Fiji or Marshall Live Rock


New member
Does anyone have a preference? Also, when cycling the tank with seeded/cured LR and live sand do you run the lights and skimmer normally? Approximate time to complete cylce?
Well to me, live rock is liverock. I like to look of figi rock better. Becuase you get some tonga figi rock and more coraline.

I would run the lights on a 8 hour photoperiod to allow the organisms on the liverock to grow and live. Otherwise, they will just slowly die off... I would also run the skimmer. Most don't. Do Maybe another opinion on the skimmer would help.

Hope This Helps! Good Luck On The Tank!
Rock Anemone

P.S. Within 2-3 months I added some corals and fish.... :)
We are new to this hobby and continue to read and learn all that we can. In regard to LR, we purchased the majority of our rock as Fiji with a couple larger pieces of Marshall Island rock to 'change the scenery'. I have not been made aware of any concern with having both types of rock....we purchased all of the LR at the same place.
Good luck!
I prefer to cycle my tank the same way I will be running my tank once it is done cycling. Same lighting period, same skimming, same everything....just so once it's done cycling I'm not going to change the way everything is being done. It worked very well for me.

I left my skimmer off during the cycle to allow for the levels to get as high as possible so larger bacteria colonies would be produced. That was my logic anyways. I'm sure it will be fine either way.
jeo said:
I left my skimmer off during the cycle to allow for the levels to get as high as possible so larger bacteria colonies would be produced. That was my logic anyways. I'm sure it will be fine either way.

higher levels = more die-off. your bacteria is going to hit equilibrium with your final bioload either way, so why kill anything on the rock that you don't have to?
good point, I cycled before I put my rock in, but in diverdan's case he probably should run his skimmer to prevent extra die off like you said.
I cycle the tank the same way I will continue to run it.
I guess I look at it like this. I paid alot of money for a pile of rocks...I want to salvage whatever might be living on/in the blasted things. :)
Re: Fiji or Marshall Live Rock

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=684742#post684742 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by diverdan
Approximate time to complete cylce?

Oh ya, and usually around 6-8 weeks is a good rule of thumb.