Home Reef Videos..?

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PCIALF said:
Hi Everybody
I have been messing around with Videos of my tank on my reef website

Just did a Tank upgrade

Nice videos..but, your tank setup is gorgeous. I love the still shots, did you brighten up the corals a bit with an editor, or are they really those outstanding colors?

Also, how long have you had your blue gorgonia? Mine perished within a month, quite a loss!

Nice job..
I just hit the auto-correct button for color and that is close to the colors.
as far as the gorgonia it has since perished also what a shame it was a very nice piece

avansickle said:
Nice tank! You have some beautiful shrooms in there. Good going on the vids..

You said a mouthful ... You've got some nice corals in that tank... Liked the videos too... :D

Thanks! yeah those mushrooms have speaded like wildfire. The clowns live in them and have started laying eggs under them about once a month. the leathers and hammer have realy grown too.
Can anyone who has seen most of these video's recommend one or two that show and describe the equipment being used! I wish I had the Bandwidth to download all of these great videos, but my isp is slow :(
I really would like to see other people's Equipment and get new ideas for my own setup.
fishman805 said:
Got ya Bev.... Hey ... will the next one be "in-focus"..??:D


The GBTAs are in in the tank and in focus....
(320 x 240 pixels, 14.1 MB, 2:52 minutes)


Did a remake of the "World Is Not Enough". The beginning is different, but it ends the same. Can't get enough of that song, and to think I had to be told is was theme music to a James Bond movie. I must live under a rock :lol:
(640 x 480 pixels, 41.6 MB, 3:53 minutes)


avansickle said:
Peaceful, relaxing, colorful! Your corals all look so great. I'll have to tell you all what a monster crab has been doing to destroy my tank...too P.O'd to discuss it at the moment. So Beverly, the gorgeous LR colors you have, well, mine are 50% WHITE and STRIPPED by this devil in there! :mad2:


Are you sure it's a crab doing the damage? I have had all kinds of hitchhiker crabs, but none ever got at my corals. I haven't heard of crabs eating corals, but you have to remember that rock I live under :mixed: I'd be looking for nudis and/or those little red bugs.


Keep up the great work on the videos. Have seen so many since getting back to this thread that I can't get them all straight. Great work :cool:
Hey Beverly, I love the way you did that!!!! What movie is the music from? Will be nice to see more of the clones as they keep settling in.

I am so utterly obsessed over catching this huge crab somehow, I have no time to put new stuff together. He is completely decimating the live rock, and the pods in it. I have been to extremes in my methods and creativity with get the little (big) s**t with no luck yet.

Anyways guys..we're slowing down.. MORE MORE MORE!!!!

Music is from, of all things, the movie Titanic ;)

Am doing a 1 minute time lapse film of one of the clones today. Did a 2 hour time lapse movie last night, but it played in 3.5 sec, definitely too short for a real movie. Husband found some software to convert each movie frame into a .jpg file, so I can run the time lapse at any speed I want :cool: Don't know how long my battery will run or if I have enough space on the disc for a full day, but am going for it anyway. Just hope I have the focus right so I don't waste a day doing this. Ah, but there will be other days :rollface:

Can you describe the crab? Does it eat mysis or food items? Is it a red eyed crab?

Here is a trap that I have used to catch red eyed crabs. Secure plastic wrap around the top of the glass with an elastic, keeping a small portion open for the crab to get into. Partially fill the glass with tankwater, add some frozen mysis (or whatever), then wait until the mysis thaw and drop to the bottom. Slowly submerge the glass in the water taking care not to let any food escape the glass, though untrap any air that gets stuck under the plastic wrap. Prop up the glass against rock where you've seen the crab. Make sure the glass does not roll around or move in any way. Otherwise the crab will probably skip trying to get the food.

The glass and plastic wrap...


Glass propped up and secured in place in the tank. Oh, yeah, if you have shrimp, they may clean out the mysis before your crab can :mad2: This trap definitely works when there are no shrimp and when the crabs eat meaty foods...


If all else fails, you can also stab it with some sort of long, sharp instrument. We use the stabber shown between the syringe and the tweezers. Gotta be quick with and forceful using the stabber. Not recommended for the kind at heart :eek2:


Good luck catching your little bad guy :)
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