Does the direction of flow matter with the Burkett 6011 solenoid? I couldn't find an arrow on the solenoid or any info regarding flow direction on this thread.
That's a handsome unit-I especially like the sky high shot.
Is the regulator two stage?
I never thought about using a paintball tank. How big is it and how long do you think it would last?
I'm having issues getting a steady bubble count. I will get a bubble then a few seconds later 2 bubbles , then no bubbles for a few seconds and the cycle continues like that. I have my gauges set at 10 psi. I have a swagelok metering valve. Not sure which is bad, the metering valve or the regulator.
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I am having this same issue with sporadic bubble counts. I also have mine setup via my apex and programmed to turn the solenoid off when it reaches 7.1PH however even when the outlet is off bubbles still occasional get into the reactor and usually pushes the PH .1 lower than the Apex setpoint. Is this normal?
Do you have a check valve on your CO2 line? If so, how old is it? Inconsistent bubbles may be due to a faulty check valve.
Yes, I do have a check valve, the one that came with my GEO 624 Calcium reactor, 3 months old.
Shall I assume that if the check valve is working and the Burket Solenoid is working properly and in the off state that there should be no CO2 Gas entering the reactor?
What's the output pressure of your regulator? Also, what the breaking point of your check valve? If the output pressure of the regulator is close to the breaking point of the check valve, then you might get inconsistent bubbles as well.
When the solenoid closes, there is still gas in the line and still entering the reactor. For my Burkert, after the solenoid turns off, the bubble slow drastically and in about 15 - 20 seconds no bubbles at all.
Black is always negative and red is always positive.