history of lunar's reef

Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for the reply, i asked only because i have been told using the All in Ones in a recirculating reactor will make the pallets pulverised!!!.

Thank you

A recirculating reactor is better than a fluidized filter because you can have high flow inside the reactor while reducing the outflow of water from the reactor. You need a strong enough pump to mix the media, about 2000-3000L/h and in a standard fluidized filter you have the same rate of the outflow, you can't adjustment it. Of course the All in one biopellets decrease their quantity faster than standard NPreducing biopellets but they don't pulverise (if I understood well this word).

Hi Krzysztof, two questions for you.
1) do you think bacteria added is important for bacteria balance in the tank?
If response is positive, how many and how often do you dose them?
2)wich is the real outflow of water passing through the recirculating reactor?

Congratulation's Krzysztof

I have been following your progress on You Tube, super Video's thank you for sharing your progress

a couple of questions if I may

The Bio Mate 123, do you dose as the instructions, or vary the amount depending on the Po4 + No3 readings

Do you also use Activated Carbon ?

Fauna Marin Colours, how do you decide what and when to add, or is this a constant additive

thank you

Amazing colorful tank. I used to think once SPS grow too big, it will lost their coloration somehow, and you proof I was wrong.

Thanks. On the contrary, I think that a small frag often is less colorfull than a big coral.

Also in your sump what mechanical if any at all do you use?

I use filter floss in my sump while cleaning tank or sump and a nylon filtersock on the outlet from the reactor because some settling from the biopellets may occur in a tank.

Amazing colors in this reef Krzysztof ! I keep working because of tanks like your's, trying to duplicate your results. Just gorgeous corals, well done for years now.

Thank you and wish you all the best and success!

Krzysztof, please, as i understand now you are running system based on all in one bio pellets, fauna marin color elements, fm balling and bio grow 123 bacteria. I have several questions, how do you manage to keep no3 such low, but not to be 0 ?
What salt brand you are using and how often change water? Regarding colors of some corals they seems to me that they are saturated on the video, but maybe that was due to wb problem. I am interesting to see how do you get pink color so vivid on poci ? thx !

Feeding and aminoacids allow me to keep NO3 above 0.
I'm using Fauna Marin Professional sea salt now, I like to do water changes - ca 15% a week.
The corals aren't pastel, they have quite vivid color.
I do nothing special as for color of my pocillopora. I bought it as 3cm frag from a guy in Germany. It was so vivid pink then and fortunately hasn't changed its splendor.

Hey Krzysztof,
How's the tank doing with the all in one biopellets? its been about 6 weeks since you started using them.. I'm wondering if you are noticing any differences in nutrient levels with the new pellets.. I assume that since these new pellets are supposed to be more effective at reducing po4, your corals will have to adjust to a new ratio of n and p in your system.. I'm hoping that they adjusted withou any problems!
And any time you feel like adding a few more pics, I wouldn't complain about it!! :)

It's about 15 weeks with All in biopellets, I started them on 1st of May.
My corals didn't have to adjust to new water conditions because they always lived in such environment. PO4 and NO3 always were low. I used NPreducing biopellets that kept mainly NO3 levels low but also had a filter with a very good phosphate adsorber - PO4x4 phoshate remover. Furthermore, my corals were used to a solid carbon source. Only difference that I don't have to use phosphate adsorber now.
As for pictures it's a big problem for me. I'm a bad photographer, but I'll try.

One question, you use kalkwasser in water replacement.

I am an admirer of your work and congratulations my friend. Beautiful videos of sps.

Sorry for English
Best regards,

My favourite tank Krzystof, you know :thumbsup:

Can I ask why have you decided to go bare-bottom?
have you noted an improvement of the tank after that?
Congrats on TotM!! Very well deserved...

Could you tell me how many biopellets you use? I've got a similar sized tank and I'm using the same type, just wanted to copy you :-)

Thanks. Two liters of All in one biopellets.

Congrats Krzysztof

Thank you.

Hi Krzysztof, two questions for you.
1) do you think bacteria added is important for bacteria balance in the tank?
If response is positive, how many and how often do you dose them?
2)wich is the real outflow of water passing through the recirculating reactor?


To my mind bacteria are essential in this method , just as in zeovit. I add 30ml from each bottle once or twice per week, above all after water change.
About 500L/h

Congratulation's Krzysztof

I have been following your progress on You Tube, super Video's thank you for sharing your progress

a couple of questions if I may

The Bio Mate 123, do you dose as the instructions, or vary the amount depending on the Po4 + No3 readings

Do you also use Activated Carbon ?

Fauna Marin Colours, how do you decide what and when to add, or is this a constant additive

thank you


Thank you, Gary. I don't use KZ Bio Mate but bacteria Biogro 123 from DVH in the Netherlands.

Yes, passive use of Fauna Marin Ultra Carb L.
Rather constant additive, but when algae cover glass too fast I stop adding microelements for some time. I consider look of the corals and live rocks as well. If you observe your tank day after day you can see what I'm writing about.

One question, you use kalkwasser in water replacement.

I am an admirer of your work and congratulations my friend. Beautiful videos of sps.

Sorry for English
Best regards,


Thank you, Claudio.
Never. I used kalkwasser only with a calcreactor years ago.
Sorry for my English too :-)

Hi krzystof ,

What is your current 10 tube t5 combination for your pacific sun diuna ??

Thanks (: !

Fauna Marin Ultra Royal Blue
Pacific Sun Shallow Water
Pacific Sun Spectra+
PS Crystal Blue
PS Pigment Int
PS Shallow Water
PS Crystal Blue
PS Spectra+
PS Shallow Water
FM Ultra Royal Blue

Hi Krzysztof, do you use Ultra MARIN COLORS? Which dose for your tank?

My favourite tank Krzystof, you know :thumbsup:

Can I ask why have you decided to go bare-bottom?
have you noted an improvement of the tank after that?

Thanks, Alessandro. I removed old deep sand and it's bb now. But I haven't decided yet whether to add new sand or not. It's easier to clean for sure. My corals both with db and with bb look the same, I can't see any improvement or deterioration.

Do you still use the same skimmer (BK Double Cone 200?)?
What is the volume of water circulating in your system sump-tank?

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My recent movie

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