Home Reef Videos..?

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Now that's a cool idea! How will the trap door close? Do I have to wait for the rest of the video, or can you tell me now? Need something like that for myself soon and would to get the fish used to it asap :)
The door is like a guillotine. I have it connected to fishing line, and wait across the room for the fish to enter. Once it does, I loosen the tension on the line by giving a little bit, and the door drops downwards. I used about 20' of line so that I can be far away, but the Hippos seem to know what I'm trying to do. They have been hiding since I put the Tucker Trapper in the tank. Guilty consciences, I surmise.
melev said:
Here's a brief video - 3 megs - <a href="http://www.sparklingfloorservice.com/melevsreef/video/tucker_trapper.wmv">Part 1</a>

:lol: Very funny Marc... I can't wait to see Part II.. Clever idea...course it came from you so need I say more... It would be nice to add a "real" alarm to it so you would not have to be looking at it all the time... But I guess you would have to make the trap longer so the fish would have to be further in it .... But it's still a really cool device... How soon before you go to market..??

No marketing. This is just my own. I thought about making it differently to allow others to borrow it locally, but decided it is mine for my own use. It is rather large, but so are the tangs. The trap holds almost 2g of water. :lol:

Spock has been hanging out in it today. The Hippos are still hiding. Think they saw the Acme plans on the drafting table? ;)
I bought one to get some things out recently, the trap door concept. I had a probably getting it to work right, so submerged for a few days, added food at feeding time, got them used to it, and would just stick my hand over the entry when the right one entered. Gee, come to realize I could just use a large glass vase after all that money! The intent of the trap door is obviously that you don't have to put your hands in the water, nor hover too close and scare them away. Marc, the video is so funny!! I do hope to see how you get the door to close.
OK Bob, I finally got my Hi-Res Video up as I'm setting up my website.
Here's 2 versions, one is 20 megs and the other is 120 megs. In my opinion the 120 megs is worth the wait, the quality is much much much better. Just click download and surf the forums until it's done.
This is still the old video but I will have a newer one hopefully soon.



If you right click and save to disk you can download it and watch it when it is done.
GregM779 said:
OK Bob, I finally got my Hi-Res Video up as I'm setting up my website.
Here's 2 versions, one is 20 megs and the other is 120 megs. In my opinion the 120 megs is worth the wait, the quality is much much much better. Just click download and surf the forums until it's done.
This is still the old video but I will have a newer one hopefully soon.



If you right click and save to disk you can download it and watch it when it is done.

Thanks alot Greg..... Very nice looking tank but not of how it looks today right..??? I know you've added and subtracted some things since this one was taken.... Only took about 5 mins for the Hi-Res ver. to download and well worth the wait....

Thanks again for sharring your amazing tank with all of us...

The Hippos are just too destructive for my corals, and they splash my lights virtually daily.

You can catch a crab by leaning a glass or jar at a 45 degree angle, and place something meaty in there. The crab will crawl in to get the food, but can't crawl back out.
Nice nice tank Greg..really gorgeous. Is that an elegance coral in there? Great job on the video.

Marc, do your crabs ever poke around the opening of the trap and realize it's not rock and don't go in? We had two like that, so had to resort to other means to get them out.
I've never had to trap a crab, so I was merely reporting what I know others do. What did you do?
Awesome Video GregM779, I just loved it and waited to get a view of the Hi-Res, it was just great with your beautiful tank.

I am going to make a cool video this coming Friday with my new Premiere Elements, I hope it turns out good.
RRodrigues said:
Nice tank Greg!!! Did you frag your Blastomussa? How?

Thanks, I wouldn't reccomend fragging blastos, I've done it a few times succesfully but it's very risky.

rjwilson37 said:
Awesome Video GregM779, I just loved it and waited to get a view of the Hi-Res, it was just great with your beautiful tank.

I am going to make a cool video this coming Friday with my new Premiere Elements, I hope it turns out good.

Thanks, I'm hoping to have some new videos soon, a family member borrowed the video camera after they had a baby and have had it forever.
I'll check yours out when you post it.
:celeb3: :celeb3: HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY :celeb3: :celeb3:

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and I'd like to ( again ) thank everyone for making this thread one of the best ( if not "THE" best ) stop on RC.... We're continuing to get better with new folks joining in and sharing their tanks with us... Our "older" folks are still contributing too and I'm glad that this thread is not showing any sighns of slowing down.....


I've been collecting clips of various creatures in my reef during the night using red lighting and night-vision on my digital camcorder..

Here's a compilation:
Low Quality (320x240) - 5 MB
Medium Quality (640x480) - 12 MB

I've still gotta make a DIVX high quality version....

You may have to turn up the brightness on your monitor to make it a bit easier to see; some of it's a bit dark. I need to get a REAL video editing program as MS Movie Maker doesn't quite have the color adjustment capabilities I'd like...

tgunn said:
I've been collecting clips of various creatures in my reef during the night using red lighting and night-vision on my digital camcorder..

Here's a compilation:
Low Quality (320x240) - 5 MB
Medium Quality (640x480) - 12 MB

I've still gotta make a DIVX high quality version....

You may have to turn up the brightness on your monitor to make it a bit easier to see; some of it's a bit dark. I need to get a REAL video editing program as MS Movie Maker doesn't quite have the color adjustment capabilities I'd like...


Nice video Tyler... I did not have to adjust anything to watch it.... I expecially liked the knuckle hermit... nice close up.... Are those standard "red" lights like the blue moonlights that you're using?? And one more question..... Did it not work out using bluelights..??

I'd like to see a daytime vid of your tank also....:)

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