DIY LEDs - The write-up

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Alright guys, I'm in the last waiting period (shipping) before I can make one of my 4 fixtures. Here's my running total so far for my build:

240 XR-E Leds: (96CW)(96RB)(48B) ~$950.00
240 80 degree optics: ~$70
8x 8.48"x12" heatsinks: ~$200
20x ELN-60-48D: ~$500
8x Artic Alumina: ~$56
8x Yate Loon 120mm fans: ~$32
8x 9v Wallwarts for fans: ~$24

Total: ~$1832 plus shipping. or about $7.60 per led for my build. I still haven't ordered everything in the full quantity I need, just spreading my purchases out.

Did you have issues running 20 x ELN drivers?

Here's the lay out of colors I'm going to run if anyone cares:
Sad News about ETG

Sad News about ETG

For those that don't know ETG was bought by Arrow. They will still sell to us, and I just talked with Anna about pricing for LEDs.

Anything 10-99 is $6.00
Anything 100-199 is $5.00

XR-E Royal Blue 200 $3.95 500 $2.85
XR-E Cool White 200 $4.00 500 $3.50
XR-E Blue 200= $3.95ea 500= $2.85
XP-E Royal Blue 200= $3.55 500= $3.10
XP-G Cool White 200= $4.50 500= $4.25

I think I am going to have to learn my way around the Cutter site :fun4:
It looks like cutter may have discontinued the XR-E

1"“ 9 10"“49 50"“99 100"“249 250 & Above
4.17 03.49 003.22 0003.00 2.82 - prices in AU Dollars(?)

XP-G CW $5.69 (10) $4.88 (100) (US)
XP-G NW $6.92 (1) (US)

Anyone want to tell me if they agree ?
500 leds .... hmm I wonder what size tank would be required to buy that many of each colore ... hmmm ...

Does that seem like a reasonable goal? To have a big enough tank to save that much money on LED's? Now that would be some savings!!!

(Ok, I admit I am in a odd mood :))
It looks like cutter may have discontinued the XR-E

1"“ 9 10"“49 50"“99 100"“249 250 & Above
4.17 03.49 003.22 0003.00 2.82 - prices in AU Dollars(?)

XP-G CW $5.69 (10) $4.88 (100) (US)
XP-G NW $6.92 (1) (US)

Anyone want to tell me if they agree ?

it looks like you might be right, they still sell white XR-E but I can't find royal blue listed. However, at those prices for XP-E why would you bother with XR-E? I just bought 60 XP-E RB at just over $3.50 each (we get hit with 10% GST), which also qualified for free shipping. Couldn't complain about that.
Any suggestions on what Chromacity BINs give the best color for XM-Ls? Or in general? I see cutter offers a few different BINs for the T6 XM-L's.
If you look under Cutter-XML20STR-T6 you will see a place just before the "add to cart" button. They are only listed for the T6 LEDs not T5. Cutter hasa link to the binning datasheet there in the listing and I can see what they croespond to. I guess my real question is, what impact withh the different BINs have on the "look" of the tank and would it be possable to achieve something similar to a CW/NW mix by selecting a BIN that falls toward the warmer side of the CW range.
I forgot they included that link. I think the problem is in the red end of the spectrum. I am not sure if any of them go far enough to make a difference. I would probably order the warmest ones they have and hope for the best. If the color is off then either wait for the neutrals to come out or order some XP-Gs.
They are currently listing 1A, 1C, 1D, 2B, 2S, and 2T. These are all pretty normal bins, but the 2S and 2T are going to be a tiiiny bit green - I would personally avoid them.

If it were me, I would probably choose 1A or 1D and mix them with a few neutral or warm white XP-G. I wouldn't expect to be TOTALLY satisfied with any of these bins on their own with royal blue.

Of course, this is very much a personal preference thing, and as far as I know, none of us have seen XM-L in the flesh yet, so it's hard to say.
Huh.. A reflector. Not an optic.. I wonder how efficient it is. I always worry about the reflector oxidizing or getting dirty. But, they should keep the die a lot cooler than typical optics.
Wouldn't it be more efficient if anything? With a glass or plastic lens, the light has to partition into the medium before it will hit the interface which redirects it - this includes the light coming off the front which was already going the right direction to begin with. With the reflector this step is bypassed.

Let's not call the LED reflectors guilty by association because reflectors are what fluorescents and halides use as well :lol: . The huge difference here is that there is only a single interface for the light waves before they're going where they news to go, while with the fluoros etc we have to attempt to collect all the light and keep it from running back into the tube not very successfully...
I mentioned this in another thread but I got an e-mail from Carlco a couple of weeks ago saying there XM-L optic testing was in its final stages and the optics should be listed on their website in the next week or so. I don't have details on FWHM angles but I would suggest the first optics to be released will be the more common 12 degree optics or similar. It might be a while before we see anything in the 40+ degree range.
So, in taking my first "bite" of this elephant and given the math that I've seen all through this thread (thanks so much Kcress), would the following setup work...
96 XP-E RB hooked up in 8 parallel strings of 12 running on an HLG-320H-48B at 800mA
72 XP-G Whites hooked up in 6 strings of 12 running on another HLG-320H-48B at 1000mA
Please assume that I will get the fuses, resistors terminal blocks and cooling done correctly (as you can see, I believe in miracles, lol)
In looking at the data-sheet for this driver ( can I assume a controller with the right 1-10V module will be able to dim these?

So given that the HLG-320's aren't out and can't fully dim...I've had to come up with another mix of LED's and Drivers.

Would this work?
Two groups of 48 XP-E RB's hooked up in 4 parallel strings of 12 running on 1 x HLG-150-48B's per group @800mA
Two groups of 36 XP-G Whites hooked up in 3 parallel strings of 12 running on 1 x HLG-150-48B's per group @1000mA

Again, assume that I put the right fuses, resistors and terminal blocks in place and balance the LED's.
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