(First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

Very serious. I nearly lost my system during an electrical fire. A reactor split a seam, sprayed water on a socket (which was neatly tucked under the tank where water couldn't get on it), and it sparked a fire. Small stuff really. A shorted, and melted 1000W ballast power cord flamed up right under one of my return lines. It charred the line and looks like it came very close to igniting. For all the safeguards I had on that system, that could easily have dumped 1000g on the floor. The room was fairly well sealed, but it still could have cause excessive damage, and perhaps a bigger fire. I will NEVER have another tank with holes in it.

Now that is a really scary story. I'll keep that in mind when i put his system together. I think i made the right decision by replaced all the bulk head seals and all the plumbing.
Hey Steve, u gonna polish the tank for him? Your a good friend!!! This is homie by the way

Hey dude how are you doing? Yeah we will polish the tank this weekend. I polished my tank before so i will start first and he will jump in as i am getting tire or he can do the out side and i will do the inside consider his big frame compare to mine lol.
polishing tanks is so much fun... NOT! Yeah, it's just a matter of really analyzing where everything is, and how a failure can effect nearby equipment. I put a lot of thought into mine and was very particular about where electrical outlets, plugs, equipment was in relationship to the tank, always thinking about the possibility of drips or even waves. If you saw how far under my stand I put the doomed outlet, you wouldn't believe it. And I had ZERO equipment installed under my tank, save a dehumidifier. doh!

Ca reactor, skimmer, tunze and other misc is on the way. Due to delivery on Nov 10. Plumbing got done tonight, sunday we will polish the tank. Some time next week the External box will get get clue into the tank.
ok, i missed something here? Used to be Barts tank in LA, is this now Jar*Head's tank in CA?

You should send your tank to LA too!
rather than fixing and cover all the holes in Bart's tank it's probably better since your equipment fits it perfectly:)

Bart's tank is one of the first large tank I really admire when I started the hobby in 2004.

Good luck with the rebuild
I am sure it will be great since you put your hand one it:)
Lawrence, thank you for the kind word. But my tank will be too short for the cut in his wall. His tank is fine just need to cover up 3 holes and about another 10 in the sump but i replaced all the gasket so he should be good. My plumbing style rather simple and effective, at least it save some electricity for him. He went from 1500w of power to 250w on pumps and 2000+ in lighting down to less then 1000w. We are planning on 9 AI sol pendants for now. 4 external waveboxes, 3 6305 and 3 6201. 6305 will disturb the surface while the 6201 will sweep the bottom. Due to his busy schedule we decided to go with BB on the tank for now. But his fuge will have min of 6" sand bed and he also has a 125g mangrove tank with another 6" of sand. I will send all my rock over for the fuge and cryptic zone. This is consider a low maintenance tank. No Zeo, no Bio Pellet other anything that is new in the market nowadays. Anything that willl require daily attention will not be on this tank. We are looking at 100 plus fishes and an agressive tank with eels, wrasses, trigger and grouper in his 180g tank.

Ca reactor, skimmer, tunze and other misc is on the way. Due to delivery on Nov 10. Plumbing got done tonight, sunday we will polish the tank. Some time next week the External box will get get clue into the tank.

Those are some big boy toys!

(And im not talking about the ones on the left. Lol)
Did Bart ever have any issues with is tank? Is it still holding up well, seemed to had been a nicely constructed tank if I remember correctly.