Higher Calcium Level for SPS Growth? (vs Health)

Why did you decide to lower nutrients? I'm confused as I thought you were seeing improvements since letting them raise a bit?

Where did I say I'm lowering nutrient after increasing? Not true, just being a bit careful with overfeeding since Algae and Cyan is showing up.
-I am continuing to feed fish a lot. (New Angel is eating great)
-I still feed corals nightly something but not all additives every day. I noticed each product has Amino, so I don't overlap.
In regards to your algae issue, you mentioned the addition of one large Turbo snail. Did you add anything else? What is your current clean up crew population? I've found in the case of algae problems, people often hugely underestimate the importance of a suitably-sized clean up crew, or rather that people oten have clean up crews that are too small for the requirements of their system.

I have a mix of CLEAN UP Crew.
- 1 Large Mexican Turbo Snail
- 4-5 Astrea Snails
- 1-2 Medium Red Legged Hermits
- 6-8 Small Blue Legged Hermits
- 6-8 Nassarius Snails
- One Emerald Crab (Which I just removed, since he was sleeping in Coral and damaging it. Getting new one.

I plan to keep expanding slowly.
This is what I was referring to

Yes, I put back reactor since just at that point Algae and Cyano took off when I notice P04 go up.
Wanted to see if reducing PO4 Helps. I HATE ALGAE. Overtook my other tank for years. Only a teardown fixed it.

Reactor is on a valve, and can turn on and off as I like.
I am watching polyp extensions. All fine after reactor turned on. Maybe a bit less since Salinity was up and down from Skimmer.

ALSO I now can watch PO4 Better. I had Points with LFS, so got a Hanna HI736 Phosphorus Meter (ppb). No more watching 0.00 show up on my (bbm) Hanna.
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So, as far as clean up crew is concerned I use the following:

30 small trochus
15 adult trochus
60 dwarf cerinth
10 adult cerinth
6 Mexican turbos
8 Astraea snails
15 Tongan nassarius
2 hermits
Fighting conch
Tripnuestes gratilla urchin

This is in a 75 gal. IMO - adding gfo at this point has the possibility of taking away all the improvements you've worked to obtain. The tank will adjust to the higher nutrient level and beefing up you clean up crew will solve your algae "problem"

Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

I'll get more clean up crew.
I'll turn off Reactor and watch PO4 closely on Hanna (ppb Meter)

Before I do remove reactor here is current Polyp Extension. (Gyre Pump is on, so They may not be fully extending).


I do notice the Birds Nest on Right doesn't have it's green Polyps anymore. However that could be recent, instability.
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They look kind of irritated.

I bet they are stressed. Whole tank has been through a Salinity Roller Coaster ride with Skimmer Over Skimming. Daily RO TOP UPs!!

I'm counting on some stability now, and hoping all improves.
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So I did a PO4 test after RowaPhos reactor removed for a bit.

Reading NOW is P04=52 ppb, or 0.15 ppm using the Hanna Phosphorus Tester..
I'm converting ppb to ppm based on this article I found.

I'll check later again, since this was shortly after feeding Corals (It could be the suspended food/additives. Hanna does a transparency/color light test)..
If this is actually accurate, my Other Phosphate Hanna Meter should pick this level up.
(nice to have both hanna's to compare results, and Reagents)
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I've lost track of the progress, but did the Birdnest gain green polyps and then lose the green again?

Your conversion is spot on. I'd check the PO4 level again. Any solid/coloured particles in the sample container can skew the results making it appear that you have more PO4 than true value...

However, if you just fed, depending on what you fed, that could lead to a temporary high PO4 level.
The Hanna are really hit and miss. I actually prefer the Elos professional phosphorus kit. Seems more consistent. But yes, testing in the morning before feeding is usually the best time as far as any feeding based po4 increase.
I did do another Phosphate test today. PO4 = 0.01 ppm

So last nights test (P04=0.15) after Coral feeding was incorrect.
Previous test matching current test (0.01). So GFO reactor did drop the PO4 from (0.06).

Now back to keeping this tank stable for next while.

- Got Salinity slowly back to 1.025 today
- PO4 at 0.01 (detectable) is a not bad starting point, since last year was 0.00
-------> No GFO reactor for now.
- Skimmer running stable so Salinity and other Parameters should stay stable.
- Shopping around for a improved Clean up Crew
- Replaced the Purple Plus T5 with a 2nd Actinic (to reduce Algae growth from Red Spectrum).

I'll know when things are getting back on track when Birds nests gets it Polyps back. It was the key indicator last time.
Addressing Cyano and Green Hair Algae:


LFS had these available. Read that they like Green Hair Algae and Cyano. Perfect!!


- I just built a working MaxSpect Gyre Controller (MOD), to auto control my Gyre Pump.
- Working on final touch up and testing. (Arduino based)
- Will allow me to run the Gyre at night with a gentler setting for fish .
- (Better for SPS. Since was turning off Gyre for fish Sake, since running high power during daytime)
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GYRE Controller (MOD) Via ARDUINO/RelaySwitch Interface for 24/7 Improved TANK Circulation:


As I mentioned in post above. I actually completed and tested the working Prototype.

Once I complete the permanent build, I'll be able to run My Gyre overnight, which should help this tank's progress.

Here is how.... http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2513254
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SMALL Setback on the Journey to Stability Recovery:

So with all the instability (Especially Salinity) over last little while, I'm losing/lost another coral.

I'll give it a week before abandoning it.


I expected worse, so I'm ok with this, since all other corals are fine. (for now).

My main goal at this point:

- To keep everything stable (Alk,Calc, Salinity)
- (Cut back OR Stop) on Coral Feeding (since Cyano and Hair is becoming in issue (not out of control, but a early warning)
- Work on overall circulation adjustments (since I can run Gyre 24/7 on MOD)
- Hope new expanded CUC starts doing their job for Green Hair Algae.
- Monitor PO4 & NO3 closely.
- Aclimatize Corals with new 2xT5's (from old 1xVHO bulb).

---> I'm relieved that Skimmer is now 100% stable (Dry Skimming and NO MORE excessive RO Top Ups)
-------------> I am carefully raising the Skimmer Fine Tuning to increase Skimming (First time in a long time).

As mentioned before my Birds Nest Coral is my key Recovery Indicator (if it get's it polyps back).

Hoping that next few weeks will show a move toward a positive recovery.
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Have you checked for AEFW? That coral and a previous one you posted have an AEFW look.

Fwiw, in my 50-gallon for CUC I have

15 Scarlet Hermits
6 Astraea
4 Turbos
6 Cerith (the black ones)
4 Ring Cowries
1 Orange Lipped Conch
2 Emerald Crabs
Fwiw, in my 50-gallon for CUC I have

15 Scarlet Hermits
6 Astraea
4 Turbos
6 Cerith (the black ones)
4 Ring Cowries
1 Orange Lipped Conch
2 Emerald Crabs

Nice CUC collection. I do notice the new 30 crabs really busy all over the tank. Working the rocks.
I also had a Emerald, but he was sleeping in my Policipora (Smothering part of it), causing Damage.
Gave him a few chances by knocking him away. He kept coming back. So he's now in my other tank with two others.

BTW. I just picked really great Seaweed Feeder (Using it for the CUC crew & fish).


I always hated the Algae clips, since they made a mess (when Seaweed not eaten fast enough).
My TANG never got used to the Hanging Green Seaweed anyway (wouldn't touch it). I gave up.

A while back I got some Julian Spring Purple Seaweed Vegie (LFS said it's much better then standard green, Said Hermits love it too), but Tang never learned to eat it.

With this new magnetic Clip Feeder. I place it on the bottom of the back of my Tank. (Behind Rocks, but at the sandbottom).
Can't been seen from Viewing side of tank. I like the magnet since I can maintain easy, and doesn't loose grip like my suction Clip one did.
It Securely holds a half folded SeaWeed Sheet nicely in place with just enough protruding out and no waste floating around till it's eaten.

There are a lot of Crappy Gizmo products out there. But this one for me is a keeper.

The hermits polish it clean overnight (they can reach it from the Sand bottom, climbing up the ladder side).
Hoping the TANG eventually discovers it and learns to eat SeaWeed (more eat, more nutrients for SPS).

For now the Hermits gotta clean up the tank (so they won't get it much).
But eventually they will need to be fed (This will help with the Hermit fights), when Algae starts running out (hoping soon).
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Have you checked for AEFW? That coral and a previous one you posted have an AEFW look.

I did a close inspection. Nothing that caught my attention. Coral is shocked all around.

However it's not a Acro, and the other Acro's are fine. So I doubt it AEFW.

It's never really done well (possibly too low in the tank). I think the Salinity shock did it in.
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I can't simply watch and wait anymore (Cyano):

So I let the tank age over the last couple of weeks, hoping for improvement.
Not getting exponentially bad, but not improving.

As below: YUCK!!


I can see Green Algae Fading slowing, going to brown, but a Cyano Sweep is overdue.

Also will MOVE the GYRE pump from (side driven circulation), to (back to front). And put 2x Koralia's (side to side).
THIS SHOULD IMPROVE Overall Circulation mix. (more mid tank).

Hoping for some improvement.
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SO I did some cleanup on the tank (Vacuumed off Cynao, and Sand bed via WaterChange), and did a major change to circulation Pump placements.



-TUNZE in the middle provides more circulation across the rocks scape.
- Plus overall Layout targets the middle tank circulation better.

I've never tried the SeaSwirl in corner position.
It's nice, since it pushes water towards the Overflow, for better surface sweeps.

Sandbed is swirling around a bit (with all this Improved water movement), but it will stabilze.
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I Hope these are just Bristle Worms (not AEFW!!)

While doing The Cleanup, I found a bunch of these under Skimmer.

Are these just bristle worm (which I've found in the Past)? SAFE?

I googled up some AETF pictures, and they are quite different. FLAT like the name says.



None were found in the tank. Just Sump.
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