing their entire business over it publicy I think that's going a little too far.

I agree 100%. That is the problem I had with it. Did he try to call the guy or anything? Before going on facebook about it. It looks to me its just anther way to bash a store for his own benefit. Just like all the rumors that went around about him and his store last year. Like I said I will never step foot in his store. NEVER!
I agree 100%. That is the problem I had with it. Did he try to call the guy or anything? Before going on facebook about it. It looks to me its just anther way to bash a store for his own benefit. Just like all the rumors that went around about him and his store last year. Like I said I will never step foot in his store. NEVER!

What rumors?

i.e. = you gotta be in the "click" to know what they are.. Nobody ever told me any dirt about other stores... But i dont attend meetings .

And that allows me to shop where i want when i want and not worry about what others think.

i.e. = you gotta be in the "click" to know what they are.. Nobody ever told me any dirt about other stores... But i dont attend meetings .

And that allows me to shop where i want when i want and not worry about what others think.

This is exactly my take also ... I go to all the local stores and love all of them I don't pick sides ...

And I would love to know what rumors people have heard about Vince because I have never had a bad dealing with him in the 5 years I have gone to elite corals. Maybe Vince deals with things different but he is a much younger store owner then others he has his own style and I like it as well as other stores.

Just tonight Vince stayed there late for me to come by and get some stuff he knew i really needed he is a good dude. He has come a long way and doesn't deserve crap talked over rumors. Unless you have first hand knowledge then a rumor is just a rumor
I would like to keep it pubic so everyone can read. I have nothing to hide.

Public is not always the best way to do things. I believe the mods will close this thread shortly.

Always best as the face of any organization or business to keep things very mature at all times and take the high road. The picture was used.. It was taken down now.... Everyone now knows the pic was yours. You got lots of free advertising for it all. You should benefit from this.... Move on so you can benefit.

Your store has done good things over the past year and I have only heard good things and opinions of your store in the past year. It is turning for the better. Let that keep happening by putting out good products at a good price.

Let's all move on....

an LFS has a marketing director?? Sorry, that part stood out to me.

as for the rest, ethics and gossip aside, lifting photos for any use is a copyright violation; doing it for commercial purposes is more serious. Obviously intellectual property law isn't a big part of this hobby--though trademarks are getting there, ask Jason Fox or WWC--but some level of common sense is required. Using someone else's image as a cover picture can be ok (if it's credited properly), but representing someone else's business or products as your own, that's a problem.

That said, it probably is best to handle this sort of thing one-to-one, versus putting it on blast. I get the instinct to call folks out, but it isn't always worth it.
Reading this thread, I don't know how you can make Elite the bad guy in this story? If you haven't been to Elite by now, you probably WON'T ever be going. The store has been a sponsor so at least give them the moral support even if we have our own favorites ahead of them. I personally haven't been to Elite but it is a hike for me & I'm never in the area. However, I chatted with them at the Reef Visions frag swap last year & made a purchase, along with a few frags from the swap last week.

Secondly, people defending the action of stealing a photo. I suppose you've never had someone steal something of yours? Consider yourself lucky. I have no pity for criminals. I bust my behind for every dollar I make & save each day. Even if it's a photo & not a physical object, it's still stealing. Elite took the time to take it. I agree in this day in age, you need to put a trademark/logo on your photos if you don't want someone using them, but someone can get around it if you just leave it in the corner.

Lastly, if someone just opened a store & started stealing a photo, I can't trust them with my dollar. If they've got a bad business practice right now, can I really trust what they have for livestock?
I guess I have to speak my piece. I know nothing of these two shops. All this blabber would not steer me either way, I would go to each and form my own opinion as I have done in the past 18 months since I moved here.

What I will say is that coming from Michigan and being an active "local reefer up there", this kind of bashing from the boards, the stores, or FB never occurred. I can say that Tampa Bay seems to be a very tight community which is (purely my opinion from my own observations) hard to get into and sway open mindedness towards new stores or sometimes others opinions. It truely does feel like a "good ole boys club". Don't post any good about anybody other than the norm as you will get shot down by one bad experience.

Again, I don't know about either of these stores, but for me, this kind of stuff is the norm for the forums lately. Your either "in" or your "out".

bash away :)
I guess I have to speak my piece. I know nothing of these two shops. All this blabber would not steer me either way, I would go to each and form my own opinion as I have done in the past 18 months since I moved here.

What I will say is that coming from Michigan and being an active "local reefer up there", this kind of bashing from the boards, the stores, or FB never occurred. I can say that Tampa Bay seems to be a very tight community which is (purely my opinion from my own observations) hard to get into and sway open mindedness towards new stores or sometimes others opinions. It truely does feel like a "good ole boys club". Don't post any good about anybody other than the norm as you will get shot down by one bad experience.

Again, I don't know about either of these stores, but for me, this kind of stuff is the norm for the forums lately. Your either "in" or your "out".

bash away :)
I agree who give a rats that he used a picture intentionally or not it. I know Bob personally and he a great guy so for people to just keep bashing oh this and that is silly. Intellectual property my but how people have had or have a mixed tape, CD VHS or whatever that you did not pay for its all intellectual property. There was mistake it was done its over and this needs be over people need to stop being elitist stand up and support your new local stores. If not go start buying your crap at PETCO because that were you belong.

Flame on!!
How is TBRC getting lit up over this? Majority of the board knew nothing about this until today and phones started ringing.

Participants on both Facebook and RC can post their thoughts and may or may not be members.

Either way, please don't lump the club into this incident. Elite is a sponsor yes, but there is already a request for this topic to be discussed at the next board meeting.

member or not you can choose wherever you want to shop that is your God given right and TBRC is hardly a click, good ole boy network or whatever other title you want to throw at it.

It is a reef club made up of hobbyists like everyone here... To assume the club condones any of this or advocates pettiness regardless of affiliation is wrong on every level.

Please attend a meeting then report back on what you see and hear....We would love to hear the feedback.
I agree who give a rats that he used a picture intentionally or not it. I know Bob personally and he a great guy so for people to just keep bashing oh this and that is silly. Intellectual property my but how people have had or have a mixed tape, CD VHS or whatever that you did not pay for its all intellectual property. There was mistake it was done its over and this needs be over people need to stop being elitist stand up and support your new local stores. If not go start buying your crap at PETCO because that were you belong.

Flame on!!

I believe piracy is the word that you're looking for. Last I checked intellectual property was a creation of the mind.
How is TBRC getting lit up over this? Majority of the board knew nothing about this until today and phones started ringing.

Participants on both Facebook and RC can post their thoughts and may or may not be members.

Either way, please don't lump the club into this incident. Elite is a sponsor yes, but there is already a request for this topic to be discussed at the next board meeting.

member or not you can choose wherever you want to shop that is your God given right and TBRC is hardly a click, good ole boy network or whatever other title you want to throw at it.

It is a reef club made up of hobbyists like everyone here... To assume the club condones any of this or advocates pettiness regardless of affiliation is wrong on every level.

Please attend a meeting then report back on what you see and hear....We would love to hear the feedback.

You didn't read my post KC. You read between the lines. Pretty sure I didn't say anything about TBRC specifically but Tampa Bay Reef community in general. So again, you all get your tail in a knot taking it personal, when it was not.


You didn't read my post KC. You read between the lines. Pretty sure I didn't say anything about TBRC specifically but Tampa Bay Reef community in general. So again, you all get your tail in a knot taking it personal, when it was not.

I wasn't referencing your post, others though have voiced their opinion with TBRC. I'm speaking in general and those that volunteer their time to drive the cause for others well I'm sure you could understand how that is taken personal.

My point is/was the board members all have families and careers and policing the forums and Facebook 24/7 isn't possible.

I think everyone agrees that the blast should have been handled directly between both parties. However this is a good learning experience for the club BOD moving forward.
I wasn't referencing your post, others though have voiced their opinion with TBRC. I'm speaking in general and those that volunteer their time to drive the cause for others well I'm sure you could understand how that is taken personal.

My point is/was the board members all have families and careers and policing the forums and Facebook 24/7 isn't possible.

I think everyone agrees that the blast should have been handled directly between both parties. However this is a good learning experience for the club BOD moving forward.

Peace to all. Business is heck and sometimes gets misconstrued. :deadhorse:
I have the biggest smile on my face!

I want to say thank you to those who've supported me!

And for those that have choose not to support merely based on some rumors.......Bahahahahaha your the ones missing out on the cheapest prices on quality livestock.

With that being said,

Haters make us famous. So haters...... keep hating!
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