frag swap (pic intensive)
frag swap (pic intensive)
Hi all!
Well, I'm like a ghost around here except for frag swap time and I can't wait.
Chris/Matt: I've contacted you about reserving a whole table, I imagine you're just busy so let me know when you have a chance.
We plan on bringing a whole bunch of frags again, would like to bring about 300 frags we'll see if my farming skills are up to it. lol
I would like arrange some trades if anyone has some stuff I'm looking for.
I'd really like to get a frag of these corals: Larry jackson nana, solitaryensis, echinata, tricolor, efflo, yellow, green, blue/violet mille, red stag/table, green slimer, orange samarensis, green w/ violet rim cap/undata, blue cap, neon green cap, purple cap (not undata pls), pink polyp cap, grn confusa, and we'll toss in tort and gomezi for good measure. And any other cool stuff (chalices, micros, lords, duncanopsammia) ;p
I have these corals to frag, but will not plan on bringing frags of them unless someone requests it. All of our corals have been treated with pro-coral cure 3 times and I will dip the frags once more before coming to the swap. Don't kill me for the pics.
Encrusting Blue anthelia. I have several propagated plugs of this if anyone wants to try it. Its tough to get acclimated, but it takes off after that. Doesn't sting your corals and stays short unlike xenia. Very blue. Do you have this Chris?
I can make limited frags of these corals, about 1/2 inch or so.
Purple mistress valida
Green/blue w/ blue polyps selago
Red mille and blue turaki/caroliniana
Green acro
Green monti not digitata
Pink lord
Purple table and green pocillo inflata
Green turaki
Baby blue austera (some frags already growing on discs)