Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

Those look like shreds of a bristle worm.

You wouldn't find AEFW in your sump. You might find flatworms/planaria in your sump, on your rocks, etc, but AEFW are found on acros exclusively (though yes, in theory they must travel to spread, but there are so many types of flatworms in our tanks, that the probability of finding a travelling AEFW is very low relative to other flatworms travelling or just living somewhere).
Yes, shreds indeed. Must be that BIG mean old hermit I threw in the sump since he was harassing the snails.

After MH Lights came on, there is Bubbling Gas (brown or Cyano) algae everywhere.

I figure all that waste/Cyano during vacuum clean up got suspended and spread.

A)DO I JUST LEAVE IT and let it Cycle through this Post Cleanup Stage? (and Let Clean up crew continue their work)

B)Should I really crank up the Gyre for Maximum Circulation to blast the tank for a while? (Just daytime for Full Power mode. Let fish sleep at night).
------- I will bounce the GYRE off the front glass, to not have direct flow on corals.

C) Decrease the MH light Photo Period for a short while.





I'm keeping nutrients down to a minimum for now. (Just fish feeding).

Will ADD some fresh Carbon into Sump.

I hope this (Bubbling Mess) isn't bad for the SPS corals or Fish (Toxic Gasses?).
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COULD THIS BE A RESULT of CHANGE FROM "Over Wet Skimming" to "Stable Dry" Skimming?

I just thought of this.

I was over wet skimming for a few months. I solved the wet skimming issue, and now I'm dry skimming.

It could be an adjustment to less aggressive skimming. Will take some time for tank to adjust.

OR it could be the price I'm paying for my Amino Acid dosing. (Drastically reducing this now)

I still don't like it.
So helping tank along is my goal.
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Are you running GFO? if you do i would recommend gfo rather then carbon.

I recently turned off GFO after [ never being off (for just over a year) ].

Reason was I finally got a low reading 0.01 on Phosphate (With GFO off) after Months of 0.00 (with GFO on).
Thought was to have some readable P04 Level (as a positive thing). Recommended by postings on this thread.

NO2 is still zero. But I'll do a PO4 test tonight, to check it after last nights Tank clean up.

Maybe time to put GFO back!! (At least till tank cleans up).
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Did a full test on water just to be safe.

Salinity = 1.025
N03 = 0.00 (still can't get this up)
PO4 = 0.04
CAL = 425
ALK = 9.0
MAG = 1350

So everything is fine.

However I've been told Phosphate level could actually be higher when Algae is growing, since Algae is using up P04

When I look at tank, water looks crystal clear like not in a long time.

So this rock Algae just needs to burn/cycle/blow off (I hope).

CAN anyone tell me what kind of Alage's, I have based on pictures above. (Specifically) Brown? Green Hair? Cyano? Other.
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You have a mixture that I can think of, bubble algae, with some brown hair algae and cyano, how old are your bulbs? Best way to test po4 is with the lights off when algae can't consume much,

As for skimming, I believe skimming wet should be in your favor, it removes more DOC in the water then dry,

If you don't want to shock the system with GFO, I would recommend doing WC every other day while sucking as much out, do a black out with the tank covered with a blanket leave off your lights for a few days.
All bulbs good. T5 brand new. MH 250W less than 8 months.

When you say bubble Algae, my understanding of Bubble algae is the Green Globe Bubble type (Round little hard sphere, with a solid membrane). The kind Emerald crabs eat.

So these gas bubbles appearing on rock and Algae are associated to which Algae? The Brown hair?
It looks like turf algae with cyano growing on it. I got the turf algae description from googling and then this thread. The gas bubbles are trapped oxygen from photosynthesis of the green algae, that got stuck in the cyano netting.

Reduction of nutrients is key. Crappy answer, sorry. Maybe carbon dosing and increased skimming? More GFO use and reduced feeding? Manual removal is always helpful but very hard when it's on the rocks like that.

It's not bubble algae/valonia (fortunately!). Looks like yours is just garden variety turf algae with cyano on it. It grew in the back of my nanocube (intentionally) in the refugium when I ran the light there. I ran the light there in an optimal place for algae to grow for the specific reason to keep it from growing on the display rocks.
Nice analysis, based on that I was thinking, maybe OP needs a better skimmer? I have a beast of a skimmer on my tank and maybe thats why I can feed like a mofo?

Actually the skimmer is doing great now. After solving the instability issue, I can now tune it to my desire. I'm slowly working it up to the skimming level I want. It's NOW running the way it should be (tunable/adjustable). They way my other one does, and the way this one used to run.

I think when I solved the skimmer instability and went to dry skimming (I was happy with the instability gone, but I left it that way (@lowest skimming level). Thus I drastically reduce the skimming. Thus the nutrient increase, thus the algae issue.

Even after one day of slightly stronger skimming, I see less bubbles.

I actually don't this it's turf algae (Since I have some in my other tank. Tough thick strong haired stuff). It may be baby turf.
I believe I just have a mix of Green, Brown Hair, and as you say Cyano icing on top. (All high nutrient related, from a drop in skimming).

I have confidence things will get better. (may take a week or two).
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PROMISING Sign of Recovery:

I believe my theory was correct. Skimmer was set too low after stabilization.

Just after a Few of days of good skimming, things look promising.

- I did drop the PhotoPeriod down to 5 hours to help.
- No Nightly Coral Feeding.
- Improved circulation.

(Sign #1)Very little bubbles Even after MH lights. Cyano almost gone. Green Algae fading (Not growing like before).

(Sign #2) With General Stability returned, (Stable Salinity the greatest improvement) the Birds Nest is starting to Polyp!!
This to me is a BIG positive sign.
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that red dragon has a little polyp extension. thats good.
but your corals look pale and starved for nutrients.
it looks to me like the turf algae is now removing all the nutrients and this is why you are getting such low p readings and 0 n readings.
i noticed you added some tiny hermits.. what about adding 40 astrea snails? and/or some algae grazing fish like a jewelled blenny or bristle toothed tang?
I think you need more physical algae control, Imo...
I have been in your exact situation and dropping nutrients or trying to, killed my corals. you need to get some aggressive grazers in there to remove that turf, physically and turn that turf into n and p for the corals..
Also, this may sound crazy to you but have you considered adding nitrate? adding nitrate will change the nutrient balance/dynamic and may change things in the tank..
i use Seachem's Flourish Nitrogen. It is a fresh water planted tank additive. It is Pure potassium nitrate. Gives you some potassium and lots of nitrate.
if i where in your shoes, i would go get a LOT of snails- not just enough for your tank but twice as many as you need, let them graze a bit and then raise your nitrate to maybe around 2 ppm. getting your n up may even control the p a little..
Also, i think you should be waiting for results 2 or 3 weeks down the road, not two or 3 days..
the thing about sps that have been through a lot of instability is that some of them go into a long hibernation of sorts. They can stay like that for months and then either bloom or die.
Like i said, i am coming out of the other end of a long battle with impatience and imbalance in my system.. some corals have died along the way and some have begun to come back. New ones that have been added more recently, since the tank is stable, are growing right off the bat.
i think that at this point it may be misleading to you to be gauging your tank's health by your old frags.. i'm not saying add new ones yet but once you have a consistent reading for n and a constant low p reading, you should try a couple new frags- but only after a few months after consistent n and p..
i used to use the Hanna checkers and i discovered them to be soooo inconsistent that i wanted to cry from the results i got day to day..
i LOVE the Elos professional po4 kit. nice and consistent and accurate.
sorry for the ramble..
in short:
add an army - a real army of algae control
add some nitrate
watch p
goes without saying- keep calc alk mag temp as stable as possible
give the tank some time..
leave the skimmer alone- don't set it to wet skim- it gets too unstable..
leave the gfo out of your system- its not necessary in your case..
take a step back and let things happen more slowly..
I hope I'm not sounding like a mr know it all.. maybe i am.. sorry but you are so close!
grazers..... get some grazers.
good luck!!
i feel for you! i'm rooting for you! :)

Some good points. I hear you. You obviously read that I know I have a nutrient problem. Kind of started getting improvements with more nutrients, till the Algae outbreak.

I'm will be getting more Algae Critters, so I can nutrient the tank more. I actually was at LFS yesterday, but a few of their holding tanks had Aiphasia. I left in a hurry.

I never heard of adding Nitrogen (to raise Nitrates) before. I'll read up on this. Sounds Dangerous, and must be done carefully.

Yes I did get P up a tiny bit, but I put back GFO quickly thinking it was causing my Algae growth.

And I agree that my beaten up corals are not best gauges of current conditions. Once I'm stable, I will get a few special corals. Keepers for a bit more $.

** ONE note (About a change since last week): Since I really boosted my Circulation (Gyre Multi mode) and running Night Time too. Some Corals are really polyping all over. Fat polyps covering whole stems. This is new to me. My polyps used to be mostly specs

Again thanks for some fresh tips.

At this point. I'm terrified of raising nutrients, or bringing back up my PhotoPeriod, till my Algae problem is over. It's getting MUCH better (getting under control).

So first, I'll find an Algae fighting Army, maybe some grazing fish. Then onwards.
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:thumbsup: I'm pretty certain that's a Red Dragon and it's looking healthy!

Believe it or not. I'm actually quite thrilled that I have a Red Dragon. I surfed around, and I'm now certain it's a Red Dragon.

Whenever searching for Coral choices for the future, I noticed Red Dragons as popular Center Pieces. Used to be rare and expensive.

However I bought this one ages ago. I called it "That One" when I bought it.
Never thought much what I bought, since I'm new to SPS and haven't even tried to learn the complex names. Just bought it because it looked different.

Will take special care of it. (but from reading, it really needs Extra nutrients)
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Yep. I recently picked up a frag, I figure it will do well in my tank where I have trouble keeping nutrients in line. :)

What's you're new frag look like? It will probably grow 5x faster then mine.

I'm a week away from Posting my next Month Growth comparison (July 24th). Don't think there will be much to show this month. It's been a rough month.
Algae scrubber question.

I am planning more algae cleaning livestock, however I am also considering another alternative or compliment.

Is anyone out there running an algae scrubber on their SPS tank? And happy with the results

Would adding one allow me to feed fish and corals to my hearts content? Assuming I size one properly.

Or are there negative impacts like too much nutrient removal? Or other impacts on PO4 and NO3 which I am already having a hard time bringing up.