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i was thinking that maybe you might set a quarantine tank on it. But good thoughts I could see children climbing up there for a better view 

Thanks for the feedback either way. The tank is 90g. My first thought last night was plywood, seeing as some people build their entire tanks out of plywood, but at this point I am not against rebuilding the thing from scratch. It is a pain, but it is not exactly expensive and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot. Anyone else with thoughts?
IMO you have two options with this stand. The first is to put 3/4" plywood around the outside and make sure it is flat and even at the top all the way around with a piece of plywood on the bottom underneath so that everyting sits on the plywood. Glue and screw the plywood skin and it should be fine imo. Second just put a piece of 3/4" plywood on the top the same size as the tank. The Oceanic stand that came with my 156g 3/4" glass tank only has support directly under both ends and a couple of weak braces across the back. The front braces are back well over an inch from the front edge of the plywood the tank sits on. Personally, I would do both. Skin the sides so the tank sits on the plywood and the 2x frame and put 3/4" plywood on the top and bottom of the stand.
This is just my opinion however and pretty much what I did on mine by design, however I'm not a structural engineer so take it for what it's worth.
Edit - after re-reading your post if it's only sticking out 1/8th of an inch on each side I think it would be fine as is, but I'd probably still skin it like I said above only you could get away with 1/2" or 1/4" plywood for the skin. I'd still use 3/4" on the top just to be safe.