Fwiw, in my 50-gallon for CUC I have
15 Scarlet Hermits
6 Astraea
4 Turbos
6 Cerith (the black ones)
4 Ring Cowries
1 Orange Lipped Conch
2 Emerald Crabs
Nice CUC collection. I do notice the new 30 crabs really busy all over the tank. Working the rocks.
I also had a Emerald, but he was sleeping in my Policipora (Smothering part of it), causing Damage.
Gave him a few chances by knocking him away. He kept coming back. So he's now in my other tank with two others.
I just picked really great Seaweed Feeder (Using it for the CUC crew & fish).
I always hated the Algae clips, since they made a mess (when Seaweed not eaten fast enough).
My TANG never got used to the Hanging Green Seaweed anyway (wouldn't touch it). I gave up.
A while back I got some Julian Spring Purple Seaweed Vegie (LFS said it's much better then standard green, Said Hermits love it too), but Tang never learned to eat it.
With this new magnetic Clip Feeder. I place it on the bottom of the back of my Tank. (Behind Rocks, but at the sandbottom).
Can't been seen from Viewing side of tank. I like the magnet since I can maintain easy, and doesn't loose grip like my suction Clip one did.
It Securely holds a half folded SeaWeed Sheet nicely in place with just enough protruding out and no waste floating around till it's eaten.
There are a lot of Crappy Gizmo products out there. But this one for me is a keeper.
The hermits polish it clean overnight (they can reach it from the Sand bottom, climbing up the ladder side).
Hoping the TANG eventually discovers it and learns to eat SeaWeed (more eat, more nutrients for SPS).
For now the Hermits gotta clean up the tank (
so they won't get it much).
But eventually they will need to be fed (This will help with the Hermit fights), when Algae starts running out (hoping soon).