DIY LEDs with Radion Pro G2 pucks?

If you look at the first picture (showing the puck side of one standing on end) you can see the reflection of the splash guard that is on the light. If your tank is 42" deep then I would get the TIR lens for the pucks to focus the light a bit. My tank is only 24" deep but it's a ton of light at that depth. I'm sure I could grow SPS on the sand bed with these lights. My pucks are not the Pro just the G3. I will not be adding the extra LED's (I can always add individual colors to the heat sync if I want to increase the colors in the spectrum (I see no need to do that so far). Good luck with your build! Krazie:jester:
One more question on your splash guard,... does your heatsink have a groove that lets you slide the sg in, if so where did you buy from...I'm sure you had posted it , and would glass be better than acrylic,...I'm not sure if I read one time not to use glass but could be mistaken. Thanks Krazie !
The heatsync has three grooves for the splash guard to slide into (you can choose how you like it to look and also make room for lenses). The Heatsync's I bought are MakersLED brand that I got from that group buy site for LEDs. It comes as a kit with a single fan, the screws to mount the LEDs, the plastic end caps, the acrylic splash guard and the heatsync. I added another fan kit and the hanging kits to mine so that I had the setup I was going for.

With LEDs I don't think it matters if you use glass or acrylic as they don't put off much heat. Hope that helps.
Just a FYI, as far as the heat goes, I put my radion down on a pillow on my couch for literally 2 seconds and the LEDs burned/melted a perfect pattern of the diodes into and through the microfiber. My Girlfriend was quite upset, to say the least. So as far as the splash shield goes, depending on the intensity that you're gonna be running them, I'd be careful.
I left the paper on one of my splash guards and turned the lights up bright. That created enough heat that it distorted the SG a little below each of the pucks. The SG by itself with nothing attracting or blocking the light never gets even warm. I'm sure that the SG will not be the issue it will be something on either side of it that will end up being effected.
Did anyone ever end up finding a source of the UV LED's?

I believe the ones Steve's LEds now carries work and they'll solder them on for you for a small fee if you send in the puck, however they have a 60 degree primary lens so wouldn't work if you plan to use the radion lenses. He carries a few other chip colors that would also fit I believe, shoot them an email.
We could always drill out the corresponding lens on the radion puck.
I might get in touch with them and see what they have. Unfortunate I'm in Australia so it wouldn't be worth sending over. Although I just had a set of pucks sent over from USA yesterday so could have organised that before hand! Oh well
We could always drill out the corresponding lens on the radion puck.
I might get in touch with them and see what they have. Unfortunate I'm in Australia so it wouldn't be worth sending over. Although I just had a set of pucks sent over from USA yesterday so could have organised that before hand! Oh well

In that case try Cutter Electronics, they stock a good selection of chips that would work also.
The required led is a semiLed, correct?
Thanks for your help :)

Yep, or one of the Cree or Epiled chips with the same solder pad foot print. Semi makes the best violets in that foot print right now though, and cutter carries a few wavelengths. I don't believe Cree makes a violet at the moment but many of their other color chips fit the bill.
Just after someone to confirm.

I've bagged myself a pair of Gen 2 pucks.

I have a spare RF chip from a job lot of Vortech stuff I picked up.

If I get a Radion main board have I got the whole lot of the internals? (bar buttons and fan)

I'm thinking it could be cool to mount up the original radion gear to my old Razor 160W body and have ESL compatibility