drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I may have missed it, but is there a reason why you're slowly adding the EcoBak in?

Just to avoid a bacterial bloom. Some other pellet users have seen large bacteria blooms when they added the recommended amount all at once. I haven't seen many (if any) ecoBAK users get bacteria blooms but it's very common with other pellet brands. I was just erring on the side of caution. :)

In other news, I came home tonight and the water was crystal clear. Never seen the water this clear, was almost scary. :lol: If there's a way to capture it on film it I'll try. Hard to get a true representation of "clear" over the internet. :D
In other news, I came home tonight and the water was crystal clear. Never seen the water this clear, was almost scary. :lol: If there's a way to capture it on film it I'll try. Hard to get a true representation of "clear" over the internet. :D

I know what you mean! It is always great to get confirmation that things are going great in the tank. You are doing a great job. :beer:

Lots of updates. :)

Tonight my wife frantically texts me saying the shrimp is dead! I forgot to tell her the little guy molted last night. Also forgot to take the molt out of the tank before she saw it. Whoops! :lol: Mr. Shrimps is doing fine. :D


Finally got around to adding a proper auxiliary line on the RO/DI. It's really handy when I need a little water to mix up some calcium chloride or melt some frozen foods prior to feeding.


When I bought my BRS RO/DI I knew I wanted a dual DI for a variety of reasons. Here's reason #1. I was told you could completely exhaust the 1st DI canister while still drawing 000 TDS water from the 2nd canister. Once that resin is completely exhausted, you move canister 2 to over to exhaust and use new media as the final stage. I get it now... never had DI resin completely exhaust like this. It really works.


Starting the 3rd week of ecoBAK and still getting dark, stinky skimmate. Seems like the color is getting slightly lighter but the tank also "seems" cleaner. Only remnants of algae left and the tests to prove water quality below. Hold your nose....


I promised a pic to attempt to show water clarity - hard to do through pics and with my average camera skills. The water is extremely clear now. Hopefully this will help give you an idea of what it looks like in person. Sorry the sump room was a mess when I took this.


Current nutrient tests. Both NO3 and PO4 are now undetectable. Feeding twice daily Nori, Rod's, Mysis etc... so moderately heavy for just 3 fish I suppose. Happy with these test results.

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This looks amazing.Thanks for the information that was a good thread
I started using ecoBAK two days ago and my tank looks cleaner :)
hi, how many weeks did it take before seeing the advantages of the ecobak pellets? ty

Jon at Warner Marine says typically by week 4 you should start to see the pellets really kick into full gear. It can vary from tank to tank, and various other factors, but I'm going into week 3 and starting to really see progress. :)

This looks amazing.Thanks for the information that was a good thread
I started using ecoBAK two days ago and my tank looks cleaner :)

Same results here salali. Even after 24 hrs I started seeing changes, better skimmate and clearer water. After that initial break-in period they slowed down but I was going through a large algae cycle so that could have hindered progress. Tank was slightly cloudy but still a better skimmate production. Now that I'm into week 3 it's starting to show signs of progress again, great water clarity and good test results. Best of luck. :)
My EcoBAK comes tomorrow! I Hope I'll be able to get enough flow through my TLF reactor.

Awesome!!! There's lots of people using TLF reactors with the pellets. Just make sure you have it modded without the sponges and it should work fine. :)

Brett - try a little fresh pressed garlic in with the food for the tang - bet that will stimulate his appetite!

Will give it a try. Thanks Mike! :)
What exactly do you mean by modded without the sponges? I was planning on just removing the sponges entirely and just having the pellets sitting on top of and between the perforated plastic things that are built into the TLF reactors. Are you saying I need something with smaller holes then that to hold in the pellets?

Also, you say that you should not use MicroBacter 7 with the pellets. I was planning on using it as I used to dose MB7 and vodka at the same time. Is there any specific reading you think i should do about dosing MB7 and pellets at the same time?
What exactly do you mean by modded without the sponges? I was planning on just removing the sponges entirely and just having the pellets sitting on top of and between the perforated plastic things that are built into the TLF reactors. Are you saying I need something with smaller holes then that to hold in the pellets?

Also, you say that you should not use MicroBacter 7 with the pellets. I was planning on using it as I used to dose MB7 and vodka at the same time. Is there any specific reading you think i should do about dosing MB7 and pellets at the same time?

Yes, that's what I mean. Remove the sponges for sure and use the plastic plenums that are built in. But if the pellets are too small for the plenum to hold you might have to mod a new plenum. There can be little pieces of pellets that make it through. I had 1 or 2 tiny pieces get through mine. I can't remember which reactor guys were having to do this to but the TLF vaguely rings a bell. I was told by Jon at Warner to not dose anything while using the pellets. He didn't say it was a bad idea, he just doesn't trust what's in the bottle as being truly beneficial bacteria. He said there's plenty of good bacteria already in the system that will seed the pellets just fine. I know other guys are using MB7 and I seriously considered it myself. But, through Jon's advice I decided to just let the pellets do their thing. I was always a bit concerned about getting a bacteria bloom dosing any extra bacteria supplements. So far no bacteria blooms by just adding a little ecoBAK each week. You might want to do further reading on ecoBAK with Vodka, or better yet just email Jon. He would be the most knowledgable on the subject. I always thought the pellets would basically take the place of Vodka dosing as they are basically one in the same. :)

Mr. Tang EATS!!!!!!!!!! :dance: I saw him take a couple bites of Nori tonight. Still not totally into the idea yet but cross our fingers he'll keep getting better. :)

Added the final addition to the ecoBAK reactor. I am now running 1 Liter of pellets. I definitely feel they are doing something. As I've said before I'm getting a more consistent skimmate, water clarity is really good, nutrients are testing 0's, and it seems like the last of the brown algae is dying. Almost looks like it's wilting. Even my sump looks cleaner. Hopefully I'll see continued progress on that front as we move forward in the coming days.

Now for more pics!!! :lol:

Another attempt to show the clarity of the tank. This time with the halides off and only the sump room incandescent lights on. It's like I'm looking through clear glass.... oh wait. :D


Reference pic of 1 Liter ecoBAK in SMR1 reactor. Still tumbling nicely but had to add a touch more flow to keep them suspended.


Weekly nog shots... :rollface: This was less than 24 hrs worth.



Num Num. Hot cocoa anyone? :lol:


Not the best pic, but took a shot of the sump room again tonight to show you I'm only running the ecoBAK reactor and ROX Carbon reactor.

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