Home Reef Videos..?

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I'm try to upload my movie. Anyone can help me?

okay, I think I got it. Not much of a reef yet. This is my first time so be easy on me. I was acclimating a shrimp and a fish and the pump are off, that all the unusual stuff you see. I'll shot a better picture later since I know how it's done now.
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heres a couple minutes of my false perc. hangin in his ritteri. I had just been messing around in the sump so there is some debri flyin around.
We CAUGHT HIM, CAUGHT HIM, CAPTURED his little fanny. You don't know the relief, the burden lifted, the euphoria I feel that my tank can now be saved!!!! I have vido I shot of all the extremes gone to. He's in a 20gal hex tank with some LR. Am so curious how much bigger he'll get. You'll see on the video Beverly what it is, I have no clue. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys, don't EVER be fulled by a cute little baby hitchiker crab. They AIN'T cute as they grow and start tearing the precious LR and corraline and pods!!!

Others with new videos, can't wait to watch, will do so tonight.
He's a beauty? Nobody is picking on the newbie in there? Aren't they also called Drum fish, or is that different, do you know?

Nice going..
avansickle said:
He's a beauty? Nobody is picking on the newbie in there? Aren't they also called Drum fish, or is that different, do you know?

Nice going..

I put him in yesterday and the sailfin harassed him a little but all is well today.
I've never heard of it being called a drum fish so I googled it and all I found was an ugly freshwater fish.

Still looking for your bad boy crab vid :)


Poor MI, looks a little thin :( What kind of food in the blue dish? Everybody looks very interested in what's in there. Very nice tank :)
GregM779 said:

Hey Greg.... Nice "short" video's of the MI.... When might we expect a longer video showing your whole system...??? I've been following your thread on the calcium reactor... nice setup... I'm no where near needing one of those systems yet... But I'd love to see how everything is doing after your "excitement" with the storm and all....

Beverly said:

Poor MI, looks a little thin :( What kind of food in the blue dish? Everybody looks very interested in what's in there. Very nice tank :)

He's a little thin as I just put him in last night, he's eating well so he'll be another fat fish in the tank shortly. The ramikin in there is for the spectrum pellets that he eats, the other fish don't mind it either.

fishman805 said:
Hey Greg.... Nice "short" video's of the MI.... When might we expect a longer video showing your whole system...??? I've been following your thread on the calcium reactor... nice setup... I'm no where near needing one of those systems yet... But I'd love to see how everything is doing after your "excitement" with the storm and all....


They borrowed my camcorder again, it's hard to say no when they have a new born. I took these short videos with my digital camera but I will try and get the camcorder back soon.
New Vid

New Vid

howdy! been awhile since I posted a vid.

made this one for my custom 2.5g surge pico. Made it for a 2.5g pico contest over on nano-reef.com.

I designed the tank to handle a Carlson Surge Device and a set of T5's. Anyway, here's the vid (lots of TLC went into this one):

2.5g Mantis Pico (Right Click + Save Link As...)
Wow, what a video. Thanks for sharing that one. That is a nice setup for a fish-eating shrimp. :D
Cool thread.... here's a video of mine I took almost a year ago. It looked MUCH better about 6 months after this video, but I don't have one from then. Unfortunately I tore the tank down and sold everything early last summer, but a new starphire cube tank (about 65 gallons) is sitting here waiting for me to build it a stand and canopy.

Tigahboy, I'm at awe at the video, the soundtrack chosen and an amazingly well thought out system. Just on a level of it's own.
BRISK495 said:
Hey mike01...tank looked great....what was your lighting on that tank?

Thanks - it was a 90 gallon with two 250 watt AB10K SE bulbs, spider reflectors, run off Icecap ballasts, and two URI VHO actinic bulbs run off of an Icecap 660. It was acutally a bit yellow for my taste, I was planning on upgrading to Reefoptix III pendants with Giesemann 14K bulbs, but never got around to it before I tore it down.
Here's a brief video - 3 megs - <a href="http://www.sparklingfloorservice.com/melevsreef/video/tucker_trapper.wmv">Part 1</a>
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