DIY Stands Template and Calculator

Looks like you used 2x6 for the top and bottom and supporting with 2x4. Could you have gotten away with just doing the top with 2x6 and the rest with 2x4?

Thanks to rockeet, starting a 210 build.
2X6 and 2X4. Missing the front and rear center supports. Will post progress.

started my stand for my 210 aswell. Been reading ALOT on this thread and taking my time. I opted for using pocket screws rather than a screw strip to try to leave as much room under the tank for a wide sump as possible.





Used 2.5" stainless steel rustoleum deck screws. and Kreg 2.5" coated pocket screws, all joint and every piece is also glued togeather with tightbond weatherproof woodglue.

I put the cross braces on the bottom frame flat and added some 2x2's in between this morning to lay some plywood down that will hold the sump. Then i plan on skinning it with 1/2" hardwood and doing some finishing trim similar to what alot of people have done in this thread. Also going to add doors on both sides, 1 for easy access to sump maint/removal, the other side for ATO and electrical wires for apex and vortechs. LMK if you guys see anything wrong.THanks again for all the help people have posted in this thread

Is that 2x6 you are using? I read that if you are going over 6' that you would need to use 2x8 without a center vertical brace, but you may be able to get away with 2x6 because you have the center brace going.

I have 72lx30dx24w (215/225 gallons) so I am also trying to gather as much information as I can before I start my build.
From what i gathered reading this thread. If you go with 2x8 you don't need a center brace. If you use a center brace you can even go down to 2x4 top frame. I opted for 2x6 just for the comfort.
Hey everyone. I'm planning on starting my stand this week. I was originally planning on metal, but my dude says he can't get to me for month or two. Yeah riiiiiiight. I'm not waiting. So I'm going to make it from wood. I've built several stands with rocket's plans. My tank is 84"x30"x24"H. Rocket already told me I can use all 2x4s as long as I use two braces in the front and back. Which will yield ~ 22-24" openings in between the braces depending on how long I go. I want to make the stand 32" deep. They way I want to place the legs will give me a 25" wide opening on the sides of the stand. Since this is less than a 48" span, I'm guessing it will be ok, but I know my tank is not standard dimension so I want to be safe. So what does everyone think? 25" going to be ok? Also, I was thinking of maybe doing using 2x6 for the top frame and running one center leg front and back. Would that be safe to do with a tank this large? Or is a 2x8 necessary? If I wanted to do NO center leg, what dimension of wood would I need? Thanks guys for the help. It's much appreciated.

Would love some feedback guys. I'm hoping to start building tomorrow.
Bumparooski! Start the build tomorrow morn. Any feedback would be great. So far I'm going 2x4s, but would love to do 2x6 with single center brace front and back. Which sound like a possibility since it would yield ~35" unsupported span on each side.
Bumparooski! Start the build tomorrow morn. Any feedback would be great. So far I'm going 2x4s, but would love to do 2x6 with single center brace front and back. Which sound like a possibility since it would yield ~35" unsupported span on each side.

My tank is 84x18x24, I did the 2x6 top rails with a single 2x4 brace. Obviously your tank is almost double front to back.
I'm wondering if i'll be ok using a single 2x4 for the vertical supports on my stand in the front. It's the only way to fit the sump i want to use. The stand is 24x18x40 and will hold a tank that is 33 gallons. The footprint of the tank is 24x18. I plan to skin it with 1/2in and will use 3/4 for the top.
"These 2X4s support the weight of the tank. The ones on the short sides of the stand provide a flat surface for attaching a plywood facing and while they do provide some strength, they are optional."

I think this statement from the opening post answers my question.
At what point, if any, would I need a center support/brace for this 4' X 8' stand. It will hold 4 45" X 24" X 10" tanks holding ~160 gallons total. The top rails and center cross runners on the stand top are 2x8's and all the legs are 2X4's.



seeing as im new to this, and my tank isnt really standard, i thought i would check with the experts for some help.

The tank im building is 63" x 31,5" long and 24" deep, in total 200 galons.

am i correct thinking a 2x8 would enable me to have a clear opening under the sump?

I would really appriciate if someone could assist me as i really dont want 200g flying through all my neighbours undernieth me :)


seeing as im new to this, and my tank isnt really standard, i thought i would check with the experts for some help.

The tank im building is 63" x 31,5" long and 24" deep, in total 200 galons.

am i correct thinking a 2x8 would enable me to have a clear opening under the sump?

I would really appriciate if someone could assist me as i really dont want 200g flying through all my neighbours undernieth me :)


Why not go with a header (see pic) this is what did for my 200gal build

blue is 2x6, tan is 2x4
Why not go with a header (see pic) this is what did for my 200gal build

blue is 2x6, tan is 2x4

Thanks a lot :) what do you mean by a header? also, i was planning on having the glas overhang by ½ an inch, to have a clean finnish with my doors, is this an issue?
So jealous of the stands being built here. Wish I had room to build one of these as living in an apartment makes rather impossible for me. Anyone wants to build me one? =)
First of all, I was searching online and found this thread on building stand. I want to build a stand that will hold a 55g (48x13x21) and a 75g (48x18x21). I plan to put the 55g gallons at the bottom and the 75g on top. Please take a look at this design and tell me if this will work. I'm using all 2x4. The distance between the two columns at the bottom is 50 inches, which make the total length of the stand to be 57 inches. I will place at least 1/4 plywood on top of the bottom 2x4 and on top of the stand. The side and back will also be covered with 1/4 plywood.


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I'm planning to build a 36"x24" stand for my 60g rimless cube. I'm pretty confident it'll hold. I have a stand currently like this and it's done fine for four years. It has a 1" top on it though. I'm going with a 3/4" top on the new one.

Any pictures of the stand?
First of all, I was searching online and found this thread on building stand. I want to build a stand that will hold a 55g (48x13x21) and a 75g (48x18x21). I plan to put the 55g gallons at the bottom and the 75g on top. Please take a look at this design and tell me if this will work. I'm using all 2x4. The distance between the two columns at the bottom is 50 inches, which make the total length of the stand to be 57 inches. I will place at least 1/4 plywood on top of the bottom 2x4 and on top of the stand. The side and back will also be covered with 1/4 plywood.

I am just in the planning stages for a similar idea but with a 90g on top and I was just coming to ask if this would work.
Looking forward to hear the answer.

My other question is my tank will be running parallel to the joists in the house. and no load bearing wall underneath. I am planning to add some side cabinets to the stand to make the overall length 8' and using 2x6 boards to run the full 8' base to help spread out the load.
I am pretty sure the floor is a 2x8 floor joist with a total span of approximately 12' from exterior wall to center I-beam and my stand will start right next to the exterior wall.

I attached a picture of my plan so far. Top and bottom 2x6 with 2x4 supports.
Total stand height 4' and the sides at 3' but that may change still.

Should this be ok?

This room used to be an enclosed outside porch. I enclosed it and basically made it another room of the house. So basically it's an elevated floor, probably four feet off the ground. The room is held up by what looks like 2x4's on the sides and there's a string of three 4x4 posts down the center for support (I'm going to get under there tomorrow and find out for sure). I'm more concerned about the walls than the middle so I'm going to add some 4x4's to the side I'm putting the tank on just to be safe.

The joists in the floor run opposite the wall so I'm in good shape there.

If I use 2x6's for the top all around and still put in 2x4 center supports on front and back, would that be ok?

Thanks for all your help on the other topics.
4x4's are notorious for warping. Use a "sandwich" of two 2x4's with half inch plywood in between. Screwed and glued together, this combination will be stronger than a 4x4, at right angles to the pieces, and much more warp and twist resistant. If you also use this system on the top, you can drop the inner 2x4 or 2x6 and the plywood by 3/4 inches and insert the plywood top, reducing any warping.