New member
Not sure the question, but legs only need to be 2x4s.
You don't need any vertical support. Just build a 2x4 square with maybe a cross brace or two. And make foundation is smooth. If rought the weight of the water may make one side/corner sink more. Glass (no ply wood) or acrylic (need ply wood)?
How are the other sides? Do I see shim in the corner? That is why I worry about the other sides.
Can you get them to come back and do it right?
I would be more inclined to shim a piece of plywood then just the tank. I will also point out that the original spec was less than 1/8 in of flex. So maybe 1/8 won't matter.
Someone will chime in with more experience than me, but I bet RC will get you straightened out.