Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

Awesome tank setup! Are those solenoid valves that you are using with your auto-topoff system and where did you get those? Did it come with the Aquatronic setup or did you have to find them yourself and are they plastic solenoid valves?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6370560#post6370560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gin_Tseng
Awesome tank setup! Are those solenoid valves that you are using with your auto-topoff system and where did you get those? Did it come with the Aquatronic setup or did you have to find them yourself and are they plastic solenoid valves?

The solenoids (red) pics in previous post, are from I have 3 of them, 2 for the water change top and bottom levels and a third to top off the tank itself. They are conrolled by the Aquatronica. If you mean these they came with the aquatronica....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6370696#post6370696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TEDDYKOLLER

No i didnt make or stain the stand a fellow reefer Sean aka sonofgaladriel made the entire stand and canopy.
Here is his thread...
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Well the stand will be on its way in the morning... Sean really made a coffin for this thing.... 3 days ship time to make it to me...

Hey, just have to toss some props out for bebo77 doing such an awesome job! Man, I love the setup from beginning to end and how much time and dedication that was taken too blue print from the beginning all the way through the whole project.

Bebo77, I don't know your name by your alias but thanks for trusting us for providing the rock for your system and give us a call if we can help further.

I think I see a tank for the next upcomming RC Magazine!

P.S. If you're looking for a second job too support the habbit, we're taking applications right now....LOL

Keep us posted and do me a favor and send some finalized photos if you get a chance.

Bebo, outstanding. Having just done something similar I'm really feeling your financial pain. :D

I'm jealous that you're moving so quickly on this tough but I guess that's where the experience comes in. Hey, how's that PanWorld 100PX-X? Mine is way too noisy.....

Tell us about your plans for this tank - livestock, sand, BB, anything fancy? :)
whew, bathtub'll need a hazmet team to sanitize that baby and the drain in the end! How does anyone have the patience to document each detail for months like this? It is wonderful, and I'm glad folks do it, it's just (to me) taking away from the DOING, so I never could have patiently written such journals.

I'm esp interested on the curing-sauna, do keep us updated on all those details. :)
I hate to bring this up at this point, but how comfortable are you that nothing in the bathtub will negatively impact the rock?

I'd be concerned about soap/cleaner residues as well as the materials (metals?) used in the plumbing and pumps for the jets. At a minimum, I'd monitor copper levels in case there are any copper or brass fittings in there. Just keep an eye on it. If you see elevated copper in the water, the rocks can absorb it and leach it back out later. That could cause problems down the road with invertebrates (especially corals).

Other than that, I applaud your creativity! I showed your bathtub pic to my wife, and......let's just say you're making me look good by comparison! :D :D

Keep up the good work!
wow!!! That is one heck of a tank you have in the works there. I've VERY impressed with the sump and stand!!! You've really put ALOT of planning into this thats for sure.

Almost a shame to put water in it and get that sump all funky!! LOL

Congrats!! (note to fiancee.. See honey I didn't spend near as much as this guy did!!!) Thanks dude you make me look conservative!!! LOL
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6377345#post6377345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Bebo, outstanding. Having just done something similar I'm really feeling your financial pain. :D

I'm jealous that you're moving so quickly on this tough but I guess that's where the experience comes in. Hey, how's that PanWorld 100PX-X? Mine is way too noisy.....

Tell us about your plans for this tank - livestock, sand, BB, anything fancy? :)

I havent started it yet....:) I left the tank half empty so that i can aquascape a little easier...

I did not want to go BB but i placed one of the Tunze 6200 5 inches from the floor attached to the left side overflow. If i put sand that pump will blow away any sand that is in its path... Ill make a sketch of the flow pattern with the tunze returns, while the flow wont be as creative as yours;) , i hope it will do the job...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6377429#post6377429 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by avansickle
whew, bathtub'll need a hazmet team to sanitize that baby and the drain in the end! How does anyone have the patience to document each detail for months like this? It is wonderful, and I'm glad folks do it, it's just (to me) taking away from the DOING, so I never could have patiently written such journals.

I'm esp interested on the curing-sauna, do keep us updated on all those details. :)

The curring is going rather fast... i am not using the jets very often now just doing water changes every day. The smell was to much LOL if i were to do it again i would by a cheap kiddie pool and cure it there.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6377569#post6377569 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
I hate to bring this up at this point, but how comfortable are you that nothing in the bathtub will negatively impact the rock?

I'd be concerned about soap/cleaner residues as well as the materials (metals?) used in the plumbing and pumps for the jets. At a minimum, I'd monitor copper levels in case there are any copper or brass fittings in there. Just keep an eye on it. If you see elevated copper in the water, the rocks can absorb it and leach it back out later. That could cause problems down the road with invertebrates (especially corals).

Other than that, I applaud your creativity! I showed your bathtub pic to my wife, and......let's just say you're making me look good by comparison! :D :D

Keep up the good work!

I rinced the tub out a few times before i put the rock in it. I havent used the tub for over a year so i was not too worried about residue.

I didnt think about copper leakage, ill keep my eye on that thanks for the head up....

Thanks for following the progress with me... its been quite a road...
Meanwhile Sean shipped the stand and canopy to me today..

That thing is a beast 9' long 4' wide 6' tall

3 day till its mine....:celeb1: :celeb1: :celeb1: :celeb1: :celeb1:
Correction: 10' long x 4' wide x 7' tall!!!:)
Fingers are crossed that it makes it to you in the condition it left. The guys at FedEx that helped me unload this beast gave me a tip. If you want the loading guys to be 'extra careful' when loading and handling the package/crate, label all sides with the word "GLASS", whether there is glass in it or not.
Fragile doesn't get their attention any more but that will. Of course, I didn't bring any paint with me to add "GLASS" to the box:)
Talk to you soon Gabriel.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6378456#post6378456 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sonofgaladriel
Correction: 10' long x 4' wide x 7' tall!!!:)
Fingers are crossed that it makes it to you in the condition it left. The guys at FedEx that helped me unload this beast gave me a tip. If you want the loading guys to be 'extra careful' when loading and handling the package/crate, label all sides with the word "GLASS", whether there is glass in it or not.
Fragile doesn't get their attention any more but that will. Of course, I didn't bring any paint with me to add "GLASS" to the box:)
Talk to you soon Gabriel.

Its even bigger!!! you created a MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!1:crazy1: :crazy1: :crazy1: :crazy1: :crazy1: :crazy1: :crazy1:

Thanks Sean really, this will be with me for the rest of my life... If you want the best custom built stand and can drive to Kansas to pick it up;) PM Sean
Gabriel, do you have any closeup pictures of the corners of your metal stand? Maybe some closeups of the details.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6382318#post6382318 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Konadog
Gabriel, do you have any closeup pictures of the corners of your metal stand? Maybe some closeups of the details.

Here you go i hope this is what you were looking for...
LOL I was playing with the free hosting programs and the picture came up like that... lol i am trying to fix it but i cant.. lol sorry...ill stick with photobucket from now on, LMAO

there is no open tubing anywhere all corners look like that.