Mmmmmm Goats !
Lewy, you showed me something I have never seen before in my life. I love you man ! ( In a brotherly way ) LOL Keep the pics coming !
I did not appreciate the significant of this from the very first post. Wild black & white A. ocellaris. I love to get my hand on those clowns like you. Thanks Lewy.......
But this is a juvenile Black & White Ocellaris hosting in it. We found two the same size. So the parents were not too far away.
Yeah we have all the nasties over here. The person who got taken was a collector over to the East of us.
Saltwater crocodiles and box jellyfish are the main ones to be wary of.
Do you have a B&W wild caught Ocellaris? i seem to remember reading it somewhere.
The blue sponge was definitely out of the water. Some orange ones as well.
No idea what the fluorescent blue thing was. Spectacular though.
Maybe Mr Sponge croaked it after the photo was taken?
Lewy, we want a day by day account for this sponges progress!
I'm sure you remember exactly where you took the photo :spin2:
Hard to remember where I took the photo. But there were several other sponges in the area.