Dudester’s 450g corner in-wall and tank room – help with design

The yard is coming along. With the changes in the economy the tank progress is on hold until we sell our other house. Hopefully that will be soon. Thanks, Marty, for your continued interest in this project. I am so anxious to get this going it's not funny.
The yard is coming along. With the changes in the economy the tank progress is on hold until we sell our other house. Hopefully that will be soon. Thanks, Marty, for your continued interest in this project. I am so anxious to get this going it's not funny.


I'm still waiting to see how this project turns out and how those external waveboxes work for you! Good luck with the sale of the house.
Chirp ... Chirp ... Chirp ...

We sold our house and I can now proceed with the development of this tank! I've decided to wait until the holidays are over, so it's looking like early January when I'll begin the plumbing process. First, however, I've got to clean out the tank room, as it's been a storage closet for all of our crap since we moved into this house. I know this is a little premature for an update, but I am pretty excited. Hopefully some people out there are still interested, although I wouldn't blame anyone if this thread has been abandoned.
This is the first time i have even seen this thread and im interested to see it get finished... Maybe santa will help you out..