Belgian Anthias
New member
Most of that is off the point,which is nitrate is not used as food but the oxygen from it is .
I disagree with most of the technical interpretations as well.
Anoxia is simply a more severe form of hypoxia and generally means a severe depletion of oxygen to a point where other sources ,ie, nitrate are accessed for oxygen.
When the nitrate is gone and organic carbon is available sulfate reduction occurs. There is plenty of sulfate(SO4) in saltwater and sulfate reducing bacteria are ubiquitous ,so, there is plenty of opportunity for sulfate reducing bacteria to grow in anoxic areas within a sufur reactor.
Rules where made for official publications of research results. Also for the terminology used. This to avoid differences in interpretation of certain terminology used.
In Hongkong waste water is treated using the SANI system which is based on sulphate reduction. In Hongkong seawater is used for sanitary purposes as flushing the toilets. This process is completely different although it is based on sulphur.
There where NO sulphate reducing bacteria found in the bio-film on elemental sulfhur.