For those dosing prodibio bioptim and biodigest

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13958692#post13958692 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave's Reef
When you say "it was so hard keeping from dosing the reefbooster earlier but you did and couldn't be happier" does that mean you did or did not wait? Kind of hard to make out your meaning???

Can you let me know please? I just started dosing Bioptim and the Biodigest Monday!


Hi Dave, Sorry for late response. Crazy busy lately. I did not dose booster until week 7. Also guys...turn off the PO4 removers or you will reduce the efficiency of this system. The bacteria need PO4 in order to remove the NO3. There is a rate limiting effect in the chemistry of this ASAIK. If you remove all your PO4 your ability to further remove NO3 will stop. Don't freak out! I did it over a month ago and everything was perfectly fine. Things actually look better AFTER I shut off my Phosban reactor. :) And my PO4 is still at 0.01 via Hanna photometer. :beer:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13960573#post13960573 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ace1
I noticed that you using K and B balance along with the phols extra.. my question is how are testing for Potassium and what salt mix are using??

some have more potassium than others, i dabbled with pure potassium chloride on 1 dose I miscalculated and over dosed (according to Brightwells potassium product) but i immediately noticed my green no-name acro slime up with exteme polyp extentions and also my superman danae turned bright blue, and it had extreme polyp extension, but it spooked me so i layed off of it for the time being.. have you noticed anything resembling this when dosing K??

Hi Ace. I use the Zeo test kit. It's not perfect by any means but I figured it would at least give me a ballpark idea of where I was at. Turns out my levels weren't even in the ballpark. LOL My main reason for testing was because my montis weren't doing well at all. Since bringing K up they are doing much better. I am using Reef Crystals. Never experienced what you did when dosing K but we we're dosing different stuff too. HTH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13963024#post13963024 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcola78

So what are the RECOMMENDED Doses (per Prodibio) for the following? Established Tank? I do not see the time frames for all of them.

BIO_DIGEST = 1 Amp (vial) treats up to 1,000 Liters (264 Gallons). Dose every 15 days.


REEFBOOSTER = 1 Amp (vial) treats up to 400 Liters (105 Gallons). Dose once every week.

BIOPTIM = ??? 1 amp treats 52gals. This is the only item I actually reduce when I dose. My system is 220g. I only dose 3 vials (not 4). Things are good.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13962357#post13962357 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcola78
I am pretty new to this also and it sounds very tempting.

I also noted a ReefBooster PRO, about 5x as much $$$ as the regular ReefBooster, but I cant seem to find any information about the difference between the two.

Thanks in advance for your help.

There is no difference. Reefbooster PRO is a 10ml vial (about 5x the amount found in the regular vial) hence the cost. It is for very large systems. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13962358#post13962358 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ace1
what are the risk of doing this,i have seen other run both GFO & Bio??

Guys...don't take this the wrong way. Why do you want to waste money? Everyone here is concerned about wasting the Prodibio stuff and costing themselves more $$$. Well, you're doing the same thing by running GFO with this stuff. GFO media ain't cheap either. Why keep buying it and running it when you don't need it? You're wasting $$$. I tell don't need it if you dose correctly. Period. :rollface: Save your cash and buy some frags. ;)
I have been dosing vodka for over 2 months along with using vinegar in my kalk top off water for several weeks. I am wondering if I can get away with not using bioptim, biodigest, and just use reefbooster. I seem to have a hard time keeping coral color and have been feeding 2-3 times a day when I can. I dose 1.2 ml/day vodka and add 75ml of vinegar per 5g of kalk/rodi for top off. I also try to skim wet and run carbon as well. Thoughts?

Good point! I just pulled my media and replaced it with straight carbon from SeaChem. I'll be running this way from here on out as long as I'm dosing Prodibio....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13973393#post13973393 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cato
Guys...don't take this the wrong way. Why do you want to waste money? Everyone here is concerned about wasting the Prodibio stuff and costing themselves more $$$. Well, you're doing the same thing by running GFO with this stuff. GFO media ain't cheap either. Why keep buying it and running it when you don't need it? You're wasting $$$. I tell don't need it if you dose correctly. Period. :rollface: Save your cash and buy some frags. ;)
The whole GFO is a personal option and I would suggest if it works for you, stick to it.

Here are a couple random shots to display some of the results I am getting. These are three weeks ago and things are starting to come around a little but more now ;)









<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13968419#post13968419 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paul_PSU
Here is my email to Prodibio and their response:

Thanks for using our products.

Concerning dosing, since there are as many tanks as there are aquarists, we can only offer average mono-doses.

Except for products such as Iodine, there is no risk of overdosing. So most products are up to the indicated volume.

If the tank is very small (ie in the range of 5-20 gal) it is better to use the Nano range of Prodibio products.

For bigger tanks but still smaller than the maximum indicated volume, you can adapt the frequency of dosing if necessary.

For example Reef Booster is for 400L every week. If the volume is 200L, dose once every 14 days.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,

Dr. Guillaume VANOT

Marketing & Production Manager


PRODIBIO, Aquarium Care Program
"Station Alexandre", 29-31 Bd C. Moretti
13336 MARSEILLE Cedex 14 â€"œ FRANCE
Tél : + 33 491 671 215 - Fax : + 33 491 471 622
Email :
Website :

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Paul
Envoyé : mercredi 10 décembre 2008 11:56
Objet : dosing

I have seen on some forums where people are confused about the dosing of

your product in Marine/Reef systems. I just want to make sure that I am

understanding your directions correctly. When it says "one ampule up to

1000l every 15 days", am I correct in assuming that if my system is

1000l (264 gallons) that I dose 1 ampule every 15 days OR if my system

is 500l (132 gallons) that I dose 1 ampule every 15 days OR if my system

is 250l (66gallons) that I dose 1 ampule every 15 days, etc all the way

down to a nano that is 18l (5 gallons) that I still dose 1 entire ampule

every 15 days. I just want to be sure.

Thanks for your help in clarifying this. I have been using just your

Biodigest product for the past 6 months and have been pleased with the



i guess we all had it figured correctly, good to know...
they never responded to me


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13973256#post13973256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cato
Hi Ace. I use the Zeo test kit. It's not perfect by any means but I figured it would at least give me a ballpark idea of where I was at. Turns out my levels weren't even in the ballpark. LOL My main reason for testing was because my montis weren't doing well at all. Since bringing K up they are doing much better. I am using Reef Crystals. Never experienced what you did when dosing K but we we're dosing different stuff too. HTH

thanx for your respond Cato,

how is the K balance working for you, i should be getting my K test kit very soon.. I ordered the KZ kit as i heard it was the most accurate..

but im very interested in the potassium dosing cuz i love monti's and stylos that are also suppose to benefit from K

please keep us posted as to K progress and what you've noticed,

by the way can you post some pix of your system, i have seen you on the Zeovit forum so i know you have running they system,

As for your monti concerns Ace1, I might of missed it, but what is your MG level at? I have come to understand that my monti's will tell me if my MG is low. They are not as vibrant and some may even become pale.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13973393#post13973393 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cato
Guys...don't take this the wrong way. Why do you want to waste money?

If I was really worried about wasting money, I would not be in this hobby :p Good points though ;)
my MG is 1450 on ave, my monti's are not bad but i want to get some digi's and more encrusting ones so i just wanna optimize there performance.. plus i love stylos

Yep aint NO saving in this hobby... if you claim your saving $$$ you probably got short arms and deep pockets.. I dare anyone in this hobby to save their recipts!!!':eek1:' then tell me who's saving':lol:'
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13974312#post13974312 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
If I was really worried about wasting money, I would not be in this hobby :p Good points though ;)

waste? :confused: Now maintaining a reef certainly isnt 'cheap', but people spend thousands of dollars in all different hobbies- personally I believe that our hobby is definitely one of the more educational and worthwhile- especially granted the current status of natural reefs.

By the way Mark- those photos are great.. Lovely colors you have going on. :eek2:

Thanks for the Prodibio info people-
Paul- I appreciate you taking the time to shout them an email.

Im dosing the whole range of their products in my 50 gal with excellent results. Im sad to say I have not been regimented with dosages- but typically I rotate, starting w/ the digest and optim... then the stronti... I have only used the Iodi twice (in 5 mo) and am glad to know that overdosing is really only a worry with this product. I gave the optim and digest a few weeks to get to work before using the Booster and now im using it roughly every 30-40 days. The Booster helps feed the bacteria which I needed to improve my biological filtration early on- so i went for it and my system loves it. My first reef is nearly 6 months old and I am yet to lose a fish or coral.

Im also using the entire vial each time- I just dilute and then add slowly.. partly because im too lazy to get a syringe (but probaly will for the iodi) and also because I dont understand why one would fork the $ for nitrogen sealed glass ampules only to expose them to oxygen and then store for later use...

I took my GFO offline 3 days ago to see if there is a difference. I will let you know. I am only dosing Biodigest along with vodka. My goal is growth and color and to maintain my Nitrates at around 0-5 and Phosphates as close to .01 as I can get them. I have been at zero Nitrates for some time. My main concern is phosphates. I am kinda using the green film on the glass as a gauge right now for the phosphates. I am having to clean the glass every day and a 1/2 as opposed to almost twice a day as I did before. I am going to invest in a hanna meter very soon. I was battling Bryopsis for awhile so my mag had been pretty high around 2000 at one point.
I say growth cause My tank is very new only one year old and mostly frags. My tank really just started to "kick in" as far as growth and color. Here is a link to pics of my tank:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13974964#post13974964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by klepto

Im also using the entire vial each time- I just dilute and then add slowly.. partly because im too lazy to get a syringe (but probaly will for the iodi) and also because I dont understand why one would fork the $ for nitrogen sealed glass ampules only to expose them to oxygen and then store for later use...


I agree about exposing them to air. I figured I would take their advice and change the frequency and not the dosage and see what happens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13974312#post13974312 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
If I was really worried about wasting money, I would not be in this hobby :p Good points though ;)

Very true. lol :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13974282#post13974282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ace1
thanx for your respond Cato,

how is the K balance working for you, i should be getting my K test kit very soon.. I ordered the KZ kit as i heard it was the most accurate..

but im very interested in the potassium dosing cuz i love monti's and stylos that are also suppose to benefit from K

please keep us posted as to K progress and what you've noticed,

by the way can you post some pix of your system, i have seen you on the Zeovit forum so i know you have running they system,


mpoletti...sweet pics bro. :thumbsup:

Guys, here is a link to my build thread with my most recent pics for the time being. I will try to update the pics soon. These were taken a couple weeks into starting Prodi. It has only been 7 weeks as of now and I can't wait to see things over the next 6 months. Pics were taken with a simple point and shoot cam too so cut me a little slack. :) I haven't made a purchase for a REAL camera as of yet. :D
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