DIY "Stream" Style Pump

I would say 2 to 3 times the movement. Before I had 4 maxi jet 1200 and now i have 2 modified maxi jets and I can see more flow than I had before.

capt. insano, are you going to buy one of those? If you do let us know how it works.
that flo thing is cool but it looks like it produces bubbles from the pic they have on the company site.- check bio-flo, which is just flo with a sponge filter
has anyone tried this with another bigger pump type to get more flow?

Could a 600gph pump really crank out somewhere in the 1200-1800gph circulation rate?

My tank is circulated by a single 11w stream pump which is supposed to run about 1600gph. I would love to increase the flow rate without coughing up another $150
Roadtoad said:
Does anyone have a GPH estimate maxijet running with a prop?
Depends on the amount of flow you can get to the propeller, and the size of the prop. The one that I ran *felt* like it was doing way more than my return pump was pushing out (700 - 800 gph). My estimate with a 1.5" prop would be in the neighborhood of 800 - 1200 gph, maybe more.
*Damage Update*

Well we had a short power bring yesterday and the one iv got with the solid titanium rod (made from the grounding probe) started up just fine. However the one with 1 short pieces of titanium rod (because I havent got a new ground probe to make a full length shaft) did not start back up and appearantly because the outer piece of shaft must vibrate it slowly works away at my acrylic guide in the end of the pipe and normaly when I loose power it breaks it because its worn so thin...

So overall dont cheat make the shaft out of one piece of rod :)

Well the one with the solid shaft still starts up after power outage but the one with duel shaft does not...

My problems so far is my acrylic braces on the output side of the pump that hold the shaft centered so the prop can spin keep wearin our or breaking or just poping out (hotmelted in) so today it just hit me like DUH you freaking idiot :).

So this is my new design... Slip a 1 1/2" cap over the end of the pipe and cut it out leaivng a ceter and 4 braces. I drilled the center and inserted one of the little red caps tahts in the end of the maxi jets now and the shaft locks into that so the shaft no longer spins only the prop and mag assembly. Well here are some pictures seems to work really good and it even seems to push more water.. maybe because it spins better? i dont know... design 09-21.jpg tank running 09-21.JPG 09-21.JPG 09-21.JPG
What an inspiration!

After seeing the update, I purchased all the components that I thought I would need to build such a great idea... so far it works awesome. I still have to find a way to mount it. Completed the project in about 2 hours. That included going to the Home Depot for the 1-1/2" Caps.

I had a couple of stipulations:
- I had to do it so more could be made easily
- The Maxi-jet could not be ruined


Propeller - $2.25
3/32 Rod - $1.54
Maxi-Jet - $27.95
1-1/2" PVC - Scrap
1-1/2" Cap - $0.58
1/4" Rigid Airline Tubing - Scrap

Here are some photos so far:


INTAKE (1 on top and 1 on bottom)

PROPELLER ASSEMBLY (Stainless Steel) The Stainless Steel rod does not spin, it simply holds the propeller in line.
First of all... HOW did you cut the PVC on bottom to have that lip taht locks into the maxi jet?????????????????? :)

Second that SS Shaft may rust on you it may take a month but I think it will still rust. Check some welding shops you can pick up 3ft of 3/32 Grade 2 Titanium for about $10
Yeah, I was going to switch to Titanium, but I wanted to make sure that this could be fabricated first.

I cut the lip on the table saw. Just set the blade low and close to the fence and away you go. I used my scroll saw to cut out the top and used my bench grinder to notch out the intakes. Also, I had to reduce the outside size of the PVC pipe, so I spun it around on the grinder as well...
damn.. table saw... good idea man you gotta love this place... someone can take a simple idea then everyone adds to it to make the best thing :)

you ahve any problems with yours starting when you plug it in? or spinning backwards?
Another thing for people to take note of cut your caps like ReefWerkes did if you go any lower like my first one you dont get a streight flow it goes up and down rather than out haha i had to redo it and never posted the pic :)
niko5 said:
Another thing for people to take note of cut your caps like ReefWerkes did if you go any lower like my first one you dont get a streight flow it goes up and down rather than out haha i had to redo it and never posted the pic :)

I was wondering about that. I loved seeing your blue prop spinning though in that pic.

Yeah, it is a 50/50 chance as to whether it is going to spin the right way the first time or not. But, you'll definitely know it... That's what you get with AC power. I am still looking at designing a propellor that will work either way... that is on the drawing board.

I'll shoot some video of this thing in action.
WOW!!!! It worked first try and iv even got all 9.. i meen 10 fingers left :) Thanks alot man now they are perfect stream/seio replicas :P
IF you leave the piece of 3/16 ridgit tube AFTER the prop off when it spins backwards it will pull the mag out of the shaft stop spinning then suck back in to try again gives you something like a 70% chance of it working :)
Well, I just had a problem, but I fixed it pretty good.

Since this fabrication went fairly quickly, I knew something had to give and I was quite certain that it was going to be the rigid tubing.

In the image below you can see how the items are put together permenantly - they're not. They're loose. The magnet drive was cut to have a half lap with the rigid tubing to create the drive shaft.

Well, the hard plastic on the magnet drive held up, but the thin cheap plastic on the rigid line just bend back as you see in Exhibit A.

If I can direct the court to Exhibit B now - Thank you. I basically remade the rigid tubing design, but fit 1/4" icemaker line or flexible air line tubing over these pieces and they are very snug...
