Home Reef Videos..?

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Re: HD Video

Re: HD Video

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6818951#post6818951 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
I am working on post the video in a codec that everyone can view. The Cineform decoder that I normally use is not free to download so I need to find a good compression codec to use. This is kind of new territory for me I have never tried to prepare HD video for web distribution. I am working on it however. H.263 is what I am trying right now. Probably going to need a powerful machine to view it though.


Yup I second that get that video posted.
Re: HD Video

Re: HD Video

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6818951#post6818951 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
I am working on post the video in a codec that everyone can view. The Cineform decoder that I normally use is not free to download so I need to find a good compression codec to use. This is kind of new territory for me I have never tried to prepare HD video for web distribution. I am working on it however. H.263 is what I am trying right now. Probably going to need a powerful machine to view it though.


I would use x264 it is a free version of h264, you can get tiny file sizes and high def picture, and video that is viewable in quicktime with no codecs required.

Thanks I will try that I keep getting a compiler error with the H.263 in Quicktime. For some strange reason I am having a compiling issue with HD lately. I think its this Cineform Codec that Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 runs on. For some reason when you have DV elements in the project the compiler gets screwed up.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6831610#post6831610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bosborn1
Thanks I will try that I keep getting a compiler error with the H.263 in Quicktime. For some strange reason I am having a compiling issue with HD lately. I think its this Cineform Codec that Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 runs on. For some reason when you have DV elements in the project the compiler gets screwed up.


I use staxrip to do all of my converting it is a good little program.
SunnyX, your tank does look great. Look at all those tangs! Nice SPS too, and talk about nice clean sand...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6842230#post6842230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Well heres my contribution, hope you enjoy it-
(Quicktime required to view video)
Click Here

It's about time we got one from you!! I so love your tank..next one, do slow so we can savor all the details!! The video quality is absolutely excellent too. Good going..
New pony video here...I'm completely bumming with this computer I'm having to use these days. The firewire and usb ports both cause hang-ups during transfer, and thus the rendered videos are showing those delays. I'm not even taking time for producing better quality (lazy!).

BUT...this is a fun one. Shows toward the end the actual egg transfer, and, the eggs once transferred, hanging from the pouch. The contractions the male does to get them fully settled inside got cut short because the film ran out.

This is a great song, imo, but the one I really want to use, I have to get the recorded version, not the live version I have right now. I'm going to repost when I have that set, because I think you guys will get a kick out of it (oldie but GOODIE!).

Seahorses Mating and Egg Transfer (Time and Tide, Basia)
Oh, Amy! That was spectacular footage :cool:

You caught most of the action with great detail. Very well put together :cool:
Thanks guys..I've been lurking, just not doing much lately though. Bob, I like your new avatar! I was playing around with some new ones but haven't settled yet, I still like my 'buddha mantis' one.

Okay, this one is HUGE..sorry. I've been working with different compressions all night, and I'm going to have to start loading new utilities again (I'm still recovering from my crash and burn'd computer months ago). It will probably buffer over and over if you don't download it, but, see how it goes I guess. (57mb)

Most of this is the last few days of my big 'ol tank, but some clips were from ealier. Luckily, the tank and darlings have a great new home. Oh, and the lyrics have nothing to do with the video this time..

Tribute to 'The 210' (Breathe (2 am) - Anna Nalick)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6867862#post6867862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by avansickle
It's about time we got one from you!! I so love your tank..next one, do slow so we can savor all the details!! The video quality is absolutely excellent too. Good going..

Thank you very much!!!

Video turned out pretty good for being made with a Digi cam.
Hey Amy, do you know a reason why Windows Media Player won't play your last two videos? I've never had a problem in the past. It's something with my player, not sure what. =)
Anthony, I don't know..I don't think anything is different in them then before.

Anyone else having trouble??

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