dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......

Congrats man! You've been deserving of this for quite a while.
I've been a long time admirer of your tank thread as well as your generous contribution to this forum.
You and your tank are definitely world class for sure.:)
Thanks for the nice words and support. Its is great to get recognized but I know some of you guys are just TOTM in the waiting......if we support and inspire each other on here we all can achieve amazing results. That is the great thing about this forum.....
Congratulations Darryl:celeb1: About time your tank got the recognition it deserve. Beautiful pictures and a good written article.
thanks again everyone.....its very nice to see you all cheer me on.

I starting to wonder when they are going to change the homepage. Might be a TOTHM (tank of the half month).