How do we get the world to recycle?

When I was little they drilled into our heads to reduce, reuse, recycle all the way through elementary school. I don't think it's made any difference in the behavior of people my age. As soon as you walk out of school and go home, the parents' habits take over.

with population increases, more recources are needed. recycling brings trash back into the resource chain.

I smell a troll...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13576001#post13576001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RicksReefs
I smell a troll...

A previous banee at that.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13793319#post13793319 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clamwhisperer
Elect ******

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I just finished reading this entire thread. Very informative i am happy to see that some people are taking action. I do agree that this should be moved in to a more local spot as so we are able to get more views and opinions and spread the word on helping ourselves. Im not big on recycling for i have been wrather ignorant of the subject so i have very little or no input but after reading this i dont see why i cant do my part and start recycling.

After this thread sparked my interest i type "how to recycle at home" in google.... Google is your friend!

I hillbilly paper recycle..... run paper through a shredder, wet, throw in compost heap. It would surprise you how fast redworms break it down. Food for the garden, bait for the fishin. I admittedly don't do all paper products in the house mostly school papers and research articles but thats quite a bit :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12966296#post12966296 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fittiger
What about working this in to schools. If you get the younger generations recycling they will carry it through their life. They also are likely to take this habit home persuading the rest of the family to recycle. This more of a long term plan than immediate, but it is an easier target audience.
My school recycles all plastics as well as paper, aluminum and styrofoam (no glass on campus to recycle).