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Cool.Their funny like that .....I no longer have substrate but she will still move things if they get too close to her anemone. But at least now she doesn't think the whole tank is hers and she can move any coral.

I remember getting so fustrated @ times I just wanted to get rid of her but its hard to let go of a 8 year old fish thats been around before I ever even had corals. I just let go of my 7 year old bicolor angel as in these last few years she has taken a liking to all polyps no matter what type.
It's actually funny when she tears out a bunch of grape caulerpa and spits it at me. Like she is showing me who's boss! :lol:
Yes, one of the moderators continues to append new videos to that list as they are posted in this thread.
Maybe I have to much flow, lol. I have a 9.5 for the return, 2 maxijet 1200's on a wave timer, and a sieo 620 for added flow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7675005#post7675005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Eel-byte
A quick video of my tank, nothing to fancy. 42mb in size. Tank is about 1 1/2yrs old.

Really pretty tank, I think the flow seems good, and if everything is doing okay, probably no need to change it.

The stories of the maroons cracked me up guys! My LFS said I'd regret getting any because of the frustration with what they'd do, so in the end I'm glad I didn't, even though they'd probably crack me up a lot.
Basket Stars

Basket Stars

Here is one of the tank of our club President, who has been keeping basket stars for quite a while, as hard as they are. Two of them 'came together' for a couple days, which he hadn't seen happen before, so I went to shoot them. They aren't fanned out, which is when the amazing beauty of them can be seen, but coiling around each other non-the-less is pretty awesome. We didn't know if this could be some sort of mating occurrence, so maybe someone else can chime in.

BTW, WHERE has BOB gone!?!?!???! :confused:

Basket Stars
Amy, great video. Seeing that golden eel reminds me of the one I lost a few months ago. :( Very interesting. What is your president doing to keep the starfish alive and well?
Marc, he basically target feeds them PE and other things in huge quantities at night, and has a ton mated fish and planktonic load throughout all his plumbed systems so somehow he's been successful with the 4 of them - AND - his water quality stays great along with all the SPS in it. I don't know if you caught the glimpse of the blue ribbon eel or not too, that thing is cool.

I'd like to get more video late at night when they're fanned out after the lights are out, that is a beauty to behold!!
Great video, Chris. I like how you gave us a tour of the individual corals.

Cyano - use ChemiClean
Flatworms - use a Flatworm Vacuum to siphon out as many as you can.

And keep up the good work. That efflo is awesome!
Cyano seems to finally be gone, and I've been using your awesome Flatworm Vaccume siphon method for a while now. That giant efflo was only $60!

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