Home Reef Videos..?

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Here is a video from today, about a minute long. (16mb)


melev said:
Tyler, great video. Thanks for the tour. Having a basement sure is ideal. You mentioned the ballvalve to your Sequence 1000 being closed 40%, but it looked 100% closed to me.

No problem. :) Having the basement is definitely helpful. I still need to finish the rest of the basement though. :lol: Fish room came first.

Oops. Yeah, there's a bit of an optical illustion. The 100% closed ball valve is the branch that was suppsoed to go to the skimmer; it's the cut pipe in the shot. :) The other one is directly behind the 100% closed one.

fishman805 said:
WOW.... :eek1: ... Very nice tgunn.... I can definately see the research that you put into your system.... I wish that I had a basement too .. It sure would have made things "cleaner" for me.... That's a huge skimmer for a 140gal... mines a baby compared to yours.... I got a little confused looking at the return you've got on the 1000.. Looks 100% closed to me as well.... But all that aside, you've got one heck of a setup:thumbsup:
Well done


Thanks Bob! Yes, there was a lot of research; some mistakes made, some things worked perfectly. I love having the space in the basement for all this stuff. I almost am running out of space as it is though. :lol: Who'd had thought..

Yes, the skimmer is definitely oversized; but it was on sale at the LFS for the same price as a smaller one; I couldn't pass that up!! :) Besides, I have a roughly 600 square foot room on the other side of the basement that will eventually be made into a rec-room with my home theater setup; and that would be a really nice spot for an even bigger tank! :lol:

Heh, okay, here's a better shot of the ball valves:

The one pointing to the left with the cut pipe was for the skimmer; didn't work out well. Good outlet for a chiller or frag tank. :)

The one going to the right is the return line. It's really awkward to access because as I was twisting in the pipe stub with the valve the cement solidified as it was in the spot it is; kinda too late to fix at that point. :lol:

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my lionfish video, but I'll give it a shot!

Lionfish with bad manners

It gets funny right after I stick my finger in the tank.

(P.S. If anyone can recommend a free video editor for cutting and splicing that doesn't leave watermarks, pleeeeease let me know. Thanks a bunch!)

Beverly said:

Okay, found a tune I couldn't resist making a video from. Called "The World is Not Enough", 640 x 480 pixels, 41.6 MB, 3:53 minutes....


Peaceful, relaxing, colorful! Your corals all look so great. I'll have to tell you all what a monster crab has been doing to destroy my tank...too P.O'd to discuss it at the moment. So Beverly, the gorgeous LR colors you have, well, mine are 50% WHITE and STRIPPED by this devil in there! :mad2:
stellablu said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my lionfish video, but I'll give it a shot!

Lionfish with bad manners

It gets funny right after I stick my finger in the tank.

(P.S. If anyone can recommend a free video editor for cutting and splicing that doesn't leave watermarks, pleeeeease let me know. Thanks a bunch!)


Haha, I guess you ticked him off a bit! Do more so we can see more of the tank and critters. It looks nice from this first one. Have you tried Windows Movie Maker, it's bundled with XP. Easiest one there is if you don't want to get too complex.
Kimber, that is really cute. I'd love to get a Dwarf Lionfish one day. Did he squirt you? Did he get a treat after <i>performing</i> on camera? :D
Avan - I have it on my computer and didn't even know it...hahah thanks! I'll give it a try! :) I'll post more video for sure, especially now.

Melev - I have to say he is one of my favorite fish and would highly recommend anyone with the space and time to get one. The funny thing was, I only recorded him to get a shot of him coming up to the top...catching him spitting at me was a bonus!!! He did aim for me and got me good! He saw his cup of krill and silversides waiting for him and got a nice belly full after his comedic performance! :)
Krill and Silversides. That sounds way too easy. I thought they needed live food, so they could go in "for the kill".
At first he was eating only live ghost shrimp, then I "starved" him for a few days and tried stick feeding him which he immediately took to...but because I lose feeding sticks all too often, I started handfeeding him which works just as well. By "handfeeding" I mean dropping each piece in one at a time while he chases it down...I don't wait for him to grab it from me. I'm not that crazy, heheh.

However, during Wilma he ate one of my clowns because he was without real food for five days when the power went out and my frozen went bad. I didn't want to dirty my water with flake so I made my fish fast...it was my mistake. These hurricanes put you in a silly state of mind, I tell ya. Otherwise, he's taken to frozen quite nicely.
AJP said:
Tour of my Reef 22mb so right click and save as

Nice tour! What I'm asking for for xmas this year is $$$ for the DJ power-thingy's. Did you order right from the manuf., or, are there other places to order? Can you tell me the cost you paid? I need a bunch in a serious way, and just haven't researched and priced out enough yet.

Man... What a difference a day makes.... Got waaaay behind in my video watching here so let's see:

rj.... I've always liked looking at your 90gal tank ... Looks like you've got quite a bio-load with all the fish and stuff but you're making it work... Very nice and clean.. well laid out too....

Kimber... You've got me wanting one of those lions for my 37gal. ( dwarf of course ) your's has alot of charactor... I like how it's got you trained to feed it ( LOL )

Adam... I'm looking to upgrade to a Coralife 220 for my 150gal tank ... I'm glad to see that you put that in there so I could check out how they're hooked up in the HOB config... I also like the music that you put to your videos...

thrlride.... Yep, we need some new stuff from ya.... ( course I need to do something too.... hehe )

Thanks for sharing guys....

hey bob as far as the coralife goes, for the price it is an awesome needlewheel skimmer. I paid $140 for the 125 version from big al's and love it. the skim in mine is about 4 hours of skim. I skim a little wet as I have been feeding more lately trying to find what the madarin likes.
avansickle said:
:( Amy = 3 wheel tricycle
:rollface: Rich = Ferrari


Really nice!! Your skimmer, in 3 days, with low bio-load, you get that much?? Are your running it wet or dry?

It was actually closer to 4 days. But still, it gunks up pretty quick. I feed a bit too much sometimes. The skimmer is running fairly dry and the sides mud up with thick toothpaste like gunk besides the dark brown liquid.
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