DIY "Stream" Style Pump

My only problem is it makes it a bit hard to feed the food is blown around so much I really want the ability to turn them on and off hehe and if I put one on the other side of the tank it will be impossable to feed haha It would be a pain to have to pull it out of the water each time i restart it :P...

and thanks :)
Don't worry about that. Your reef will figure out how to catch the fast moving food. I used to stop my Tunze (700 gph) but now I let my fat fish get some exercise at meal times. :lol:
Hehe good point :)
Also wanted to mention on my joining of the 3/16" acrylic tube to the magnet portion of the impeller both my super glue and hot melt failed. I finely went with taking the push button portion of a pen out that happen to slip snuggly over the 3/16" tube put superglue under it slid it down over the tube and the magnetic portion of the impeller like a collar and glued both sides of it with super glue and now its really strong. Hope that makes since haha
Yea thats what I used when I made the connection with the plastic collar.

Is the gel totaly different than the normal super glue? Thats alittle off subject :) but just curious..
We use it to mount frags and it holds nicely. I figured it might work well for your project too, but I'm only guessing.
I just started making one of these after reading this thread!

now I can spend my "tunze Stream Fund" on something else!!! that is if mine :)

Great thread guys keep the pics coming :D
SaltwaterSensei, Hey since you can spend that fund on somethin else you can finely get that 5000 gal starfire tank you have been looking at haha :P

Hope yours works out :) Ied like to see pictures of other peoples also :)

Mine is still running away in my tank been in there.. .about 3 hours and havent broken yet woohoo :)
Anyone else coming along with one of these?

I think iv noticed a problem.. The shaft seemed to be wobbling more than last night (was a very slight wobble) so i took it out and looked at it and the whole I drilled in the cover that normally holds the impeller in where the 3/16" tube came out has gotten bigger... When I first drilled the hole it was very close.. not snug but very close.. now you can see all the way around it so its like we need some kind of bearing or something in there to protect the seemingly soft plastic of the maxi jets.
I used alittle red all plastic one from the hobby shop i beleve made by traxis... its the only one ithout any metal in it.
Yea mine bounces around to. Actually you probably don't even need the end cap. Another powerhead that I got (one of those silly back and forth jobs) - is such that there is no endcap. So the shaft and propeller just stick out from the body. I keep the endcap on mine just cause, but now that I think about it - I wonder if it's doing any good anyway?

I bought every propeller I could find in the hobby shop (hey when you drive from podunk little town to the Big City - and they cost like $1.00 each - so what?). I had to end up savaging the larger ones real good so that the thing would spin underwater.

Since the only things that move around my little tank are fish and shrimp ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ I havenââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t yet put an anti-shredding device on it. Itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s kinds cool to see a chunk of blender mush drift ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦ drift ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦ poof ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦ shredded blender mush! Of course someday Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ll get something that moves around the tank without a brain ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ and will want to prevent shredding brainless creatures when I do :)
Oh yea - from what I've seen soft tissue - like blender mush - doesn't really need to hit the blades to get shredded. The water pressure alone can rip things apart. So my future anti-shredding device will have to be large enough to prevent that from happening.

Example: Coming home and finding the tatters of what was once a cucumber skin fluttering against the anti-shredding cage is not what I have in mind!

Or: Watching an anemone drift around . . . drift around . . . get too close the blades but not actually in contact . . . Hummmm guess I'd better start the water changes now.

DonJasper, why dont you make the guard like I did with 1 1/2" pipe with slits cut in it. The slits are still plenty big for small snails and blinder mush to be sucked in :) just saves your fish and shrimp :)

Also I think the maxi jets are to loose inside if i ran it without that cover the whole shaft would shoot out if it spon backwards or it would wobble to much to move.
As far as i know they dont come in spacific pitches. Theres the one like I got for your basic cheap rc boat and then there is the precision racing props but most of those have brass inserts in them to lock to the shaft.