Home Reef Videos..?

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6469444#post6469444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Beverly
New video for the new fish in our 120g soft coral reef, a Fisher's Dwarf Angel....
(320 x 240 pixels, 20.2 MB, 4:20 minutes)


Glad I posted this video to the Reef Fishes Forum. Someone there IDed my angel as a Rusty Angel. Had to update the file name as well as some of the video's titles, but the bulk of the video remains as is ....

Well thanks for the info Beverly.... I've checked several sites on the dwarf angels and some say min. tank size of 30gals while another would say 40gals.... Also some say ( like Saltwaterfish.com ), that they are ok in a reef while another site says they may "nip" on clam mantles and some LPS/SPS polyps... I'm pretty safe there so for good or ill, I've purchased a by-color angel to go into the 37gal. ( I'm perhaps being a rebble here ) The only other fish that will inhabit the tank is a six-line wrasse...

The tank has very stable perameters and I'll suppliment it's diet with nori and will try your approach by putting in some scallop meat to pick on during the day.....

Wish me luck and I'll post a video once they're in they're new home....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6517569#post6517569 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BRISK495
"I'm about to......break"

........... shut up....!!!! ... ( I already broke )......:p Life "is" wonderful RJ... Thanks for the video... Very nice tank

Thanks Everyone, now Shut Up!!!.... Break!!!...

Just kidding, thanks for the compliments! Dori even looks like she is having a small spasm during the 2nd video clip which kinda goes along with the music.
here is my tank.

<a href='http://media.putfile.com/100_0469' target='_blank'>Click here to watch '100_0469'</a>

it would be cool if you guys told me any suggestions.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6538019#post6538019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by seakwon
here is my tank.

<a href='http://media.putfile.com/100_0469' target='_blank'>Click here to watch '100_0469'</a>

it would be cool if you guys told me any suggestions.

More focused ( looked fuzzy to me ) and perhaps some music..??

From what I could see, it looked pretty good...:)

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