A face only a mother could love…
I realize I didn’t do any review on my frogfish and since it’s a slow week, I thought why not as there could be people like me who are fascinated with this unique fish??
The below information are from research I have done on frogfish from another website which have a dedicated forum on this fish.
So let’s start with the basic….
Basic Tank Setup?
Frogfish, depending on the species, range in size from a max 5 inches of the warty or 'clown' angler, to the max 12 inch 'giant' or commersons angler... there are even species such as the dwarf and Randalls frogfish which stay under 2 inches... but are not commonly avaliable. Most commonly available would be Antennarius maculatus (wartskin - to about 4"), A. pictus (painted), A. multiocellatus (longlure), A. nummifer (Coinbearing), A. coccineus (freckled or scarlet) all grow to about 5", A. striatus (tiger or striated) and A. hispidus (hispid or shaggy) get to around 6 or 7"
Juvies can grow to adult size in a year. It is dependent on the quality and frequency of feeding (recommended: twice a week), water quality, tank temp.
For a smaller species, say a wartskin, a 20g should be fine.
Good filtration would be a good idea as they produce a lot of waste. A good running skimmer always helps to remove the excess waste.
Tank's water temp around room temp is alright as long it not over 30 degree.
Water changes of 10% ~ 15% weekly, or 20% twice monthly.
As for lighting.. normal FL lights are more than enough.. using of MH etc will juz speed up the rate of evaporation and cook the water.
Lots of Live rocks for the beloved froggies to hide which for these froggies would feels more secure and also helps them to catch their meals easily as they belnd into the rock work. Create caves and hills like the reef in the tank.
The amount of liverocks in the tank also plays a major part of the bio system of the tank health.
The water current in the tank shall not be too strong nor weak. A mild gentle flow throughout all areas of the tank would be good enough.
Point To Note:
Do not leave the frogfish out of the water while transporting or handling. It will be fatal once these creatures take in air into their stomach.