Home Reef Videos..?

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clkwrk, your tank looks great! Thanks for the video. How long have you had this tank running, and how old is that beautiful table acro on the left side of your tank?
Thanks Marc !Glad you enjoyed.

The tank has been setup for a little over a year now and the table was a wild piece that has kept 100% tissue from day 1which I have had it for close to 9 months . I love it . When I got it , it was 4 inches wide it is now 8 .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6726832#post6726832 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clkwrk
Thanks Marc !Glad you enjoyed.

The tank has been setup for a little over a year now and the table was a wild piece that has kept 100% tissue from day 1which I have had it for close to 9 months . I love it . When I got it , it was 4 inches wide it is now 8 .

Wow, it looks larger than that. There are several nice pieces in your tank, but I've got a passion for table acros. I have one twig that is growing right now, and I hope it will one day look like a table.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6747668#post6747668 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by The Gnome
I found a pretty sweet video of a blue ring octopus in captivity. This guy must have been insane in the membrane, but it takes all types I guess ... :p


check it out !

I'd first like to welcome you to the video thread ...... "WELCOME":)

Now for something else....

If you check the very first page on this thread you are going to see all of the great videos that we've gotten collected and cataloged to date..... I'm pretty sure you're going to see the Blue ring video in that collection..... The fella that put it there's name is "corpsman" .... His website is fullauto.com ( he's a gun nut like me )....

Don't take offense .. I'm glad that your here checking it out.... But I would highly recommend that you check out all the videos that are in the collection.... You'll go through several bags of popcorn I garone-tee......;)

Hey guys! Been restocking my smaller tanks and get this new guy for my 75gal. This is what I posted in another thread to ID him, can you all figure out what it is maybe? I absulutely can't get him in better position to film yet, so very brief flick.

He is about 2-3". A very prominent reddish/pink throat, red body speckled with white. His ventral fins are slender white with black stripes. He has cirri, haven't counted number yet, on head and above eyes. The pecs are kind of translucent, look feathery, with red stripes, but massive amounts of red/pink dots closer to the body. He is 'bulky', not slender like a lawnmower or other. A very very beautiful little guy.

Shy but eats frozen PE and picks at the rocks.

My LFS doesn't usually have stuff that they don't know what it is, so we're all curious.

Red Throated Blenny ID??
So what do you guys think??? I am trying to get a 1080i version online right now. I think I will be the first to post in HD

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6774242#post6774242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
So what do you guys think??? I am trying to get a 1080i version online right now. I think I will be the first to post in HD


Sorry I did not get back to you until now....... Your tank is fantastic looking but the video is blurry ( out of your control I'm sure ) ..... What are you using to take the videos? Also, if the file is not too large, I can host it for you.... Just attach it to an email to me..... And again:


To the Reef Video Thread....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6774242#post6774242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
So what do you guys think??? I am trying to get a 1080i version online right now. I think I will be the first to post in HD


What are you going to use that can capture at that resolution?

To keep the subjects in my videos in focus, I render them in 320 x 240 pixel format.

BTW, just finished a rather easy paced video of the xenia, and of course the fish, in our 120g ....

Xenia February 2006
(320 x 240 pixels, 21.3 MB, 4:34 minutes)
A Sony HDV camcorder. Also I really cant see rendering in 320x280 Being a pro video guy I feel like I am cheating myself out of resolution. Trying to get a Mpeg2 stream to work.

Also the 1080i version is way to large to post on my 2 gig Box account. I am going to try to play with the video today to see what I can do.


BTW thanks everyone
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6777447#post6777447 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
A Sony HDV camcorder. Also I really cant see rendering in 320x280 Being a pro video guy I feel like I am cheating myself out of resolution. Trying to get a Mpeg2 stream to work.

If you want hi-res with clarity and a resonable download size you'll have to use a Divx encoder. Some people may complain about it but it is worth the effort.
The second post that i made with the video was encoded via Mpeg4 which is the Divx codec. IMO the only way to encode is with Windows Media 9ap. Really good quality as i will illustrate

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