dvanacker's 200g SPS tank......

Thanks Tony

Here are some more pics.....I didnt use a tripod this time so they are a little blurry. Also changed bulbs in the new year and havent adjusted white balance on the camera so some are a little too blue.









Your corals are looking beautiful. Nice job!

Do you find dosing the lugols beneficial?
Darryl, your growth and colors are amazing. I can't wait to see my Orange digi color back up like that. It's on its way after the loss of color I had using seachem salt, but its a slow process. Let's get an FTS!!!! How's ur CBB coming along?
Man that tank is sweeeet! You have a nice collection of corals. Bad *** equipment room! Good job!
Thanks....having an equipment room definitely helps. If I didn't have it set up so nice I would surely slack on the maintenance.

Your corals are looking beautiful. Nice job!

Do you find dosing the lugols beneficial?

Thanks Peter. I appreciate all the compliments...espcially since I know the type of A+ reefers you guys are.

Not sure about the lugols. Tank is looking better than ever but it's so hard to judge the exact reasons.....or the cause and effect of lugols. I will know more when the bottle runs out because I plan to what a month or more before starting up the dosage again.

Darryl, your growth and colors are amazing. I can't wait to see my Orange digi color back up like that. It's on its way after the loss of color I had using seachem salt, but its a slow process. Let's get an FTS!!!! How's ur CBB coming along?

Thanks Jon. I always say that the orange digi is the most under-rated coral.... I didnt realize you had a salt problem..hope everything bounces back nice. Maybe I will get a FTS soon...

The CBB has lymphocystis....he also gave it to my blue tang. They are both acting fine though. The CBB doesnt eat any prepared food but I have TONS of small feather dusters that I do see him peck at. Any tips to help him eat mysis or prepared food? I still have not seen him even look at one of the hundreds of aiptasia in the tank. :(
I didn't know what the problem was at first, because outside of the salt change, I really didn't do.anything that would cause bleaching and RTN. I end up stumbling over some old postal about seachem salt that talked about the exact symptoms that I was seeing related to high Born levels in salt. Supposedly seachem too care of this a while ago, but after reading that in more than one place, that was enough to get me to change my salt. Low and behold, I started seeing good signs starting with polyp extension, color returning and TN stopping.. things are looking better daily.

With your CBB, try frozen or live freshwater bloodworms. I have been told that they can not resist them. I'll keep my fingers crossed.. mine did not eat frozen food for a while, but eventually came around. Good luck!
I finally got to see your tank! and i must say i am very impressed but i knew in the back of my mind that your tank must be really nice after seeing posts of your corals on other threads.
dang what a set up you got there the pop of the sps is amazing good job.

I finally got to see your tank! and i must say i am very impressed but i knew in the back of my mind that your tank must be really nice after seeing posts of your corals on other threads.

Thanks Guys.

A few more pics....

Green w/ yellow tip torch

A new aquisition. Im hoping it colors up more...seems similar to jedimind trick. It has red polyps,green body and blue rim. Not sure what species montipora it is though.

And the a new FTS from tonight....sorry but the spot of cyano..didnt clean up before the shot.
Looks awsome, yellow tip torch is my fave! Do you often get little patches of cyano? since I added pellets ive noticed a couple spots have poped up but nothing major.
Looks awsome, yellow tip torch is my fave! Do you often get little patches of cyano? since I added pellets ive noticed a couple spots have poped up but nothing major.
I was lucky enough to get some frags of those awesome corals of Darryl's.
They are super healthy frags and are colouring up really nicely - thanks again Darryl!
Thanks Guys.

A few more pics....

A new aquisition. Im hoping it colors up more...seems similar to jedimind trick. It has red polyps,green body and blue rim. Not sure what species montipora it is though.

My first thought was Appleberry Monti but not so sure now. The red polyps don't fit. Beautiful looking tank you've got there.

Looks awsome, yellow tip torch is my fave! Do you often get little patches of cyano? since I added pellets ive noticed a couple spots have poped up but nothing major.

Yes...I get just a little up in the front. I blame the pellets but my tank has never looked healthier so Im not about to stop now.

I was lucky enough to get some frags of those awesome corals of Darryl's.
They are super healthy frags and are colouring up really nicely - thanks again Darryl!
Hey Liz, nice to see you over here. Im glad the frags are still doing well.

My first thought was Appleberry Monti but not so sure now. The red polyps don't fit. Beautiful looking tank you've got there.

The appleberry is green with blue polyps...also different species for sure. Apple berry is a monti palawanensis.

thanks for the compliements everyone...its the motivation that keeps me at it.
Dude, the FTS looks superb. Between, yourself, kshow and v1...rotate, you guys keep me inspired! Thanks for that :thumbsup: Also, my apologies for my typos in my last post. My new phone does a great job with assisting me to appear completely illiterate :lol: To clarify, I was referring to the elevated "Boron" levels in Seachem Salt and the identical negative affects that it had on other tanks in the past..

Have you tried the bloodworms with the CBB?