Home Reef Videos..?

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6405188#post6405188 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishman805
Thanks for the link..... To bad I can't read Swiss or I could make heads or tails out of your web site....:confused: :lol:


When I go to his website using Microsoft Internet Explorer, I can right click on his pages and there is a menu choice to Translate This Page to English. I'm not sure if MS Internet Explorer is providing me that capability or the fact that I use the Google Toolbar. It looks like Google is involved. You might give it a try. It is a less than perfect translation, but it tries :D.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6406151#post6406151 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishman805
I'll give it a try.. thanks Cherie..:thumbsup:


It worked.... You can navigate the site much better... Thanks again...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6403792#post6403792 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
That is cool, how did you go about setting that up to work as it does ??
thanks. it's basically a carlson surge device. Have a tank set-up w/ a drain and when the water level reaches a certain height, the pressure on the drain plumbing causes a siphon to form. That causes the surge below. Then the above tank has to refill again before it surges again.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6405745#post6405745 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rjwilson37
Here is the full tank video with emphasis on my Dori.


I finally figured out what it is about your tank that I like so much! It is like a lovely spring rock garden (like I have outside my office door here). How long have you had the monti's? What size were they originally? (do you ever frag them??) Real nice vid.

Tigahboy - wow, you are the master of those little things..totally cool. Iwan, beautiful tank!!
Thanks avansickle, I have had thos monti's from the size of a half dollar and they have been fragged many times. I am fragging some tomorrow to take to my reef club meeting, trade for some other stuff I may like.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6439156#post6439156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by danonano
I've been experimenting with video of my tank.

Here's one of my pregnant cleaner shrimp.
The latest version of Quicktime (ver 7) is needed to watch this. I'm on a Mac so want to make sure windows folks can watch it.

Keep experimenting...!! Very nice video ... :thumbsup:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6469444#post6469444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Beverly
New video for the new fish in our 120g soft coral reef, a Fisher's Dwarf Angel....
(320 x 240 pixels, 20.2 MB, 4:20 minutes)


Very nice video Beverly... Very relaxing music ( I'm going to fetch some of it from the internet )... Those are either some very small fish ( the angel and the butterfly ) or some huge chromis....( lol )... What was it that you were feeding them on the piece of LR..?? Did any of the fish eat it..?? The angel looked intrigued but never nipped it....

I'm wanting to get a dwarf angel for my 37gal that's got softies in it so I'm thinking that you find yours ok for a reef..??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6470156#post6470156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishman805
Very nice video Beverly... Very relaxing music ( I'm going to fetch some of it from the internet )... Those are either some very small fish ( the angel and the butterfly ) or some huge chromis....( lol )... What was it that you were feeding them on the piece of LR..?? Did any of the fish eat it..?? The angel looked intrigued but never nipped it....

I'm wanting to get a dwarf angel for my 37gal that's got softies in it so I'm thinking that you find yours ok for a reef..??

Thanks, Bob :cool:

The chromis are large, and appear even larger because they hug the front glass for most of their appearances in the video. The butterfly is about the same length as the chromis, but is still a very small, young fish. It will grow to 5" or so. The angel is the largest of the fish, but appears smaller because it stays a few inches away from the front glass, where the food is.

The food, BTW, is half of a scallop that has been scored with a sharp knife then attached to the rock with onion bag-type of mesh held on by an elastic. It gets put into the tank before morning feeding and is removed before lights out. The angel does eat it, but I'd moved the rock from its usual place before setting up the camera to take an 50 minute long video. I guess the camera in the way plus moving the food threw the angel off. I was hoping the butterfly would take the cue from the angel and start eating the scallop, but so far, that has not happened. Dang :(

Most dwarf angels grow to about 4"-5" and need lots of swimming room. I don't think I'd put one in a 37g because it will be too small for the angel in no time. I'd suggest at least a 75g for a dwarf angel. Mine's in a 4' 120g.

Also, dwarf angels eat all kinds of corals in reefs. I've had friends find new homes for their angels that ate zoos, a brain and other lps corals. My butterfly eats the tentacles off button polyps, some mushrooms and soft macroalgae, plus PE mysis twice a day.

The only corals I have in my 120g with the butterfly and dwarf angel are a couple of kinds of mushrooms, tons of green and brown star polyps, a few button polyps and various macroalgae. All in all, sounds like a boring tank, but the colours of the corals/macroalgae and aquascaping make it look better than it sounds :)

Hope that answers your questions :)
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