Dotcom livestock good/bad

Vivid aquarium is excellent for product and service. I also used saltwater fish .com a while back. I've heard great things about Harry's frags but haven't purchased from him yet. Reef cleaners is also great ime.
I've purchased from both LA and SWF. Inverts and Corals survive shipment better than certain fish (chromis seem to be rather fragile). Urchins can bite through plastic bags (still survived). I always pickup at fedex or UPS, not gonna leave them on the truck that long, one time I was like the last stop.

One time I ordered from SWF and the Desjardini Tang looked like it was on its deathbed, i.e. emaciated. It should not have been shipped. I vowed not to order from them, but when I used my credit and to replace that one it was one of the best fishes I ever got.

+1 on paying attention to climate.
I've used LA, DD, R2g, & blue zoo. All good experiences. I've had a few claims from doa's but always healthy stock. Never an issue with any of them for honoring claims.

I prefer to see the stuff in person. I've heard good and bad experiences online. Rather be safe then sorry.

Never seen LFS with a 14 day guarantee. But they like to say "sorry" no guarantee on saltwater....

i agree with ur u but onlne venders are 20-30 cheaper but its a crap shoot if good or bad

i'm a firm believer in paying a little more to get what you really want. if you order something online and it isn't what you expected it costs way more than the difference if you bought it from a LFS.
There is no crap shoot when these vendors offer a guarantee

$20-30 cheaper, but you pay $35 shipping...
Not if you order the minimum to get free shipping which can be just one fish in many cases.
R2g just had a $100 order to get free shipping special, blue zoo is free over $140 & you get a free algae benny over $200, free tang over $300 etc etc...

Blue zoo is my favorite aside from DD.
Not if you order the minimum to get free shipping which can be just one fish in many cases.
R2g just had a $100 order to get free shipping special, blue zoo is free over $140 & you get a free algae benny over $200, free tang over $300 etc etc...

Blue zoo is my favorite aside from DD.

Not all of us are big spenders. I wouldn't put $1-200 worth of fish in my tank all at once, and I certainly wouldn't spend that much on a single specimen. I guess it can work for some people, but I don't think I've ever spent more than $60 on fish in a single trip to the LFS. I wouldn't be comfortable putting more than that in my tank at once.
For us few unfortunate fellows that dont have any LFS with in a 3hr drive we are stuck with the online retailers. I have always had good luck with
I have used DD and LA. Their customer service is fantastic. I don't know anyone else that will guarantee their livestock either.
For us few unfortunate fellows that dont have any LFS with in a 3hr drive we are stuck with the online retailers. I have always had good luck with

this ^

plus, the lfs i go to (1 hour away and in a very inconvenience spot) tries to sell me stuff i don't want or need. always being followed around by somebody wanting me to spend more $$$.

i only buy from liveaquaria.
At least half the fish in my tank came from LA. They have always provided great service for me. Ive recieved some very fragile fish and they showed up in great condition and very healthy. In the few events where i had problems they didnt hesitate in the least to fix it. They take customer service very seriously imo and very few and far between are the lfs that are going to give you that 14 day guarantee. I personally will continue getting my fish through them for the most important and most basic reason, my fish success/ loss ratio is the best out of everywhere ive made a purchase. Im sure the other online retailers people have previously mention are great too but this is my experience and everyone has to go with what works for them.
I can vouch for Live Aquaria. I even had an order go bad when fedex messed up the delivery and killed almost the entire shipment. One call to LA and they had a replacement shipment on the way. All I had to mention was what passed away and they replaced it without charging a dime more than what I had already paid.
I got an absolutely adorable Hippo Tang from Blue Zoo....He hid in the corner for almost a week then became an eating machine....After one month, no ich, he is eating like a starved teen & is happily swimming all over the tank....His color is magnificent!!!! Looks like he has grown already!!!
I've been very happy with as of late. I've been using them more and more as their captive-bred fish selection is far and away better than anyone else, LA included. They had a rough patch several years back and a lot of bad reviews to show for it. I'm not sure what changed but it seems they've really turned things around for the better.
I just gave a shot. I had a couple questions before ordering and they were very punctual and helpful with responses. Should be receiving about 10 pieces on tuesday, about half wysiwyg frags, and the other half regular frags.
I have used Divers Den had positive and negative experiences with them. There guarantee you cannot beat, however your paying at least triple of the actual fish cost. But to have 14 days is really nice. For the fish they sent me once was a real skinny sohal tang. It died the next morning and I emailed them. Got a refund within days. I used Salt and Seahorses out of Jupiter Florida. Since I live in Florida made shipping easy. The owner had really good deals. Charged double the cost which I can live with. Ordered over $1000 in various orders and never had any issues. I have a friend near the west coast of Florida who bought a regal angel said it was eating Mysis. The regal came in super skinny and died very shortly. As for my order I got a Passer Angel and said the same thing oh he is eating. Open the bag and put him in my qt tank and his eyes are sunken in its head, he died the next day. Talked with him and he got me another Passer this one was pretty fa, but it was missing a pec fin. Saw a fish I wanted later on and asked him a price and he gave me this ridiculous amount. After being a loyal customer you think he would cut me a deal. His website is no longer up and running. I guess your shady operations caught up to you.
Another fan of salt water, and LA particuarly LA's detailed descriptions of exactly what coral you are getting color and size. DD is great but pricey.
I, as most, use LA and DD have had pretty good luck with them, a few issues during shipping but they gladly credited me no questions asked. I ordered 1 time from saltwaterfish .com had relatively good luck, most fish looked good and have done well in my tank, i had an issue with a lionfish i received from them, immediately took pics and emailed them and never received a response, i then tried again to no avail.. not sure what the problem was but the customer service didn't impress me.
I like to support local business when I can, but the reality of it is that the local business has a fraction of what is available and normally doesn't have what I'm looking for in stock. The alternative is driving a few hours and paying several toll fees, so online is usually a good option for me.