Gigas problems


New member
My 5ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ Gigas starting withdrawing part of itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s mantel about 3 days ago, it also has a pinched look to it.

All the other clams seem fine and I can find no apparent reason for this.

I did a freshwater dip last night for about 20 minutes with RO/DI water (no medicines or additives) and the clam still looks exactly the same.

Any Ideas?


I love reefkeeping, fine one day then Bam!!!!
No, actually, reefkeeping is easy. Keeping clams is hard! Do SPS have pinched or retracted mantles? Do SPS whine about the light you give them? NO!!! You give them good water quality, good light, current and BAM! They grow! Not so with clams.

If I do something wrong I hear about it ALL DAY.


"My lighting sucks."

"I need more vitamins."

"My mantle hurts."

"Where's my phyto? I need my phyto."

:rolleye1: :mad2:
Graffyn, in my experience, freshwater dips only work for pinched mantles. (Localized pinching on the mantle.) Partially retracted mantles (whole sections of mantle) rarely find a freshwater dip helpful.

The fact that freshwater dips are helpful for pinched mantles mean that whatever it is is on the outside of the mantle. It is not systemic.

Your gigas mantle looks fine to me. Gigas have a lot less zooxanthellae in their mantle than croceas and maximas, and their symbiont channels are different as well, so they carry algae somewhat differently.

I would wait it out and see what happens. It takes my clams (the ones that survive a freshwater dip) about 3 days to start extending their mantles again.

Patience. And lots of luck.
I agree- the clam is not bleached. Is there an Angelfish or Bi-color Blenny in the aquarium with your T. gigas? Are there any corals or anemones encrusting the shell near the edge of it's mantle? How long have you had this particular clam?
Well, it's been a few days now and the Gigas is no better, no worse.

The only fish in the aquarium are a lawnmower blenny, pacific blu tang, G/S maroon clown and a splendid pseudochromis. None of the fish pay any attention to the clams at all, and the other clams are fine. Also I can find no predators such a p-snails.
Where is this 'gigas' located in the aquarium? On the substrate? How far beneath what type of lighting? Watch the Maroon clown- as you well know, they HATE additions to 'their' aquarium!
Well the Gigas is still the same, no better no worse. I guess I will rid it out for a few weeks and see what happens. The other clams, a 2" squamosa, 3" gold maxima and a 2.5" hippo are just fine.

The Gigas is laying on the substrate (5" southdown) and no one bothers or even pays any attention to the clams. It is a 90 gallon that was under 220 PC but just upgraded to MH last week that will run along side the pc. The metal halides are on timers for 2 hours a day for this week. He now sits to the side under 1x65 pc and 1x 150 10,000k Metal Halide.
Although I do not think lighting is a factor with a pinched and withdrawn mantel. I have started bowl feeding him every other day with dt's one feeding and koral-vit the other to help.
100% recovery

100% recovery

Well, it has been a few weeks since the last post and the Gigas has fully recovered and put on new growth :)

