history of lunar's reef

Thank you, guys.

All in one biopellets is a new product from the Netherlands so I haven't been using them too long - a bit over 3 weeks. On the day when I put them into my sump Hanna photometer showed 0,04 of PO4. There was a filter with PO4x4 adsorber then. I left it until the new pellets start to work. After 3 weeks PO4 was 0,00 and the same day I removed the filter with the adsorber. The pellets work for sure, the PO4 level is still 0,00. I can adjust both a movement of pellets inside the filter and flow out from the filter so I decreased flow out from the filter in order to have some phosphates in the tank. The PO4 level 0,03 gives me the best colours.
I feed my corals on a mix of different seafood twice a week and dry food like Reef pearls or Calanus powder every other day now. I have been dosing aminoacids as well every day for several days.


Which recirculating pellet reactor do you use?.

I guess you're using T5's still?.

You don't seem to be feeding very much at the moment. Is that recent or for a while?.

Which amino's do you use and how much do you dose daily?.

Do you dose Iodine?

Which recirculating pellet reactor do you use?.

I guess you're using T5's still?.

You don't seem to be feeding very much at the moment. Is that recent or for a while?.

Which amino's do you use and how much do you dose daily?.

Do you dose Iodine?


This is a DIY reactor. I don't have my own photo or movie with a filter for these biopellets but I patterned myself on this (with some modifications): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJllUN2xAs4

Yes, still T5.

I dose either Salifert Coralline aminoacids or Fauna Marin Ultra Amin. How much? If you read again a quotation mentioned by you recently you can see a reply.

I don't dose Iodine separately, only as one of the ingredients of microelements. I add Fauna Marin Color elements for time to time.

I don't know whether this is much food or not but I feed my fish like before, i.e. twice a day. I give them about 10 cubes of frozen food (of course after thawing) daily and algae three times per week. About feeding my corals you can read in the mentioned quotation :-)

hmmm.. Im still not seeing the video on my home computer running firefox.

Sorry to hear that. I have firefox as well and I can see the video all the time, it works well. I don't know why you have problems with that.

This is a DIY reactor. I don't have my own photo or movie with a filter for these biopellets but I patterned myself on this (with some modifications): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJllUN2xAs4

Yes, still T5.

I dose either Salifert Coralline aminoacids or Fauna Marin Ultra Amin. How much? If you read again a quotation mentioned by you recently you can see a reply.

I don't dose Iodine separately, only as one of the ingredients of microelements. I add Fauna Marin Color elements for time to time.

I don't know whether this is much food or not but I feed my fish like before, i.e. twice a day. I give them about 10 cubes of frozen food (of course after thawing) daily and algae three times per week. About feeding my corals you can read in the mentioned quotation :-)

Sorry to hear that. I have firefox as well and I can see the video all the time, it works well. I don't know why you have problems with that.


That's a good reactor. What mods did you make to the design?.
Can you take a photo of your reactor sometime please?.

I remember asking you previously :thumbsup:

10 cubes for the fish is definitely a decent amount. I mis-read your post, thinking you were feeding the tank, not just the corals!.
Are you currently adding the amino's because the phosphate is zero and will reduce when it rises or you're not doing anything special for zero phosphate levels?.

Have you ever had to deal with any SPS pests?.

As always, great tank!. One of my all time favourites!.

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Hi Krzysztof,

I have read from the start to finish, very very inspirational,

Can i ask if you use a UV on your tank? also i have heard that the outlet of the NP biopallets must be sucked in by the skimmer, how true is this? what happens if it doesn't not get skimmed completely? Also how do you know what flow you must have for the reactor?

Thank you
So I have been using the NP pellets for several years now and was wondering if you have removed your other pellets when starting the all in one pellet? Are you using more than one type now?
That's a good reactor. What mods did you make to the design?.
Can you take a photo of your reactor sometime please?.

I remember asking you previously :thumbsup:

10 cubes for the fish is definitely a decent amount. I mis-read your post, thinking you were feeding the tank, not just the corals!.
Are you currently adding the amino's because the phosphate is zero and will reduce when it rises or you're not doing anything special for zero phosphate levels?.

Have you ever had to deal with any SPS pests?.

As always, great tank!. One of my all time favourites!.


Thank you, Mo.

I can't take a good photo when the reactor is in a sump. You can see my movie but it isn't clear enough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDPqUtZoLCM

My corals had always nice colours but poor growth, I mean my special, more difficult corals, not all the ones. I see unusual growth since the aminoacids have been added every day. However, I don't think that it will work for everybody. If you have an increased NO3 level every day's dosis of aminoacids might be harmul.
I don't do anything special to keep PO4 level low now, only All in one. I don't know how long I can be so careless, we will see.

Over 20 years of reekeeping and without any pests? It's impossible! Yes, I fighted against different pests but I had never plague of them and I hadn't to reset my tank due to any pests.

WOW your tank is amazing! truly an inspiration.

Thank you.

Hi Krzysztof,

I have read from the start to finish, very very inspirational,

Can i ask if you use a UV on your tank? also i have heard that the outlet of the NP biopallets must be sucked in by the skimmer, how true is this? what happens if it doesn't not get skimmed completely? Also how do you know what flow you must have for the reactor?

Thank you

Thank you.
I've never used UV on my tank. In my opinion UV or ozon are good for fish only tanks.
The outlet of the NP reducing biopellets filter (All in one biopellets now) is next to a skimmer pump, it isn't connected to the skimmer. I let some bacteria feed my corals.
I adjust a valve of the filter to have all pellets in a motion, without dead zones.

So I have been using the NP pellets for several years now and was wondering if you have removed your other pellets when starting the all in one pellet? Are you using more than one type now?

I replaced NPreducing biopellets by All in one pellets. After several years of using pellets my tank is accustomed to such a source of carbon so I could remove one pellets and put into other ones without any schock for animals. I'm using only All in one pellets now.

Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for the reply. Do you think a recirculating reactor is beneficial for the All in one biopallets? Also how do you keep your PH stable?

Thank you
Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for the reply. Do you think a recirculating reactor is beneficial for the All in one biopallets? Also how do you keep your PH stable?

Thank you

Yes, such a reactor is better than fluidized filter for All in one pellets.
My tank stands next to a window that is open all the time, even during winter the window is ajar. Frankly speaking I don't measure ph.

Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for the reply, i asked only because i have been told using the All in Ones in a recirculating reactor will make the pallets pulverised!!!.

Thank you
Amazing colorful tank. I used to think once SPS grow too big, it will lost their coloration somehow, and you proof I was wrong.
Amazing colors in this reef Krzysztof ! I keep working because of tanks like your's, trying to duplicate your results. Just gorgeous corals, well done for years now.
Krzysztof, please, as i understand now you are running system based on all in one bio pellets, fauna marin color elements, fm balling and bio grow 123 bacteria. I have several questions, how do you manage to keep no3 such low, but not to be 0 ?
What salt brand you are using and how often change water? Regarding colors of some corals they seems to me that they are saturated on the video, but maybe that was due to wb problem. I am interesting to see how do you get pink color so vivid on poci ? thx !
Hey Krzysztof,
How's the tank doing with the all in one biopellets? its been about 6 weeks since you started using them.. I'm wondering if you are noticing any differences in nutrient levels with the new pellets.. I assume that since these new pellets are supposed to be more effective at reducing po4, your corals will have to adjust to a new ratio of n and p in your system.. I'm hoping that they adjusted withou any problems!
And any time you feel like adding a few more pics, I wouldn't complain about it!! :)
Congrats on TotM!! Very well deserved...

Could you tell me how many biopellets you use? I've got a similar sized tank and I'm using the same type, just wanted to copy you :-)