Ed Reef's Shallow Crest Inspired ART


thx ed!
your tank is so awesome! really love it!
i´m thinking of making a thread of my one tank! ;)
if anyone likes! ;)

You should start a build thread Flo...would love to see your tank :bounce1:

the one thing i know is that the Halichoeres chrysus ( i´m not going to link another german lexikon here, but fishbase isn´t working really fast) is one of the "weapons" against this pest! So they say here in Austira! ;)
i really think my chelom did some picking but after they killed nearly all of my montis they died out of hunger i guess!?

But what i did out of knowing is:
i took out the monties and bathed them in iodine!
i got mine from the drugstore and it´s called betaisodona

it´s also used to disinfect!
i hope i can help u.
would be very sorry if u lose one of u´re monties to these 'grain of rice'

I got some iodine at home....do you dilute it with water or just pure from the bottle?? :eek1:
ok ed as u like. i´m checking some fotos at home and than i start my thread!
i hope it´s alright when i post it here, cause only the whole system has around 180 gal!

but first i´ve to work, cause it´s 2:20pm :D:D
i hope my boss isn´t watching :D:D

i mixed it with water but i think i took not enought, cause some of them survived it! :hammer::hammer:
but u should also scrap them of the monti after u bath it! ;)

i hope u understand what i´m writing here and my mistakes are not to much! :D:D
ok ed as u like. i´m checking some fotos at home and than i start my thread!
i hope it´s alright when i post it here, cause only the whole system has around 180 gal!

Sure.... I'm sure everyone else also will love it... :bounce2:

but first i´ve to work, cause it´s 2:20pm :D:D
i hope my boss isn´t watching :D:D

Work?? What' that ?? :lolspin:

i mixed it with water but i think i took not enought, cause some of them survived it! :hammer::hammer:
but u should also scrap them of the monti after u bath it! ;)

Some advise 20 drops to 1 liter of tank water?? Anyone out there got any experience to share?? Don't wanna make the red montie turn into a b lue montie :hmm5:
Nice pictures Ed! Those Montipora eating nudie's can easily be nuked with some Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure (iodine dip).

hey ed!

i did some reserch and i have no good news! only some things that might work or not!

some say that the wrasse i mentioned might help,
others say that using freshwater will help,
or the iodine bath.

but everything has a dark side!

freshwater can cause complett losing of the montis skin, but in some cases it worked
the wrasse has the problem that 1. there are some who don´t eat the sluggs and 2. they can´t get them out of every corner. if the montis has to much branches it´s a problem!
an iodine u know! ;)

i´m sorry that i couldn´t help more!

But some say that the sluggs suddenly disapear! :lolspin:
Nice pictures Ed! Those Montipora eating nudie's can easily be nuked with some Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure (iodine dip).


Thanks Leo - will try to get some and give it a try. Will try iodine dip first this weekend.

So far, I've tried the following:
- Coral Rx dip
- FW dip
- Manual scrapping

Next will be Iodine dip and if not work, then will get me some TM Coral Cure..

Odd is I don't see them anymore (when lights are on anyway) but the tissue keep residing... :hammer:
hey ed!

i did some reserch and i have no good news! only some things that might work or not!

some say that the wrasse i mentioned might help,
others say that using freshwater will help,
or the iodine bath.

but everything has a dark side!

freshwater can cause complett losing of the montis skin, but in some cases it worked
the wrasse has the problem that 1. there are some who don´t eat the sluggs and 2. they can´t get them out of every corner. if the montis has to much branches it´s a problem!
an iodine u know! ;)

i´m sorry that i couldn´t help more!

But some say that the sluggs suddenly disapear! :lolspin:

Thanks flo - I like the part about 'the sluggs suddenly disapear! ' :lolspin:
Hey adddo have started your build yet :crazy1::crazy1::crazy1:


Yes i have freshwater in it now and piping is working as intended.. Hopefully ill have LR and salt in it during November.

Ill start a buildthread as i get further. :)
The iodine dips (or just freshwater dips) will cause the nudibranchs to fall off the coral. You can also try Revive. Try to blow off the nudibranchs from the coral during the dip (be aggressive).

Unfortunately, the dips do not harm the eggs of the nudibranch. You can try scrubbing off the eggs with a toothbrush. Most likely, you will need to re-dip the coral several times over a few weeks to remove the problem. It's important to not let the population re-establish itself.

I had a montipora eating nudibranch episode a year back and was able to kill them off with repeated freshwater dips (tough on the coral) over several weeks. The infected coral did suffer but grows like a weed so I didn't mind giving up some coral tissue in the process. I keep my montis separated in the tank and luckily the nudibranchs did not spread out (or perhaps only like certain montiporas). Happily I have not lost any of my montiporas to these nudibranchs.
Thems are some nice photos... I feel that I have had a sufficent hit for this weeks fts fix... thanks...