DIY Stands Template and Calculator

I'd like to build a rack in a walk in closet using this design. On the top will be a frag tank that measure 48" L X 18" D X 12" H. The frag tank is 45 gallon and sits on a plastic frame. An acrylic sump (48" L X 20" D X 20" H) will sit on the bottom. I'd like to build the rack a little longer than the tank/sump to take up the length of the wall that it will sit against (59").

With the sump and frag tank having different depths I was thinking about making the rack 20" deep with plywood tops for both to sit on. I'd put cross braces between the top rails. If I do this the load for the frag tank will be on the plywood. Will this be Ok? If so what thickness plywood should I use? 3/4"?

Also do I need 2x6s for the upper rails if they won't be supported in the middle or would 2x4s be sufficient? I see that 2x6s are normally recommended for spans over 48" but larger tanks are referenced. Thanks!
What is the best way to adjust this so the tank sits higher? I want to build a stand for a 20 gallon long but with these plans it would be barely off the ground?
I am building a stand for a 120, 48x24x24 tank. This calculator does not show a center support along the length. Can anyone tell me if one is required?

DIY Stand for 220gal

DIY Stand for 220gal

Hey all,

I am wanting to build a stand for a potential 220gal aquarium w/ dual corner overflows.

Do you have recommendations on a schematic I can use? I have already built an overly heavy stand for my 75 gallon, but going to 220gal is a whole different animal.

I went and picked up about 25 2x4s, but now I am worried they will not be enough.

Would love a schematic like the ones you all design to help me out!!

What program do you use to make the tank image and stand designs?
I am making a stand the first time using this template, I got the wood cut about .5 inches bigger for the lenth and width of the tank. Is this a problem? tank is 48" and with the bottom brace its about 48.5 so I made the boards 49". Same with the width. I plan to put a piece of plywood on top
I am making a stand the first time using this template, I got the wood cut about .5 inches bigger for the lenth and width of the tank. Is this a problem? tank is 48" and with the bottom brace its about 48.5 so I made the boards 49". Same with the width. I plan to put a piece of plywood on top

Yes. Since the edge of the tank is still on the boards, you will be fine.

I'm building a stand for a 40 breeder. I can use 1 x 4s, right?

For something that small, yes. Just keep in mind that 1X4s are 0.75" wide instead of 1.5" for a 2X. This causes the yellow and blue boards to be D-1.5" instead of D-3" the template calls for.

Here is mine before being skinned

Mine only has 45s on the trim. The three faces are square. The trim piece consists of two pieces that had 45s routed on one edge, were then glued together before being nailed over the corner.

I wasn't planning on adding trim to the corners, but it sounds like less work and would probably look better.
I was drawing my new design and I came across a problem....

Because of where my drain hole is, I will have to build the stand deeper than my tank. If I don't then my drain plumbing will hit the back 1x4. This means that the back of my tank will not be directly over the back 1x4. Is this a problem? I'm guessing it would only be short by 2". I have a glass tank with no bottom brace, so I will have plywood and foamular underneath.
I'm in the skinning phase of my 36"H x 85"long stand for my 7ft 160g.
I used 2x6 top rails instead of the recommended 2x8 for tanks longer than 6ft & added 2x4 brace in the middle. The 2x8's would have blocked plumbing to the sump & I didn't want the stand higher than 36"
50b sump slides in and out without issue. Thanks for the template!!
Looks awesome! I am looking to do the same but for a build for a 220gal. What bit did you use to make those super smooth toenail pilot holes?

I used greg's pocket hole tool to create the holes:



The frame is almost finished!



I will start the skinning in a few weeks. The aquarium will be delivered next Wednesday!