Fish Survey: Clown Triggerfish

Fish Survey: Clown Triggerfish

  • current owner: less than 1 month

    Votes: 172 18.3%
  • current owner: 1 - 5 months

    Votes: 152 16.2%
  • current owner: 6 - 12 months

    Votes: 97 10.3%
  • current owner: 1 - 2 years

    Votes: 88 9.4%
  • current owner: 3 - 5 years

    Votes: 59 6.3%
  • current owner: 6 - 9 years

    Votes: 21 2.2%
  • current owner: 10 - 14 years

    Votes: 5 0.5%
  • current owner: 15 - 19 years

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • current owner: 20 years or more

    Votes: 14 1.5%
  • past owner: less than 1 month

    Votes: 36 3.8%
  • past owner: 1 - 5 months

    Votes: 44 4.7%
  • past owner: 6 - 12 months

    Votes: 53 5.6%
  • past owner: 1 - 2 years

    Votes: 72 7.7%
  • past owner: 3 - 5 years

    Votes: 67 7.1%
  • past owner: 6 - 9 years

    Votes: 19 2.0%
  • past owner: 10 - 14 years

    Votes: 9 1.0%
  • past owner: 15 - 19 years

    Votes: 4 0.4%
  • past owner: 20 years or more

    Votes: 25 2.7%

  • Total voters
I've kept a few over the years, at least three clowns, and several other triggers. I just put a little 2-incher into a 65 of his own last week, and called "Pet Fish Talk" for tips. I've kepts Humus, niger, queens, and a sargassum for years, but every clown has died within two years. Also, the growth rate has seemed slower on those than other species. I'm taking every precaution to do it right this time.
yes I would love a bite of your finger
I would love to see one of these guys at a decent size.....

Realistically, if you were to keep a "large" one of these fish, I would image they would each and dump as much as a small bog or a cat!

If ever there was a fish for a species tank, I think a bit one of these could carry it off.......
I have never owned one so i chose less than one month previous owner because i think my dad owned one a long time ago so...i wouldnt get one for my reef anyway they are really agressive towards fish and people but still he is a really nice fish!
any chance that this fish might work in a 480g tank with

Tassled filefish
Snowflake eel
Zebra eel
Bird wrasse
Naso tang
Panther grouper
Twinspot coris
Volitans lionfish

Some softies such as leather coral, colt, mushroom,zoanthids and star polyps

Hermits, urchins, green brittle star
What disease has this fish had? How did you treat it, for how long? What's the effect of the treatment? N/A

Does this fish change body color under any circumstances? yeah it gets pale when freaked out

Does this fish dig the substrate often? yeah it digs a lot

How active is this fish? Is this fish shy? wasn't shy at all, constantly exploring, digging, biting

How territorial or aggressive is this fish? How does this fish interact with tankmates? started out ok, then decided the whole tank was his/its

Did this fish ever jump out of the tank? no

How does this fish sleep? like all triggers in a rock or cave

Does this fish allow cleaners to clean? If so which cleaner and how often? N/A
How does this fish interact with human? you could hand feed it, but it'll bite ya

Did the fish release toxic substance that killed other creatures in the tank? no
Any other interesting observation of this fish? killer fish for a BIG tank or a species tank

Your overall assessment of this species -
How sensitive is this fish to poor water quality on a scale of 1-5? not that sensitive really, but I wouldn't ever cycle w/any fish. Would probably survive ammonia spikes, but why chance it?

Do you think we should not keep this fish (for what reason)? you just gotta know what you're in for
Would you recommend this fish to beginners? no b/c most don't have tanks big enough
Is this fish best kept in mature/established (6 months or older) tank? most are, but that's not realistic
Any other recommendations/comments? no :lol: :lol:
My Clown is probably my favorite fish in the tank. I always wanted one, and got him last year. He has never been aggressive to any of my other fish. He did try to eat my urchins when I introduced them. I think he learned his lesson. My Humuhumu kicks his butt once in a while. They are both the same size. I introduced a Niger after him and they get along fine. Sometimes I will find him wedged against a rock and the glass nose down resting. He almost looks dead. He eats well. I mostly feed freeze dried shrimp.
i have had mine for 8 months and he is still growing like a champ. my wife really loves the way he looks and acts. he is not scared to bite things that you use to clean the corners of the tank. you have to watch him when you are doing things in side the tank. here is a pic of him
Quite intrigued by this fish and wanting to add to an SPS tank.
Here's my fish list now: 1 - large achilles (6 inches). Naso at 8 inches. Blueface at 8 inches a yellow tang and a larger maroon clown. I also have a mandarin.

Tank dimensions are 60 X 28 X 22. Lots of swimming room.

I am looking at one at the LFS that is one and a half inch selling for 100 bucks cdn.

So what do you think guys, is it feasible? My thought is when he grows too big I can trade him in...thx
Quite intrigued by this fish and wanting to add to an SPS tank.
Here's my fish list now: 1 - large achilles (6 inches). Naso at 8 inches. Blueface at 8 inches a yellow tang and a larger maroon clown. I also have a mandarin.

Tank dimensions are 60 X 28 X 22. Lots of swimming room.

I am looking at one at the LFS that is one and a half inch selling for 100 bucks cdn.

So what do you think guys, is it feasible? My thought is when he grows too big I can trade him in...thx
My LFS sells Clowns that big for 60$ Dont know how much fish cost up there in canada though.
Quite intrigued by this fish and wanting to add to an SPS tank.
Here's my fish list now: 1 - large achilles (6 inches). Naso at 8 inches. Blueface at 8 inches a yellow tang and a larger maroon clown. I also have a mandarin.

Tank dimensions are 60 X 28 X 22. Lots of swimming room.

I am looking at one at the LFS that is one and a half inch selling for 100 bucks cdn.

So what do you think guys, is it feasible? My thought is when he grows too big I can trade him in...thx

The CT would pick on the mandarin for sure, at some point (probably the clown as well). Your tank seems to have quite a few large fish already, I would suggest you not purchase the CT until you get a separate/larger tank. These fish grow very fast as noted in the posts above.

I wanted to chime in on this thread about my massive CT that I've had for roughly 3 months. He is 12.5" long and is in my community tank with tangs, angels and wrasses. He does not bother them and has not bitten at or acted aggressive towards any of them. I can't say the same for my cleaning magnet or my tongs. He hates those things and chomps at them both. Hope to chime in several months down the road with the same results.
currently keeping a 3.5" clown with a 4.5" niger and 4" white tail trigger. That was a fun fun procedure for grouping the trio of those triggers in a 135 Long. In the tank is a full grown snowflake a yellow tang and hippo tang, and a balls to the wall porcupine puffer. The triggers were acclimated using a 45 min drip with slight meds to ensure no parasites and than 45 minutes without meds with just clear water. I usually get a 10 gallon water change out of a new fish acclimation. But first was niger and a year later white tail and 6 months later a clown trigger. Whenever I add new fish to this tank, besides picking aggressive tank mates I put in seaweed on pvc and my clown goes bonkers when pvc is in his tank, he starts shredding the seaweed and if I do to pieces he will be preoccupied till the next night and never bothers new fish. :)
currently keeping a 3.5" clown with a 4.5" niger and 4" white tail trigger. That was a fun fun procedure for grouping the trio of those triggers in a 135 Long. In the tank is a full grown snowflake a yellow tang and hippo tang, and a balls to the wall porcupine puffer. The triggers were acclimated using a 45 min drip with slight meds to ensure no parasites and than 45 minutes without meds with just clear water. I usually get a 10 gallon water change out of a new fish acclimation. But first was niger and a year later white tail and 6 months later a clown trigger. Whenever I add new fish to this tank, besides picking aggressive tank mates I put in seaweed on pvc and my clown goes bonkers when pvc is in his tank, he starts shredding the seaweed and if I do to pieces he will be preoccupied till the next night and never bothers new fish. :)

All of these fish are in a 135 gallon long?