thanksVery clean
Here's a special Linde system with the white knob. Linde is a gas company located in Germany.
a shot in front of my planted tank [emoji4]
how much are we talking about here, brand new, just like the one you just build.
Janes MW, if you don't mind where did you purchase the parts for your setup? I've looked on Ebay and found some but not all. Didn't know if you found a surplus site that you wouldn't mind sharing with others.
Are we allowed to post links on this site? I have a few links i can share with you guys. Remember these parts are industrial grade. They aren't cheap. However you still can build this system for less than $200. It depends on your luck. Some sellers doesnt know what they have and you can get it for a great deal. You've gotta have the patience and the willingness to hunt for the parts.
That is a sweet regulator! You have created a beast! You are super fast with the assembly. The good thing about building your own CO2 regulator is you get to know exactly how the system works. It will be a breeze if you need to fix something.