Granulosa white tips?


New member
First, my system stats:

40g breeder
Sbreeflights 30" led (max 20% white, 60% blue, 100% uv)
Hand dosing 2 part (dosing pump arrives tomorrow )
2 mp10 on reef crest set at 100%
Red sea coral pro salt mix
Rodi 0 tds

Temp 80
Salinity 1.026
Alk 9.352dkh (hannah)
CA 450ppm (red sea)
MG 1400ppm (red sea)
No3 .9ppm (red sea)
Po4 .21ppm (hannah)

Malanarous wrasse
3 peppermint shrimp

Started dosing vinegar at 5ml/ day 4 days ago in order to lower nutrients

I have a rainbow granulosa frag I got from a local reefer 3/19. I acclimated it and then mounted it to my rock work. Had really good polyp extension at first. Now the polyps hardly come out. The tip is all new growth since I received it. What does white growth mean? To much light? Alk burn? I do have other acros and they all look good. Any advice would be appreciated!

In general bleaching is too much light and browning is too much nutrients but I don't think I'm qualified to diagnose your issue.
Have you checked your Hanna reagent to see if there is a problem with it? These have been a lot of recent issues with them
Lots of acros have white growth tips. How are you getting growth like that without the coral encrusting first. None of my frags ever grow up before they grow down and out.
As stated above, white tips can be indicative of new growth. Lots of acros display a different color growth tip, often times white.

In this case, I think you have new growth. Congrats.
It's barely encrusted but growing like crazy! Mine always grow a huge base I mean they go crazy spreading out. Looking good, I like the ones with white growth tips.