griss’ Battle with Cyano - all the Things I’ve Tried

Unfortunately with the warm weather comes growing tomato’s, Habaneros, Jalapeños, and Puma peppers for homemade salsa. It’s also boating and bass fishing season. I don’t see the upgrade happening until fall at best.
Unfortunately with the warm weather comes growing tomato’s, Habaneros, Jalapeños, and Puma peppers for homemade salsa. It’s also boating and bass fishing season. I don’t see the upgrade happening until fall at best.
...and black flies. Seem to be early and extra insane this year. Just spent the last 2 hours ripping 2x4's for the wife's new tomato support system...
Btw, I really didn't want to jinx anything by mentioning this, but I "eliminated"my cyano. Since it was growing on my frag racks, I exchanged them for new clean ones and sprayed the skeletons of any corals that had it on them with peroxide and two week in it has not returned. Of course now that I've mentioned it...
Btw, I really didn't want to jinx anything by mentioning this, but I "eliminated"my cyano. Since it was growing on my frag racks, I exchanged them for new clean ones and sprayed the skeletons of any corals that had it on them with peroxide and two week in it has not returned. Of course now that I've mentioned it...
WTH? Slowing brining salinity up. At 1.022 this afternoon. I’ve been doing a water change twice a day (2 times yesterday and once so far today) morning and evening. When doing so, I am siphoning out Cyano but, it’s not coming back like it has in the past when I’ve siphoned it during a water change.
WTH? Slowing brining salinity up. At 1.022 this afternoon. I’ve been doing a water change twice a day (2 times yesterday and once so far today) morning and evening. When doing so, I am siphoning out Cyano but, it’s not coming back like it has in the past when I’ve siphoned it during a water change.
Glad to hear that you are continueing to win the war on cyano. It sounds like everything is moving in the right direction!
Mermaid’s Wineglass coming back???? 2 stalks so far. Everything else looking really good, but still have a bit of Cyano.

Ordered 2 Caulerpa sp. to arrive tomorrow. A bit worried about those as they shipped Tuesday.
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I hope you can get ahead of this, I battled it for months and I eventually added a HOB modified into a fuge with chaeto, it helped along with weekly syphoning.
Edit post above for correct shipping day of the Caulerpa. The shipped Tuesday and now currently scheduled to arrive Friday.

That’s 4 days from PA to St. Louis????
Edit post above for correct shipping day of the Caulerpa. The shipped Tuesday and now currently scheduled to arrive Friday.

That’s 4 days from PA to St. Louis????
Well, I gave the guy positive feedback because I just don’t want to deal with the hassle. But, despite his “guarantee” that all would be fine because they ship with O2 in the bag, this was a disaster. It looked just okay in the bag, but after acclimating and opening the bag, the Caulerpa all just fell apart.

Package arrived in a small cardboard box, no insulation, no cool packs (heat in the upper 80’s), and despite paying $17 in shipping, it still took 4 days to get from PA to St. Louis.

Lesson learned, I’ll never buy macros on eBay again.
Well, I gave the guy positive feedback because I just don’t want to deal with the hassle. But, despite his “guarantee” that all would be fine because they ship with O2 in the bag, this was a disaster. It looked just okay in the bag, but after acclimating and opening the bag, the Caulerpa all just fell apart.

Package arrived in a small cardboard box, no insulation, no cool packs (heat in the upper 80’s), and despite paying $17 in shipping, it still took 4 days to get from PA to St. Louis.

Lesson learned, I’ll never buy macros on eBay again.
I would have just not left any feedback. DId you keep it or toss it? All it needs is one living bit to re-sprout if conditions are right.
Okay, so still slowly bringing the salinity up.

Test results yesterday.
Alk 9.6 Salifert
Ca 450 Salifert
Mg 1080 Salifert
NO3 5 Salifert
PO4 0.00 Hanna Low Range

Yesterday salinity was at 1.024. Did a 5 g water change and vacuumed the gravel and siphoned out some Cyano. Also added Mg.

Today the salinity is up to 1.025 and Mg up to 1200. Still a little Cyano but the tank is looking much better overall.

I realize my absolute zero PO4 is probably part of my Cyano issue. So, I removed the GFO completely this afternoon. Will monitor PO4 and if it starts to spike over 0.03, I will reintroduce GFO to the reactor.
Couple of pics w/out the blues on.


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With blue on.


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Today’s test results.

Alk 10.5
Mg 1170 (added some Mg supplement)
Ca 475
NO3 4
PO4 0.00

So, a couple things baffling me.

1. Ca was at 450 two weekends ago and I haven’t added anything to increase it. I did do a water change using IO last weekend???

2. PO4 still 0.00? I took the GFO out last weekend and have been feeding daily, frozen Mysis, frozen brine or pellets.