DIY Stands Template and Calculator

Rocket, would you mind posting the formula, or maybe a good link. I tried to figure this out once and could not find it.


Or is that a trade secret?
I'm getting ready to skin my tank stand in Birch wood and then paint it, I'm curious what paints you guys use for the interior and exterior of the stand?

I plan on painting the interior a semi gloss white and the exterior a semi gloss or gloss black, all Rustoleum oil based paints. Is this the best way to go?

Thanks in advance!
Rocket, would you mind posting the formula, or maybe a good link. I tried to figure this out once and could not find it.


Or is that a trade secret?


Where W is the load, L is the length of the span, and Ixx is the area moment of inertia for the beam. The 10^6 is the minimum modulus of elasticity for the lumber typically used in these stands and comes from page 16 of Mechanical Properties of Wood Chapter 5 and page 13 of Mechanical Properties Of Wood Chapter 4. The first one has a short list of properties while the second one has many different species. The author of the first link is one of the authors in the second.

To calculate Ixx I use the formula for a rectagular member which is 1/12*b*h^3 where b is the beam width and h is the beam height.

Nothing in these is secret. I just have a spread sheet that lets me change the numbers and get answers quickly. Otherwise this is all public knowledge.

Rocket, I'm building a stand for my standard 75g. I'm planning on making it 8ft long and approx. 43" tall. My original plans were to use 2x4s for the entire construction and I was going to put vertical supports in the 4 corners and 4 additional supports under each corner of the tank. Will that be sufficient to support a 75g, or should I use 2x6s for the vertical beams?

(Sorry I don't have a sketch up for visual aid, I can't figure out how to use that Google program).
Standard 75 = 48 L x 18 W x ?? H framed glass tank?

A 2x4 in each corner supporting a 2x4 that runs left to right (one in front and one in back). That should be fine. It won't to add a 2x4 front to back here the ends of the tank are and better still to support that. A 2x4 tank does not need all around support.
I'll be building a stand for a 85 x 18x 24 acrylic tank. I am planning to use 2 x 10 for the vertical beams with no center supports. Will that be within acceptable deflection ranges? I want to have maximum room underneath for equipment without center supports getting in the way if possible.
Sounds like about 160 gallons. If I ran the number rights (Rocket please check me) the deflection will be about .06 inches. So this should be fine, but remember Acrylics need plywood, foam, and cross bracing.
I'll be building a stand for a 85 x 18x 24 acrylic tank. I am planning to use 2 x 10 for the vertical beams with no center supports. Will that be within acceptable deflection ranges? I want to have maximum room underneath for equipment without center supports getting in the way if possible.

Sounds like about 160 gallons. If I ran the number rights (Rocket please check me) the deflection will be about .06 inches. So this should be fine, but remember Acrylics need plywood, foam, and cross bracing.

Yes, thats fine.

Thats what I got. Now I can leave running the numbers to you.....Less work for me, I like that.

Work, open spreadsheet type in width and weight, post results. I wish my real job considered that work :)

Of course IIRC the formula was for a equally divided weight which I am not sure we always have.
hello all, im setting up a 125g in-wall tank. Its 60''x18x25.

In the future i want will want to upgrade to a 72x30x25 (240g) , and i want to make it as streamline as possible.

How to i make a stand that will fit the 60x18x25 and can put 72x30x25 on it in future?

I would like it to be 4 foot tall too.

I know i should use 2x8 for red/yellow and purple in layout. But i dont think i want the smaller of the two tanks 60x18 in the middle of the 72x30 stand.

It may help for u to know i dont need the inside of stand for a sump or anything, maybe just some storage of extra supplies. I would be putting double 1/2 sheet of plywood on top for a a lip, and yes i would have to stand on it to access the 18'' wide tank.

Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

This is my rough draft of the stand for my current 60'' x 18 x 25'' tank. And is built to hold a future upgrade 72' x 36 x 25 280 gallon upgrade. The stand will be 41'' tall when i put 2- 3/4'' sheets of plywood or somthing else similar to it. I used 2x8 for the top rails of the large and small section, and I left the screw strips off temp. so i could see if the build looks right.

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<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="400" height="300"></iframe>

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I think everything should be ok except for the PINK side rails for the smaller tank.

Would it be better to have them go all the way back to the RED rail and put another set of legs under them?
Yes there is a set of 2 legs under the back red/yellow and front red/yellow and a set under the green/pink and red/pink.
Thankyou for your reply Fishman.

Does this sound like it will work then, no need to have the pink rails go all the way back to the back Red rails with legs under them aslo??

Beter Pic I think. You can zoom up on it if needed.
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="400" height="300"></iframe>

Also I saw Rocket say to put something under the wood if it will be on concrete since they both can absorbe water. I do plan to put down garage floor epoxy down on the floor but will still have spills of course.

Would painting the stand with Kilz paint be enough to block moisture or is there somthing else i should do?
I haven't posted on this thread but I have read it through. I am nearly done with mine. Still need to skin it. Here are a couple shots.



Skinned the inside with mdf and laminate then siliconed around the edges to make it water tight. Installed 2 fans. One blowing air in and the other blowing it out.


Also built out the ends a little for electrical cabinets. Going to be topped with travertine on the sides of the tank



Thanks Rocketengineer. This thread is awesome and I couldn't have figured it out without everyone's help here
Im looking to build a stand that is 50" long 36" high and 24" deep...There are 2 main keys to this stand, The tank is going to be either 24 or 36" long by 24" deep by 24" high and I really want to take advantage of the interior of the stand. I dont want any middle vertical cross braces. My concern is since the tank is shorter than the stand how can I correctly support it without these middle braces?

That sounds like a ninety gallon tank (36x24x24). Rocket should probably double check me since this is my first time solo running the numbers. But a 2x4 is just a tad over 1/8th inch of deflection and IIRC the design was for under 1/8th inch of deflection. So you need to go with a 4x6 which will allow for a little over 1/64th of an inch of deflection.

Rocket id I get that right?