Home Reef Videos..?

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fishman805 said:
Nice video Tyler... I did not have to adjust anything to watch it.... I expecially liked the knuckle hermit... nice close up.... Are those standard "red" lights like the blue moonlights that you're using?? And one more question..... Did it not work out using bluelights..??

I'd like to see a daytime vid of your tank also....:)


Thanks Bob.

The blue nuckle sure has a lot of personality. He likes re-arranging things in the tank as he sees fit.

The blue moonlighting in the is too dim to get a really good shot of the tank. When I turn on the red night-lighting it is much brighter and things show up better. The other advantage is that the red lighting doesn't disturb the creatures and they exhibit their normal night time behaviour.

The green tinge stuff was done with the night-vision on my camera; it uses an infrared illuminator on the camera. I'm going to have to scour eBay for a nice big bag of infrared LEDs so I can make a nice big illuminator to use with my camera's night vision.

I'll have to make a daytime video of my tank. :) There's not a lot in my tank yet though, so probably wouldn't be all that much to see yet. Heh.

Tyler, yours looked good...I have thought about getting some red, but haven't yet. Are the large pvc elbows part of your plumbing/returns or something? I'm curious about those so definately want to see a day vid...nice job!
avansickle said:
Tyler, yours looked good...I have thought about getting some red, but haven't yet. Are the large pvc elbows part of your plumbing/returns or something? I'm curious about those so definately want to see a day vid...nice job!

Thanks. The red really makes it easier to view things at night. The worms don't run away and hide, etc...

The large PVC elbows are closed loop returns in my setup. Not the nicest to look at yet; waiting for coraline to cover them and also need to get some more small plate-like rocks to cover.

Thanks, actually it's a four-line wrasse, not much difference between the six-line but four-line colors are more vibrant.
How long have you had them? My wonderful little Talbot Damsels, some of the most benign type you can have, started turning on each other after 9-10 months, in a very aggressive way. Maybe that is common for some types went they have tolerated each other long enough. Hope yours fare better!! I would love to get some, but hear too many mixed stories.
You have to get a good mix. one male and others female. I have one male and two female. Royal Gramma live in Harems in the wild which is several females and one male.
Well, I'm really trying to find smaller schooling fish of interest these days. The wrasse, 2 pygmy angels, and brute damsel have gone back to stores, so these videos are before they all left..I've found some interesting cardinals I hadn't seen before, still deciding on those; maybe at some point I'll see about the grammas.

Here are 2 new ones...quality continues to plague me a bit, and the water clarity and glass cleanliness is not up to par! And, I'm 'stuck' on old-timer music (I have to broaden my horizons!!)

First on here, my little beloved twin-spot goby is featured. He is TINY, I don't think even an inch, and like a little hover-craft. He went from my puffer tank into my seahorse tank recently. Very hard to film sometimes..Also, my chromis, my littlest one, loves to swim for hours in the tunze 'jet streams', so mesmerizing to watch him.

Walk on Water - Neil Diamond - Featuring my Twin Spot Goby

Second one, I love the song, and envisioned my 210gal as a bustling city with trials and tribulations. I moved my jawfish out of the 65 seahorse tank to the 210, and his arguments with the damsels have ended now that are shown in the video. He is a HOOT to watch in the big tank with thicker sand-bed now. Also, you'll see the frenzied pile of hermits/nassarius/conchs and such..well, poor little hermit hit his demise in the midst, and that is what the cleaner shrimp is chowing on.

In the City - The Eagles - 210gal
We (at least I) can't view the video without logging in, Croman. Can you repost the contents here instead?
Well, since we can't see it, I can't tell what you are trying to post. Did you upload the video to some internet site? If so, you can just post the URL to the actual video file in this thread, instead of linking us to your post on another message board.
avansickle said:

First on here, my little beloved twin-spot goby is featured. He is TINY, I don't think even an inch, and like a little hover-craft. He went from my puffer tank into my seahorse tank recently. Very hard to film sometimes..Also, my chromis, my littlest one, loves to swim for hours in the tunze 'jet streams', so mesmerizing to watch him.

Walk on Water - Neil Diamond - Featuring my Twin Spot Goby

Second one, I love the song, and envisioned my 210gal as a bustling city with trials and tribulations. I moved my jawfish out of the 65 seahorse tank to the 210, and his arguments with the damsels have ended now that are shown in the video. He is a HOOT to watch in the big tank with thicker sand-bed now. Also, you'll see the frenzied pile of hermits/nassarius/conchs and such..well, poor little hermit hit his demise in the midst, and that is what the cleaner shrimp is chowing on.

In the City - The Eagles - 210gal

Great videos Amy..... I liked the Twin Spot in the first one he swims like he's got purpose.... And the second one where the damsel swam "into" the Tunze ( had to have been turned off...lol ) all I could think of there was if that pump goes back on he'd be shot out like a cannonball...:lol:

I also like the "older" music choices you don't have to broaden any horizons there IMO....

melev said:
Well, since we can't see it, I can't tell what you are trying to post. Did you upload the video to some internet site? If so, you can just post the URL to the actual video file in this thread, instead of linking us to your post on another message board.

I apologize for my lack of expertise. Here a link to the video I tried to send earlier.


fishman805 said:

I also like the "older" music choices you don't have to broaden any horizons there IMO....


Thanks Bob..here's one more then!! These are from my first ever tank, 14g 'reef in a can' tank. The zoas and xenia's never made it through the tank upgrades I kept doing throughout this year..huge bummer. And the silly little hermit crab!! Cracked me up when I first had them (now they're just mean little (big) guys to each other).

The tiny bleached anemone was new at the time, and has become a huge, flourishing beauty.

Give a Little Bit - Super Tramp, 14gal First Tank
Croman said:
Here is a maxijet mod that I got from Melev. Thanks Melev for making this hobby easier for the rest of us. I made a video similar to yours. I hope you all enjoy it.


Marc, is this mod easier to do then the one in the HUGE thread started by Wayne (don't remember his ID)...that one seemed a bit complicated. I'll have to check your thread to see how this one was done exactly.

Nice vid Croman.
Yes, this mod takes 10 minutes tops. You can find it buried in my Personal Log within the last 60 days.

<b>Croman</b>, I'm a little concerned how you have it set up. The water comes out the side after all, not the round hole. I keep the intake screen on the hole to keep livestock from being sucked in. What worries me is that the water could possibly shoot out the front of your tank with the powerhead aligned like that. You didn't want horizontal flow?

I know by now you've tested, tested, and re-tested and probably already know it will be fine, but for anyone else looking at that configuration, they could end up with a face full of water.
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