Don't be shy, please introduce yourself!

Greetings to everyone,

Well after having Cichlids for a number of years I finally dove in and tried my hand at saltwater. Set up my 55 gal tank about a year ago now. I really knew nothing about corals when I got started. Just read a few books, talked to some of the people at the LFS, and have been reading forums like this to try and figure things out as I go. I have only tried some of the more forgiving species like button polyps, colt, and star polyps. I want to learn a bit more before I try anything more advanced. I've been in Las Vegas for 5 years now as an Electrical Engineer, but am originally from Illinois.

Hello Everyone,

I have had saltwater tank for about 5 years now, Like most people i started with a small 5gal hexagon tank with some tetra's. And went on from there. My first saltwater tank was a 46gal bowfront. Which was basically a disaster, lasting about 9 months. It was your classic case of not reading/knowing enough about it before i dove in head first.

Mupham, your a EE? ME TOO!!!! what frim do you work at? I work over at SH Nevada. (formerlly Syska Hennessy)

Anywayz, I am a Las Vegas native born and raised although i did go to college in Utah for a few years. But i missed ol' sin city too much, i have been back for almost 2 years and am currently working as an electrical engineer.

My current tank is a 120gal, and rather than typing all about it here, just head on over to i have a detailed write up of my tank there. Im glad to have found you all, and i look forward to the next meeting.!!!

Welcome Mike and Steve! :) Glad to see you made it.

Junior, our next meeting will be held on the 9th of June. We decided at our meeting last night to change that date. Look for a thread to be posted soon about that meeting. Looking forward to seeing you two there!


Hello my name is Michael and Im new in town. Im origonally from San Diego, but was stationed in Seattle WA for 5 years.Now Im out of the military and have been living in Vegas about 7 months. I've been in the hobby about 2 years now. Just braught my tank down from northern CA where a friend was taking care of it while I was getting situated. Right now I have a 55 GAL. glass tank no fish and a few softies. I look forward to meeting all of you, I'm sure I'll be asking for tons of advise and will help when ever I can.

Thank You
Hey Mike! :) Glad to see you posting here. Looking forward to meeting you at our next meeting if you can make it.

I hope we can help you when ever you need it.
Well, my name is Jimmy and I just moved here from Mississippi last week. Been reading RC for a while and the more I read the more confused I get as far as the best setup to go with. I will definately be looking forward to getting to meet folks around here that have experience with this stuff. I checked out the club website but didn't see a meeting place for the April 2nd meeting. Feel free to email . Look forward to meeting everyone.
Hello Jimmy,
glad you made it out safely. feel free to ask questions and we'll do our best to help you. the april 2nd meeting will most probably be at the community center near my house. it's in the southwest part of LV, off Jones & Shelbourne.

we don't have a confirmed reef-related topic right now, but i'm trying to set up another frag raffle, and we're probably going to do a $5 all you can eat hot dog, hamburgers & soda BBQ. that should be fun :)
nice to hear from you jimmy and hope you are enjoying his strange town!

jeff, looking forward to more details on april meeting! let me know what i can do to help. i am here for you!

New to hobby

New to hobby

Hello to everyone.

My name is Felicia and my husband is Jack. Our son, Jason, and his girlfriend, Daniela, live with us as well as one renter, Brandon. We built a custom home in Centennial Hills. We have always wanted to have a salt water tank. I especially fell in love with the reef tanks. There's a tank at the Del Taco in Victorville that I really enjoy. I haven't been there in quite some time, so I don't even know if they still have it.

Currently we do not have any salt water tanks set up. We were given a tank by a friend. I'm not certain how big it is. I think it's about 100 gallons maybe. We had talk to two fish stores in town and found out that it was going to cost at least $1,000 just to get the tank going with live rock and coral, no fish. Needless to say, the tank's not set up yet.

After Brandon moved in, he had asked us about the tank and told us that he has had salt water tanks in the past and has two large tanks. The smaller of the two he has just set up with fresh water fish and said that we can use his larger tank for the reef. Again, I don't know the size but it is considerably larger than the one that we were going to use.

According to Brandon, reef tanks are the most difficult of all the tanks and requires the most work. He suggested that I do some research on reefs before buying anything. That's when I found ReefCentral and your forum.

We are very interested in attending your next meeting, getting to know everyone, and learning all we can about reefs and what we really need in order to get started. I would really like to get the tank up and running ASAP.

Hamburgers and hot dogs sound just fine. Let us know if we should bring anything.

Hi Felicia,
Welcome to RC & LVVR!

A reef tank doesn't have to be difficult to maintain, there are corals of varying degrees of difficulty. Soft corals like kenya trees, xenia, anthelia and the like are relatively easy to keep, and are surprisingly forgiving.

The most challenging part of deciding to go reef is the cost of starting up the tank. Lighting costs a lot, as will LR (as you now know). plus there's cooling costs for those summer days.

Good news though, you've come to the right place to do all your research. my best advice to you is to take your time, and don't rush into buying fish, corals, or equipment until you've got a plan in place.

i'm looking forward to meeting you, so i hope you all can make it next weekend.


p.s. you can calculate the volume of your tank with (Length X Width X height) / 231.