Northside Reef
Premium Member
Once you automate would you please post a snapshot of your dosing system?
I am really looking forward to giving this a shot.
I am really looking forward to giving this a shot.
Once you automate would you please post a snapshot of your dosing system?
I am really looking forward to giving this a shot.
Hi all, thought i would throw in my 2cents.
built a 4" x 24" rig with 100ft of dripline. chamber is full (about 20) of plastic dish scrubbers.
set up syphons from the clean side of a penguin HOB bio wheel and drips into fuge in the sump at a rate approx 2 pints per hour.
i persevered with it for about 2 mths and never had any change in input and output so shut it off and removed input from HOB filter and just left where it was.
Any how decided to see what if anything was going on as am doing water change today.
reset input and drained output into a jug, 2 cups in 15 mins and gave it a smell check. very faint smell, poss hydrogen sulphide.
dumped that and drew another jug, still faint odour, checked nitrate and pow!!
absolutely zero...never before seen even from my rodi water.
am now continuing to drip and monitoring,
Once you automate would you please post a snapshot of your dosing system?
I am really looking forward to giving this a shot.
Isn't methanol flammable? Aren't you nervous having it so close to your electrical outlets?
if i were to feed with sugar or vodka straight into top of coil how much would be appropriate....guess work?
if i were to feed with sugar or vodka straight into top of coil how much would be appropriate....guess work?
thats high were your nitrates when you started?
Nitrates were 50-100 hard to tell on the API as the shades of red all seem to blend together....
Do you think this can be done with a standard 10 gallon tank modified with those egg crate baffles or would a taller tank be more suitable?
I have a 10 gal tank sitting in my garage, and am curious as well.
I do have another question. I go out of town for a few days at a time, if I was setting it up and was gone for 4 days, if it finished at day 2, is there any harm in leaving it in there until day 4 when I get home, test that its ok and then flush it with the next set?
Also, is there any benefit to using methanol over say vodka? The Natureef stuff says Alk is the byproduct, in small amounts, what is the byproduct of the methanol?