Full Room Shots - Multiple Exposures!

Nice work,
Here is my use of multiple exposures, sorry not reef related but very special to me.

7 twins!!! that's really scary. However he's so nice and special that i wouldn't mind it at all.
As to the fertility treatments well my camera is so productive ( a daily rate of no less than 300 pics when i'm at home).
very nice pic even the "ugly" one and very nice room indeed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6884021#post6884021 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by aberg12012
my first one is a bit ugly with the room's WB.
Easy enough to solve, take the same file (assuming you shot raw) set one WB for one tank, set the other WB for the other tank, and set the third WB for the room. Layer and process exactly like you did for this thread:

Gregory, I can always count on you... to send me home with my tail between my legs. :lol:

That is gorgeous!!! And a good point... I didn't think of the fact that if I have one photo... I can make 3 copies of it with 3 different WB settings. But it was still more fun taking the 3 photos. :D
HA! Aberg, you know that's not my intention. You're so far advanced, that it's hard to say anything at all, so I just say dumb things sometimes.

BTW, that tank wasn't evenly lit there were 3 distinct color temps in the tank itself, and I had to equilize all of them, took me 5 copies of that image to get it all balanced out right.

I agree though, multiple exposures is quite fun. I did a little photo-essay recently using the D70 combining between 3 and 6 exposures per frame. I don't want to take over your thread, so I'll just post a link:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6915168#post6915168 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gho
HA! Aberg, you know that's not my intention. You're so far advanced, that it's hard to say anything at all, so I just say dumb things sometimes.

BTW, that tank wasn't evenly lit there were 3 distinct color temps in the tank itself, and I had to equilize all of them, took me 5 copies of that image to get it all balanced out right.

I agree though, multiple exposures is quite fun. I did a little photo-essay recently using the D70 combining between 3 and 6 exposures per frame. I don't want to take over your thread, so I'll just post a link:

Very nice! I'd love to learn how you did that one day.
Here is my use of multiple exposures, sorry not reef related but very special to me.

Had a dream like that once, It was a nice dream ubtil the first diaper change, you can imagine the rest.