Ed Reef's Shallow Crest Inspired ART

The iodine dips (or just freshwater dips) will cause the nudibranchs to fall off the coral. You can also try Revive. Try to blow off the nudibranchs from the coral during the dip (be aggressive).

Unfortunately, the dips do not harm the eggs of the nudibranch. You can try scrubbing off the eggs with a toothbrush. Most likely, you will need to re-dip the coral several times over a few weeks to remove the problem. It's important to not let the population re-establish itself.

I had a montipora eating nudibranch episode a year back and was able to kill them off with repeated freshwater dips (tough on the coral) over several weeks. The infected coral did suffer but grows like a weed so I didn't mind giving up some coral tissue in the process. I keep my montis separated in the tank and luckily the nudibranchs did not spread out (or perhaps only like certain montiporas). Happily I have not lost any of my montiporas to these nudibranchs.

Thanks - you just gave me a ray light of hope :love1:

I will continue to do a dip every few days in order not to over stress the montie piece too much. I got a feeling that it's in the tank already and each time I dip, the corals seems fine for a day or two, and then it comes back but in less numbers... :rolleye1:
Some Corals Update

Some Corals Update

Nothing much to update so I share some corals pictures"¦





My nasty pests are gone so far so hopefully it keeps that way"¦.

That are some tasty Zoas. I also liked the first pic.. What is it? Rics? Looks great!
Nice pictures Ed! Those Montipora eating nudie's can easily be nuked with some Tropic Marin Pro Coral Cure (iodine dip).


Interesting, when I had them I found this wouldn't kill them but mainly just helped make them more visible for manual removal. Glad it worked for you. Maybe I did something wrong? Although I did get rid of them.:hammer:
Interesting, when I had them I found this wouldn't kill them but mainly just helped make them more visible for manual removal. Glad it worked for you. Maybe I did something wrong? Although I did get rid of them.:hammer:

Hmm, you got me thinking... I dipped them and blew them off with a powerhead. I supposed they were easily blown off by the Iodine (stung/dead), but it could be that the Iodine had no additional effect at all ;) :hmm5:
